I'm Still Here

By: Ishhyyy

Summary- The scary thing wasn't that I got to him,

but that he got to me.

And though it terrified me,

I was okay with it. EdxOC

Yea, I haven't updated this story in a while. I felt guilty after reading a review, so I wrote a chapter. The real plot begins here, so beware. I enjoyed writing this a lot, I hope you like it too. Review please.

London, England

October, 25, 1921

5:00 p.m.

Olivia's P.O.V

It was weird; to know that there were three extra men staying in the house and it was definitely noticeable.

Things started to change very quickly. Susannah acted much nicer to me. This, quite frankly scared the daylights out of me.

And Zale, who I haven't seen in days, was apparently avoiding me. For what reason, I don't know?

I enjoyed Hohenheim's company the most, he had a very charismatic aura about him, and it made me feel comfortable. Edward, or Ed, which he prefers to be called, is irritating to say the least.

For the past week, he would hover over me in my work station and criticize my wiring, to the point where I would have to physically shove him out the door, and lock it, preventing anyone from coming in.

How did he find my work station? My favorite and best sister in the world, Susannah was giving him a tour of the house and just happened to stumble upon my work room, which is off limits to anyone but me, unless I allow them to come in.

Since then, he would come every morning after eating breakfast and stay in my room.

At first, it was quite unnerving, to feel his eyes on my back as I worked on my wiring techniques. But, I had to admit, it was nice to have him there, when he was quiet, and it stroked my ego when he asked me questions about my work. I felt happy that he actually took me seriously, but that diminished when he felt relaxed enough to insult me, after only five days living in the same house.

Alfons didn't stay home much, he would leave for errands in the morning and come back at night, eat dinner, and go to sleep, much to Susannah's dismay. Penelope, my other step-sister, who is only fourteen, has also taking a liking to Alfons, infatuated with his good looks and kind manner. It was only natural I suppose, she was a hormonal adolescent after all.

I hadn't seen Cornelius in almost a week, and I was beginning to feel nervous. He never stayed out that long.

I went to look for Zale to voice my worry, but I didn't find him anywhere, causing me to stress even more.

I sat in the family room, watching Susannah trying to catch Edward's attention, who was playing with a wind-up car. She sighed in frustration and left the room, saying she was going to get some tea. Edward took the chance, and looked at me frantically, standing up and grabbing my shoulders. I gasped in surprise.

"Get her away from me. She won't leave me alone" He whispered harshly and shook me a little for emphasis.

"Oh come on, sweetheart, she just loves your company." I grinned and stood, taking his hands off my shoulders. "Now be a dear and wait here patiently for her to return."

I ran up the stairs as fast as my legs could take me and locked myself in Zale's room, which was closest to the staircase.

His room smelled lovely, the musky scent of a male. I walked over to his bed, which was nicely made and plopped face forward into the bed. I breathed in deeply, and smiled, my senses clouded.

I sauntered over to his desk and sifted through a few papers. A letter written in elegant handwriting caught my eye, and the fact that it was addressed to me.

Confused, I took the piece of parchment and sat on his bed, reading.

Dear Olivia,

It has been too long dear, how are you? I know you won't answer this letter; you haven't for the past two years. I miss you greatly and only wish you the best. Life has been very hard without seeing your bright blue eyes and fiery red hair early in the morning. I know you have grown to be a wonderful young lady, and hopefully a happy one, granted with the gift of freedom. I know your father can be rash at times, but he is a good man, with a bad temper, of course. I'm so sorry that I left you, and even though I say this in every letter, I do miss you very much. You are my only daughter and the most important person in my world. I hope that Zale and Cornelius aren't giving you much trouble. But you must remember they are grown men now and you can't baby them anymore, especially since they are older then you.

This letter was much earlier than the others for a sad reason. I was just diagnosed with a disease that is incurable, tuberculosis. I don't have much time Olivia, and I would love to see you before I leave. I've already talked to your father and he agreed to let you come to see me. The address is on the envelope. Bring along Neely as well, it would warm my heart to see the both of you. Well, I hope see you soon.

