Tears of a Dove

A ChoujiXOC Fanfiction

By thenarutofanfreak22

Author's Notes:

Welcome, welcome, welcome, to my 6th Fanfiction I've decided to write for all of you. I hope you've enjoyed my previous other creations. For those of you who don't know who I am, I am the author of My Goddess and Angel, A Fantasy that Becomes Reality, The Phoenix and the Blossom, Shadow Wind and Pain that Never Dies. For those of you who do know me, good for you :-) you get cookies.

Okay so this is my first attempt to write a fanfiction for Chouji Akimichi, (yes the Fat ass Ninja dude from Naruto) but he ain't fat, he's just now really big boned. The other person you shall be acquainted with is my own created character, Hato Kigamaru (Hato means Dove in Japanese by the way guys), who've I've been hinting at through out a few of my fanfictions, My Goddess and Angel being one of them, and Pain that Never Dies being the other story I've been working my butt to finish for you.

Setting and Time: Right before Asuma Sarutobi is killed by Hidan (for those who read the manga and have been paying attention to the series), and this is a Shippuuden Era storyline in other words. Though there is a flash back to when Naruto and the others would be in the academy, and Hato had just joined the academy in the first chapter.

Ratings: Lets see, Rated M for Violence, yes a Lemon or two, these two fall in love for crying out loud. A bit of bad language, even though Hato is usually polite, and some form of abuse during a few kidnapping scenes also, I believe.

I do not own any of the characters or themes in this story, they all belong to his greatness, Kishimoto Masashi-sama (YOU RULE MAN! YOU RULE! LOL) so please no sue me. The only characters that belong to possibly me are Hato, Shiho Nukeite (one of my best friend's ideal characters) and the theory behind the Shinzuikouen Kekkei Genkai.

So without further a do, please read and review, and nicely GUYS! Geez, I'm nice to you guys when I review your stories, so be kind to mine. Alright on with the story :-)

Chapter One: A Flash Back to the Past, A Dove's Story Begins

Age: 3 Years Old, Time: Before Naruto joins the Ninja Academy:

"Mama…Papa…!" called out a tiny feminine voice, as a small child ran towards two adults dressed in orange yukata robes, the colors of the Clan that the tiny child had been born into.

An older female voice spoke, "What is it…daughter…" One of the adults turned to look at the child who had called out to her parents.

The girl giggled as she hopped on each foot, for a 3 year old, she certainly was energetic and smart, "You pomised to tell me some dink (something)….today that no one else outswide (outside) the clan ish…supposed ta know…" spoke the just barely toddler as the girl's pale violet eyes looked up at the two adults as she tried to stay balanced by holding onto their robed leg.

The man that was beside the older woman smiled and knelt down beside the toddler and began ruffling the child's raven locks as he spoke while smiling at her,

"Yes we did my little blossom; do you promise to me and your mother you won't say anything about this outside the walls of this house?"

The little girl nodded, "I pomise (promise)…" She said softly as she waited for her father and mother to tell her what they had promised her. The little girl had been born with the gifts of intelligence and as well as the talents of the Clan. They had always knew since she had been born, she would be very smart, from the moment she had started talking at 8 months old, and started walking instead of crawling at 5 months.

The child's mother spoke up after the toddler had agreed, "5 Years ago, before you were born, child, a 9 tailed Fox, and you know that this clan deals with foxes right?"

The little girl nodded quietly and waited for her mother to continue, "A 9 tailed Fox appeared and attempted to attack this Village…many died, including your Great Uncle Jiron Kigamaru. What the other's are not allowed to say was that when the 4th Hokage, the Yondaime killed the Kyuubi, was that actually he was unable to kill it, therefore he had to seal it away in a newborn's stomach. That newborn was the child Naruto Uzumaki…"

The little girl was shocked at this, blinking for a moment or two before saying, "So…why isn't da others awowed (allowed) to say any dink (anything)?"

"Because the third Hokage told everyone never to speak of it, in case Naruto-Kun was to find out, he might unleash the fox upon the village again." Said the child's father. "Daughter, you are not allowed to say a word to anyone that you know the truth about Naruto Uzumaki…is that to be understood?"

"Hai…I alweady (already) pomised (promised) you that Papa and Mama…I won (won't) say any dink about Naawwuuto (Naruto)…at least not 'til is okie…" said the little girl.

