Hi everyone! I'm new here. I made this story because I don't know...I just felt like it. I love TSL very much.

I got the idea from a 'That 70's Show' eppy and a Mariah Carey song. I don't both shows, the characters and whatever I'm not supposed to own.

This is my first time so please go easy on me! I'd appreciate it if you liked the story or try to help me. Thank you.

Oh, and enjoy!

Carey sat on the couch, reading a magazine. It was the beginning of summer and the afternoon sun shone through the window. The boys should be back soon. The front door opened and Carey looked up as her sons burst in nosily with their dad.

"Hey mom!" Zack said, with a big grin on his pink face. He looked as if he had been running. Cody headed to one of the seats in the living room and slumped down.

"What happened to you?" Carey asked him.

"Zack beat me again" Cody pouted.

"Aww…" Carey said, all too familiar with the situation.

"Hey Carey"

Carey turned around to see her ex-husband standing beside Zack. He had Zack's big grin and his hands were in his pockets.

"Hey" Carey said, walking over to him and giving him a peck on the cheek.

"How were the boys?" Carey asked. "Didn't give you any trouble, did they?"

"Well…" Kurt said, hesitating a little bit. "Let's just say we got in trouble together and they're fine"

"Like father, like son" Carey said. "Sons, I mean"

"When will we see you again, dad?" Zack asked. Cody got up and headed over to Zack.

"Next week" Kurt told him. "You boys will see me at four"

"Great!" Zack said. Cody smiled.

"One big hug" Kurt said. They boys immediately rushed into Kurt's outstretched arms, almost knocking their dad down.

"Easy" Carey said. Kurt chuckled.

"Boys will always be boys eh?" he said, heading out the door.

"See you next week" Kurt said.

"See ya" Carey said, smiling before closing the door.

Summer days seem to move by very quickly and soon, the first week of summer became the second and the boys started looking forward to their dad's visit. That morning, Carey woke up with a strange feeling in her stomach. She headed to the twins' room and watched her two boys sleep. They looked so peaceful. How different that was when the boys were awake and causing havoc around the Tipton. The feeling in Carey's stomach disappeared for awhile. Cody grunted and stirred, mumbling the word 'dad'. Then, the strange feeling returned. Carey sighed.

If I'm gonna be jealous, might as well be, Carey thought to herself as she headed to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"He's late!" Zack exclaimed. He scooped up a pile of papers and let go. Papers flew everywhere, all over the living room.

"Hey!" Cody yelled. "That's my homework!"

"It's summer!" Zack yelled back. "What do you need homework for?!"

"I'm taking advanced classes" Cody said. "'Cause unlike you, I actually want to be successful in life!"

"You're a big ner-"

"Boys!" Carey yelled. Both Zack and Cody turned to look at their mother at the same time.

"Can't we ever have one moment of peace?" Carey asked. The phone rang and she headed to pick it up.

"Hello?" Carey said as Zack gave Cody a shove, almost knocking him over. Cody gave his brother a fierce look. The boys quietly fought behind their mother's back.

"Oh no…" they both heard Carey say. The boys turned to see their mom slumped down the couch, with her right palm slapped against her forehead.

"Mom, what is it?" Zack asked.

"Dad can't come, can he?" Cody asked.

"Alright" Carey said, ignoring the boys. Her face was a deep shade of pink.

Carey hang up and looked at her sons.

"What happened?" Zack asked.

"Guys…" Carey said, taking a deep breath. She didn't know how to break the terrible news to her sons.

"Kurt…your dad…was in a car accident" Carey said.

"I-is he okay?" Cody asked, worriedly. Carey took another deep, this time, shaky breath.

"He…he didn't make it" Carey said, ending the sentence in a whisper. It was as if some unseen force had pushed Zack to plop on the coffee table. Cody's jaw dropped.

"Yesterday, Friday night, he was out with his buddies and he…"

Carey stopped to take a deep breath.

"He had too much to drink before driving…" Carey continued. Zack started hitting himself on the face.

"Honey?" Carey said, getting up to stop Zack. "What are you doing?"

"Maybe this is all a dream and I'll wake up soon" Zack said. There were red patches on his face. Carey took both boys in her arms.

"I wish we'd all wake up soon"