Love eternally,

Amelia Chapman

I bit my lip nervously, beginning to feel the pain of tearing. She had written to me for the past two years, I just didn't get the letters. And whose fault was that, Zale's.

That selfish bastard has been hiding them for so long. How DARE he!

I stormed out of the room, heels clicking angrily on the wooden floors. I raced down the staircase and nearly knocked into Edward. I muttered an apology and went on.

Third Person P.O.V.

Olivia was out of the house like a speeding bullet. A frown engraved on her face and her eyebrows creased she ran around the mansion looking for Zale.

In the barn – No

In the basement – No

At the nearby market – No

Back at home – No

Olivia sighed, frustrated beyond belief. Her legs ached from the overwork and her breaths came out in gasps.

She sat on the dirt floor and let the tears fall down her face. She was so tired, emotionally and physically, she couldn't take anymore. Her dress was in shreds, with splotches of dirt on it which was doubly hard to get out. And her mother was dying.

The woman who birthed her and taught her to be independent and strong among the male dominated world was going to die.

Olivia looked up at the sky and scowled. The sky darkened quickly and a few droplets of rain were decorating the dirt ground. It was calm at first, a drizzle. But the second she saw the lightening, it started to pour, and Olivia cursed colorfully.

She was in the middle of the road and glared when she saw a truck coming, heading towards her. Quickly, she got up and stood to the side, waiting for the car to pass. The truck slowed down and Olivia grinned when she saw who was in it, Zale.

Olivia P.O.V

"What the hell are you doing here?" He got out of the car and walked up to me, his shoulders hunched.

"Well, I was looking for you." I smiled sweetly and walked up the road, Zale in tow behind.

"Why?" He reached for my wrist to stop me, but I quickened my pace. He walked in large strides, catching up easily.

"Actually" I turned around abruptly, causing him to nearly bump into me. "I was wandering around the house and I was really bored. You see, Alfons wasn't home and neither was Hohenheim, and who really wants to have Edward as compan—"

"Will you get to the point?! I'm getting soaked" He growled. I nearly punched him in the face right there. But I controlled my anger; revenge is sweeter than any punch.

"Really? I hadn't noticed" Sarcasm was necessary for these situations. "So I got to your room."

He narrowed his eyes dangerously. "What were you doing in there?"

"Exploring, and enjoying the fact that Edward was suffering" I frowned. "There was a letter on your desk addressed to me."


He was mad, but so was I. "YOUR ROOM! Well, that was MY letter, to ME, what the hell were you doing with it?"

His whole body went rigid. My eyes were still locked on his, but he was trying to avoid my gaze. "What happened to you these past days Zale? Tell me what's wrong. Don't you trust me?"

My resolve melted, and I was so tired. My body started to sway, but Zale kept me up with a hand locked on my arm.

I looked up at his face, to find any sign, any emotion, but it was blank. "Go home Olivia." His voice was soft, and it melted at my heart.

Such a cold man, he knew how to manipulate me in the worst of ways.

"Not until you tell me why you hid those letters from my mother" He took my hand and led me to the truck, opened the door, like the gentlemen he was, and let me inside. I watched as he got in from the other side.

We sat there, watching the rain splatter on the windshield, how the drops would race down the glass to the hood. The sky was such an ugly color, so depressing. I heard Zale sigh.

"Your mother is a cruel person." I nearly cursed him, but he squeezed my hand, stopping me completely. "She doesn't have the right to contact you in any way, she left you my little Olive. You were so heartbroken, but you still smiled, like the fighter you are. I let her first letters come to you; to give you hope that she was still alive. But, I wanted you to get used to the fact that she wasn't there, so I gradually hid the letters from you. You got used to it, and eventually, didn't even notice when the mail came. When I read about her being diagnosed with tuberculosis, I didn't know what to do."

He lifted my hand to his face, brushed it along his smooth tan skin. My whole body shivered. He closed his eyes and brought my wrist to his nose, breathing in my scent.

"Z-Zale" He opened his eyes and realizing what he was doing, dropped my hand completely. Zale shifted nervously in his seat and I clutched my hand with the other.