Both the child's parents smiled at the little girl as they then both hugged her, the woman speaking, "Good girl, we are proud of you my daughter…"

Age 6: Time: The Dove Enters the Academy:

She had grown up into a very beautiful child by the time; her Clan had decided to enrol her into the Ninja Academy of Konohagakure. Naruto was now 8 years old, and apparently had failed his first Final exam.

The child had remembered when she was 4 years old, the day that her family had tattooed her cheek with the Clan insignia, a small 9 tailed fox, it had been painful, at first, but after weeks of recovery, the pain had subsided to a dull ache.

The girl was about to go to her first day of School with her parents, seeing it was Orientation day, which required a family member to attend with the child, both her parents would go with her.

The little girl peered around her surroundings, with big soft violet eyes as she looked at her parents shyly, and said,

"What if the other kids hate me?" "I don't want them to hate me because I know more then them…" The girl pouted after this.

"Just think of it this way my blossom, you are the heiress of the Kigamaru Clan, remember this, make our clan proud, become a genius like the Hyuuga Boy that we heard so much about…" said the child's father.

"And be brave as well, I know this is hard on you my sweetie, you've always lived a sheltered existence among the Clan, we've taught you the basics that we are allowed to teach you, until you are at least 7 years old, then you will prove to us that you are a true Kigamaru…" said her mother.

"Hai Mama, Papa, I'll do my best, I won't let you down…I'll become the greatest Kunoichi in existence, next to Tsunade!" said the young girl proudly. "Maybe the Clan will be even better then that Uchiha Clan I heard got slaughtered by one of its own members…"

The child's parents looked at each other and chuckled, "That is the spirit, be careful what you say if you ever meet the survivor of the Uchiha Clan, though, alright?"

The little girl nodded her head and became quiet as her parents lead her to the academy. Once her parents and she had arrived, some of the other parents and kids stared at the little girl for a moment.

The little girl could hear a boy whisper something to another child, "Is that one of those people from that Clan that was said to be crossbred with an Uchiha and a Hyuuga?"

"I don't know but her eyes look more like a Hyuuga's…she must be some form of freak. To think her Clan are a bunch of crossbreeds."

This was beginning to upset the girl, one of the things her parents had taught her was that her Clan had been said to have come from a coupling between an Uchiha Woman and a Hyuuga Male from the Main branch long ago, perhaps when the Shodaime had been in power. Though the girl cringed at learning about a few other things during the Clan History lesson.

The girl then stopped and stared at the two boys who had been whispering to her, and shouted, "HEY! Don't call my family crossbreeds! That's not nice at all! How would you like it if I called you a mutt?!" Suddenly a calming hand was placed on her shoulder, and a voice spoke,

"Calm down child, you two, leave the girl alone, and go get in line, school will be starting soon…" The voice had been male, and unfamiliar.

The girl peered up with her violet eyes to stare at the person who had told the boys to leave her alone, the man was dressed in a Chuunin Vest and had silver hair. (A/N: Known to years later to become a Jounin, and the girl's sensei ;))

The man smiled down at her, and got to his knees as he spoke, "So you are one of the Kigamaru's, their Heiress if I'm not mistaken…hmm??"

"Mirotsu-San…it is good to see you again…" spoke the girl's father.

"Yes long time it has been, Fuizuki-sama…" said the man that had been called Mirotsu, calling her father by his respectful title, seeing her father was the Head of her Clan.

"Please call me just Fuizuki, I remember our fun times together Mirotsu-San, how is your family doing?" said her dad.

"They are doing well, I see your daughter's going to be joining the Academy, I'm glad Lord Hokage has decided to allow this. With all the troubles lately with the other nations and Sunagakure just finally signed an alliance with us, Lord Hokage needs to start training more shinobi…but I'm sure your daughter will do well here, plus she can always rely on me if she gets into trouble." Said Mirotsu.

"Yes my daughter is the pride of the Kigamaru Clan Mirotsu, and there is high hopes for her, we hope she will do her uttermost best, to make a name for our Clan one day, we are all proud of her."

The little girl beamed up at her parents, seeing their pride in their darker shade of violet eyes for their precious one.

