Title: The Talent Show

Summary: What happens when Bella's school puts on a talent show? How do the Cullen's react?

Rated T

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Twilight.



"Guys!!! Come here!!" I heard Alice squeal from the other room. Edward and I looked up from the table, which we had been doing our homework on, to see Alice barreling in the room and yelling.

"What Alice?" Rosalie, asked irritable, following her into the room. All of the other Cullen's followed her, confused. Edward, beside me, was laughing. Apparently whatever Alice was thinking was amusing.

"Okay, okay, "Alice began." I just saw that our school is putting on a talent show!"

The effect was immediate.

"A talent show!" Emmett roared happily.

"You're kidding!" Jasper cried.

Rose sighed, but laughed at the expression on her husbands face.

What's going on, children?" Esme inquired, Carlisle beside her.

"Alice saw that our school is having a talent show," I told them. Carlisle smiled, but his face soon transformed into one of seriousness.

"Now, children," he said, but Jasper interrupted him.

"Carlisle, we won't go out of line, use our gifts in a bad way, or put people in danger. Don't worry."

A chorus of "yeas" followed his short speech.

Gifts? Are they going to…?

I cleared that thought out of my head and asked Edward," Edward, are you going to use your powers on people at the talent show?"

He nodded.Carlisle, hearing my question, smiled.

"I have to keep them in check, or many people will be hurt, or knowing that my family is vampires by the end of the show!" he said.

I laughed.

By that time, the whole Cullen family kids were discussing what they were going to do at the talent show. From what I could hear, I sounded like Alice was going to pretend using a crystal ball to tell the future. Emmett was going to lift Rosalie up with one hand, and then add some people from the audience to his load to demonstrate his strength. Jasper was going to say something serious and make the school start laughing. Edward was probably going to ask embarrassing questions he knew people wouldn't want to answer, and predict what they were going to say(does that make sense????).

I couldn't wait to see them in action.

Please review and tell me if this story is bad, or if it is good. If you want to see them do something else in the next chapter, tell me!!!REVIEW!!