I had been angry. Really angry. Eric is my best friend and, well, unrequited crush. And Calleigh is good and sweet and kind. They're perfect for each other, anyone can see that, but then Jake Fucking Berkeley waltzed in and stole the show. The bastard had already hurt Calleigh before and Eric was still recovering from being shot in the head.

All throughout my day my anger, and I'll admit: attraction, festered in my chest and resulted in my OCD becoming four times stronger than usual. Then I saw the object of my ire.

In hindsight marching up to him was likely incredibly stupid, but I wasn't thinking straight and didn't realize that the former undercover cop could probably kill me in millions of ways. I tore into him quickly, about keeping Calleigh and Eric apart, endangering the department, thinking Valera could kill someone, and generally being an ass. I was so happy to get all the anger out I didn't realize we were alone and in one of the few rooms in the lab that wasn't see through. I finally stopped, my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. Jake smirked in a disturbingly predatory way and stepped closer.

"You done Wolfe?" he asked, voice low and seductive. Then, with amazing speed and agility, he wrapped one arm around my waist and held my right arm down, pinning it at my hip. With his other arm he grabbed my left wrist and pulled it over my head, while simultaneously using his body to push mine up against the wall and hold me there.

"Like that Wolfe? You're kinda cute when you get all hot and bothered, ya know." He said, and proceeded to kiss and lick the side of my neck. I tried to push him and he pushed back, hard, and with a roll of his hips ground our groins together. I won't lie to you; it got me going, fast. We ended up making out like horny teens. He told me Calleigh was a good college friend that helped him put up a front. He'd told her earlier that day to take a chance and go out with Eric. They've gone out on a couple of dates, but I'll let Calleigh fill you in on that. So yep, I'm with Jake now. It hasn't been easy, of course, but, ah, we're getting there.

You've got weird luck you know? All this stuff happening while you were away. I guess you'll get this message when your plane lands, so when you get this, call me back to tell how the conference went, ok? I'll see you at soon sis. Don't be stranger. Bye.

A/N:Weird pairing, I know. I think one episode mentioned Ryan having a sister, and I got the conversation idea. Why is he telling her all this? I don't know. I'm pretending they're really close. Why was she at a conference? I think you can decide on your own, but if you're feeling lazy, let's pretend she's a doctor. And now, let's cue the begging for reviews, please please pleeeeeeease click the pretty button and tell me what you thought. Click it. You know you want to.