"Hey Izzy. C'mere I got an Idea."

Izzy: You? An idea? Suddenly I'm very scared."

"(Mumbles in a low voice) What ya think?"

"I think I'm putting in my MP3 player and NEVER reading this story."

Disclaimer: Not Mine. Don't Sue.

Warning: This is a crackfic, and apparently a bad one cause Iz's wouldn't even stay in the room while I wrote it for fear she might accidentally lay eyes on it, but hey I'm the author, it amuses me and who knows someone else out there might be amused too.

Two Lamborghini's, one red one yellow, sat impatiently in the crowed parking lot waiting for their connection.

"Can't he ever think of a better place for us to meet?" Sunstreaker groused.

"Sunny do you ever stop complaining?"

"Go frag yourself Sides. You're not the one who got hit with one of those slagging carts last time."

"Mute it Sunshine. Here he comes." Sideswipe said as he lowered his window a tiny bit.

Their "connection" seemed to be wandering aimlessly around the parking lot. Most people would assume he was some idiot who had forgotten where he parked his car. He slowly made his way to the row that held the two Lamborghinis. When he walked between them he stumbled grabbing the red one to steady himself before moving on. Anyone who saw would have thought he was just some poor clumsy kid who couldn't find his car. No one could have noticed that the "grab" was actually to cover the act of slipping the UBS through the crack in the window, and that's the way he wanted it. If it was ever discovered he was helping those two with their schemes he knew nothing, not even his big yellow guardian, would be able to save his ass.

Once the boy was a safe distance from them the two Lamborghinis rumbled to life and exited the parking lot.

"So?" Sunstreaker demanded. "What did he get for us this time?"

"Will you give me time to at least scan the USB drive before you start askin questions?"

"Primus how long can it take for you to scan that little thing?"

"Hey Sunny." Sideswipe chuckled. "I think we're gonna have fun with this one." He quickly copied the file and sent it to his brother.

"Oh yeah." Sunstreaker said after a moment. "This has The Hatchet's name all over it."


"I predict Ratchet will go in to melt down before the end of the day. I'm also gonna say he'll probably try to deactivate our vocalizes."

"I'm with you on the deactivating the vocalizes, and I already have a contingency plan ready, but the Doc's tough you gotta give him at least two days." Sideswipe said as he transferred a data stream detailing his plan to Sunstreaker.

"Sides I think you may be evil." Sunstreaker commented after he read the data stream.

"Yes." Sideswipe said smugly. "Yes I am."


It had taken a little over a day to get everything prepared, and now they were ready, time for execution.

"Hey Raaatchet." Sideswipe singsonged as they entered the med bay.

"Get out." The medic said without looking up.

"Awww." Sunstreaker whined. "But Ratchet, Sides and I found this really cool song and we thought you would like it."

"No" Still not looking up. "Get out."

"See Sunny." Sideswipe grumbled. "I told ya he'd act like this. The one time we're actually in here to try to bring a little cheer to his cranky old aft and he won't even look at us."

Ratchet slowly put down his Data pad and turned to glare at the Twins.

"What do you two want?"

Refusing to be intimidated the Twins walked over to stand in front of Ratchet.

"We found a song and we want to sing it for you." Sideswipe said grinning.

"No" Ratchet said as he reached for his discarded data pad.

"How about we make a deal?" Sunstreaker said. "You let us sing the whole song once and we'll stay out of the Med Bay for six months.

It was an offer Ratchet couldn't refuse.

"All right" He nodded. How bad could this possibly be?

He should have known better. The moment those two looked at each other and grinned he should have known. That grin was full of pure pit spawned evil.

'This is the song that never ends.'

'Yes it goes on and on my friend.'

'Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,'

'Now we'll go on singing it forever just because…..'

'That's it?' Ratchet thought. 'That wasn't any where near as bad as…'

'This is the song that never ends.'

"Wait just a minute." Ratchet said holding up his hand. "I thought you said once?"

'Now we'll go on singing it forever just because…..'

That's how it started. For three days, no matter where Ratchet went or what he did they were right beside him singing that infernal song. It was the last thing he heard before he recharged and the first thing he heard when he came online. For three days he listened to it. Sometimes they sang it loud, sometimes it was so soft you almost couldn't hear it. Sometimes they sang it together. Sometimes separately. Then finally on the fourth day Ratchet cracked.

"THAT'S IT!!" Ratchet roared as he tackled both mechs. "YOU TWO WILL BE QUIET!" Producing a laser Ratchet quickly and efficiently disabled their vocalizes. He was so relieved to be rid of that blasted singing he didn't even notice the look of triumph that passed between them. Now maybe he could get something accomplished. Making his way back to the Med Bay Ratchet reveled in the silence. Locking the door behind him he settled at his desk and began to review the medical reports he had been working on when this mess started. He accessed the first file. 'That's odd.' He thought. The file had some sort of attachment. Puzzled he activated the attachment. Ratchet felt his left optic begin to twitch as the sound of Sidswipe's voice filled the room.

'Dies ist die Lied jene nie Enden. Ja es geht in einem fort mein Freund'

Quickly he searched all the reports. Those slaggers had gone through and attached sound files to every one of them. Every file was of one of them singing that song in a different language

Ratchet promised himself just as soon as he stoped twitching he would find them and make them pay. Oh yes they would pay.



Don't blame me if the german translation is off blame the internet. I'm working on another Darkcloud story. It'll be up soon, I'm currently in negotiations with Izzy over some of the plot details.