I remember like it was yesterday. I was sitting in a tree minding my own business when a car crashed into the tree. It sure woke me up. I jumped down to see if the driver of the car was ok. When I looked inside the driver was dead but it didn't seem that the driver died from the crash. The driver had to marks right on there neck and they looked deadly pale .

I looked around looking for what did this to the driver." It couldn't be a vampire they don't exist." I said quietly to myself but froze as I felt a strong arm pull me into him. I wanted to scream for I didn't now who he was. "Let me go." I said in a low voice but he just tightened his hold and whispered in my ear. "Now, now Tiva don"t scream I won't hurt you yet.." he said and I felt his breath right against my neck and shivered.. "Who said I was going to scream. Wait how do you know my name and who are you?" I couldn't see what he looked like but I did no he was strong just from his hold. "I'll tell you soon enough my dear Tiva ." He said in a low yet teasing tone. He then ran a finger down my neck and smiled as he saw me flinch. He let go and looked at me. "Wait for me Tiva I shall come for you in two moons." "Wait but who are you." I said still frozen to the spot I stood. "I said I'll tell you when I come for you until then be good." That was the last thing he said before he disappeared. I walked away calmly well as calm as I could until I heard something behind me and broke into a run. I didn"t stop running until I got to my house and sat down inside on the couch.

If you haven't noticed my names Tiva. I'm 17 going on 18 in 2 days. My hair is shoulder length black with dark red streaks. I had blue eyes and wore blue jeans and a black sweatshirt. My parents had recently passed away. In a car accident that happened thanks to a drunk driver. My unborn Sibling died as well so I was alone. All I had left were my cats Fell and Midnight two of my favorites from my friends cats liter. I had no idea why that guy I saw that night knew my name. He wasn't there and then he suddenly appeared how is that possible . Plus what did he mean in 2 moons if he met when the moon is full twice that would only be two days away and also my birthday. It seemed every year the night before my birthday and the night of m birthday had full moons.

I blinked a couple of times staring at the ceiling then over to the clock on the wall. It said midnight how was that possible it wasn't that late. I took out my cell phone and flipped it open, it too showed it was midnight. I yawned quietly and walked up the stairs to my room. I had to wake up in 6 hours for work but when ever I tried to fall asleep I heard that guys voice again. It was 2 hours later when I finally fell asleep . My dream kept trying to warn me I was in danger some how but I had no idea what it met so I ignored it. I shot up in my bed when the alarm went off and got dressed. I straightened out my hair and put make up on as well. When I finally was totally ready I grabbed my keys from the table and hoped in my car outside. I drove to my work in the mall or well to the mall so I can get into where I work which was hot topic. I was safe there at least I thought so I calmly opened the door to the store and turned on the lights and everything and awaited the customers.

((Ok .. This chapter is flash back /Intro in one Please revive