Chapter 8 Badger, badger, badger Dorothy

Chapter 8 Badger, badger, badger Dorothy.

For the first time in history Hermione was actually looking forward to a Quidditch match in which Harry wasn't playing. It was the Hufflepuff-Slytherin match and Hermione had just got a letter from her best muggle friend telling her of a new song that Hermione was dying to try out.

Hermione had also decided to do this prank alone. Harry thought that he knew what was going to happen but Hermione had kept a few small, tiny, minuscule details from him.

Hermione's plotting had started the night before when she had snuck into the Hufflepuff and Slytherin dorms and cast a few spells on the players brooms. Then at midnight Hermione snuck out of the castle and had cast the same spells on the stands, goals and balls. So basically everything that a student or teacher would be touching the next day was spelled.

The next part of Hermione's plan was placing simple enchanted muggle tape-players under each stand on the field. Hermione then went to bed and slept in late the next morning.

The morning before the match went smoothly and it was only once the first goal had been scored that Hermione's plotting came to fruit. All of the pranks where tied together in a chain reaction so that even if Hermione was taken out they would still continue.

The first thing that happened was fireworks went off and wrote "Surrender Dorothy you green faced witches" across the sky. None of the pure bloods got the joke but almost all of the muggle born and half bloods got the joke. Those that didn't get it immediately got the joke when underneath the writing large winged monkeys appeared and flew across the sky accompanied by a shrieking "I'm melting, I'm melting".

While the muggle born and half bloods started laughing a soft thrumming started pulsing from under the seats.

Slowly a chant of "Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger Mushroom, Mushroom, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger Mushroom, Mushroom," started growing louder with the words appearing in the sky like some sort of demented magical kareoke. When it reached it's peak volume the music screeched "A Snape, A Snape I think I see a Snape!" and showed a picture of Snape.

This prank wasn't aimed at any students in particular so it resulted in all of the students laughing and eventually singing along, the Quidditch match long forgotten.

Once all the students where singing along a bright light flashed and all of the students and teachers found themselves in the great hall positioned exactly as they had been on the Quidditch field. The players where still in the air and so where all of the balls.

Madam Hooch quickly called an end to the game and everyone landed.

Harry and well everyone suspected Hermione on principal but they couldn't prove it had been her as Hermione had read up on magical signatures and had found a nifty little spell that disguised hers for the three hours that she had been casting spells to make this whole fiasco come about.

A/N ok well the last chapter 8 that I posted was CRAPOLA so I rewrote it only to find that Hermione didn't want to sing so this chapter came about.

Just a quick list of the rules that Hermione broke in this chapter

I will not sing the Badger Song during Hufflepuff-Slytherin quidditch matches

I am not allowed to skywrite "Surrender Dorothy" during Quidditch games.

Yes, the Great Hall is extremely large, but Quidditch is an outside sport.