Disclaimer – no copyright infringement of any kind is intended.

A/N: This could be paired with my fic With So Little To Be Sure Of - however, it can also standalone. Please review and let me know if I should continue this.

"I thought I'd find you here,"

Tony jumped a little at the sound of the voice behind him in the empty movie theatre but didn't turn around. He'd thought he was alone in the darkened room but the fact that she'd found him didn't surprise him. In the past few months they'd spent a lot of time with each other and they'd grown close.

When he didn't speak she tried again. "Mind if I sit beside you?"

"Be my guest," Tony replied, never taking his eyes off the screen as she stepped over the seat from the row behind and sank down into the soft cinema seat. They sat for a few moments in silence both of them watching the characters on the screen.

" 'An Affair to Remember', Tony?"

"I thought it was an apt choice," he answered drolly, still not making eye contact with the woman sitting next to him. When her hand reached out and covered his own that rested on his thigh he finally turned to look at her. "I'm fine, Director. Honestly," he added before returning his attention to the screen.

Jenny squeezed his hand and then withdrew and replaced her hands to rest in her lap. She turned her head to study his profile. He seemed to be staring intently at the screen but Jen sensed that his thoughts were far away from the love story being acted out in front of him.

"You were in love with her." Jenny stated rather than asked.

Tony allowed a small smile to cross his lips. "That's the thing. I wasn't." Jenny opened her mouth to speak but he continued. "But for the purpose of maintaining my cover, I pretty much convinced her that I was. That's what's bothering me," he admitted. "I have this reputation, you know, of being a player, moving from one woman to the next and not caring about them too deeply." Tony looked down and let out a sigh. "It's a reputation, that's all. I hate myself for deceiving her like that. It wasn't her fault her father was La Grenouille. She's a great girl and didn't deserve to be hurt." He finished speaking and turned to face the woman sitting next to him. "So, you see, I'm not the heartless bastard that I make myself out to be." He said with a soft laugh.

"I know that. I've always known that." Jenny said.


"Gibbs taught me well. I can see it in your eyes," Jenny replied, her emerald eyes searching the hazel ones before her. Before she could stop herself, she leaned forward, closing the inches between them and touched her lips to his.

For a split second Tony froze but as he felt Jenny begin to pull back he reached up to place his hand in her hair, holding her to him as he deepened the kiss. It lasted no more than a few seconds but when she pulled back Jenny could see the arousal in Tony's eyes.

"What do you see there now?" he whispered, holding her gaze as the warmth from her lips began to cool.

"Something I've wanted to see there for a long time," Jen admitted softly and then quickly lowered her eyes and moved out of his touch to break the contact with him.

"It's been there Jenny. I guess I just wasn't sure if you'd want to see it."

"Gibbs taught me too well," Jenny admitted as she reluctantly stood and began to walk out of the movie theatre. Tony stood and reached out, catching her by the arm to stop her. She turned and looked him in the eye once more. "Rule 12," she explained sadly. Tony loosened his hold on her and she continued her walk towards the exit leaving Tony standing alone in the dark theatre.

Please let me know if I should continue this.