"I couldn't face you without feeling guilty." He stared at me with honest brown eyes. "I'm sorry"

"I am going to see my mother, she lives in France, and I want to go alone" I said with a jutted lip.

He looked at me as if I were kidding, realizing that I'm not, he scoffed. "You aren't going, at all."

"I don't believe you have the right to make that decision for me. My father said I could, and that's all I need."

His eyebrows creased. "After all I've done for you, I ask you to do one thing for me and you won't do it" He frowned and I felt guilty. He has been there for me ever since I was young, and now I being an arse to him. I felt like I was kicking a puppy.

I smiled sadly. "I have to see her, and I want to see her alone. It will be the last time Zale, the last time to see her. I can't let this opportunity go."

Zale clenched his jaw. "I would go with you if I could, no matter what you said. But your brother isn't here and someone has to run the business."

He started the truck and drove down the road in a slow pace. The air was much less stuffier then when I got in the truck; the tension seemed to calm down.

At the house, I found Edward in the living room with Hohenheim heavy in discussion. Hohenheim noticed I had entered the room and smiled. I walked up to him and sat on the seat across from him, not noticing Edward's glare.

"Can't you see that we are talking about something privately" Edward growled. It seemed that he was still angry about me ditching him.

"Not at all" I muttered. I had just noticed how bad I smelled and excused myself, promising to talk with them later.

I ripped off my dress and threw it in the trash, it was a goner. It wasn't that nice anyway.

Walking into the bathroom bare, I saw how pale I was. My hands and ankles were caked in dirt, but the rest of my body was milkmaid white.

My build was too soft to my taste, and I was particularly to the lanky side. My lower body was much more toned than my upper body; probably due to the enormous amount of running I do everyday to keep my home functioning.

My curves were subtle, and I'm almost sure that I could pose as a male if it weren't for my long hair.

I stepped into the cold metal bathtub and filled it with warm water. I scrubbed hard at the dirt with handmade soap which especially burned my skin. I guess that's how you know it works.

I traced the line of soft freckles up my arm, contemplating. How was I to travel to my mother alone? What in God's name was I thinking? My father would never agree to that, and Susannah would have a fit if I travel by myself. That would cause uproar in the house for sure. Where was Neely when you need him?

That selfish bastard, he only thinks of himself. What was I supposed to do now?

Anger began to seep into my pores and I quickly rinsed off the soap and exited the bathroom, ready to seek for advice.

I dressed in my night gown and tied a robe over it, learning from my mistake a few days ago.

I ran downstairs and saw Hohenheim and Edward in the same spot as I left them, except that Edward looked so thoroughly tired, I reconsidered talking to them. But it was too late, Hohenheim already noticed my presence.

"Come sit here Olivia" He patted the seat beside him. "You seem troubled"

I accepted his offer gratefully and sunk into the couch, leaning my head back and breathing deeply. Edward rolled his eyes and stood up, leaving the room.

"WAIT!" Edward grimaced and stood still. I stood up and we were at level.

"What do you want?" I grinned.

"Nothing in particular really, I just needed to bounce some ideas off of someone smart. And I immediately thought of you." I could feel my insides rotting. But to get on a man's good side, compliments are the best. It increases the size of their ego greatly, which is what I was hoping for.

"Edw—arllddd" My words came out slurred. I stopped talking and scowld. What the heck is happening?

Edward looked perplexed. "Are you okay?"

"Yes" I coughed noisily, clearing my throat. "I'm fine." My finger muscles jerked uncontrollably and it felt like it was out of my…control. For one moment, fear ran through my body. I felt someone grab my arm, I looked up and saw concern written on Hohenheim's face.

"Maybe you should lay down, you look pale." He sat me back down.

"Haven't I always." It was scary that I could be sarcastic when I was scared stiff.

"Just rest Olivia, we will talk in the morning." Edward had left the room and came back with a blanket.


"Enough." His voice was soft but stern. "Sleep, please."

I nodded weakly and felt my eyes droop. I'm beginning to think that something's wrong with me.

Da Da Dum

Do whatever you feel like, review, don't, thanks for reading.

This person is off to play some music.