Age: 7 Time: The Dove Becomes a True Member of The Clan

The girl had kept to mostly her studies, having preferred the solitude, and only working with others when it had a part in how she was graded. She had always brought home good report cards; her senseis had said she was another genius in the making, when it came to her IQ levels as well as how she did on her tests.

She had been called before her Clan's Elders, her parents standing beside them one day.

The girl had no idea why she had been called to this meeting; usually she never was allowed to be in these meetings, unless she was an adult that was what her Aunt had told her.

"Mother, father…you asked for me?" said the girl, now 7 years old, her voice starting to change as the years had passed.

"Yes daughter, we have called you here…" Spoke the girl's father, with a stern voice. "It is time…that you were tested, to see if you are a true Kigamaru…" "The Clan elders wish for you to show us what you've learned from this clan." "If you fail this test, you will be expelled from the clan by the time you are old enough to take care of yourself."

The girl looked at both her parents and the rest of her family, how could they be so cruel to her? Why would they want to throw out their heiress if she couldn't prove to them she was a true Kigamaru?

The girl gulped and said softly, "Father, why, what would you need me to do to prove myself?" She had wanted to say something else, to defy the clan elders and her parents right then and there, but she knew this would not happen, she knew all Kigamaru's had to be tested, all Kigamaru children who are born into the clan.

One of the elders, her Great Grandfather spoke up, "You will show us that you can perform the Clan's Secret Technique, the Fire Style: Flame Strike Technique. We all know your father and mother have been attempting to teach you this since we allowed you to enrol in the Ninja Academy, great grandchild. You will be tested now on it, so that we may judge that you are the true heiress of this Clan."

"But…Great Grandfather, I'm only 7 years old! I've just finally got the basics of that jutsu down, couldn't you give me more time?" asked the girl.

Then one of her Great Aunt's spoke, "You will not argue with the Elders' decisions child, everyone in this clan was tested when they were born and reached the age of 7, you are no different. We have decided today is the day you will show us, that Jutsu, and you will show it to us now child."

The small girl gulped and bowed her head as she said, "Hai…Gomen Great Auntie Marina." "Where would you want me to test this jutsu at? And what on?" She had begun attempting to remember the handseals for the jutsu in her head; they came so easily to her, seeing she was a very bright child after all.

Her mother then spoke, "We have a Practice dummy we would like you to demonstrate on child…follow us to the old Kigamaru Training yard." With that said, all the Clan Elders and the girl's parents began to walk out of the courtyard and to the secret training yard that only the Kigamaru Clan used to train their special jutsus, away from prying eyes, even those who could very well copy any of the Kigamaru techniques.

Once they were all at the training ground, the girl looked at her family that were watching her, waiting for her to perform the jutsu that they had requested of her. She waited for them to tell her it was alright to proceed.

She eyed the practice dummy that she was to 'practice' on. She knew if she failed this test, her Clan might disown her. Sweat began to pour down the poor girl's face as she waited for her Father to speak, which he did a few moments after the silence became unbearable,

"Today marks the day that we will see if the Heiress of the Clan is a true Kigamaru…if she passes, her inheritance will be assured, but if she fails, she will be disowned by this Clan today." "You may proceed with the test…"

The girl gulped at hearing her father's speech and then nodded quietly, "Hai…father…" she said softly as she turned towards the dummy and began making handseals, the signs for fire.

"Kigamaru Special Technique: Fire Style: Flame Strike Jutsu!" She called out, after making the handseals. She then attempted with her meager chakra, which she had been working on developing, and attempted to focus it into her hand. She closed her eyes as she concentrated, 'Come on…you can do it…you know you can.'She thought to herself as she continued to focus chakra into her hand, which was beginning to work, because she could hear some of her family gasping in shock or surprise.

Suddenly her eyes snapped open, she felt her hand burning with fire like chakra, she then launched her jutsu empowered hand at the training dummy, not just shattering it but setting it a blaze with the fire chakra that was surrounding her hand. Panting she then released the power from her hand and it returned to normal. She was slightly sweating from her ordeal, but a small smile appeared faintly on her lips.

The elders murmured quietly at the performance of the young Kigamaru girl. Then her Great Grandfather spoke,

"She is the chosen one, then, she has proven her worthiness to be the Heiress of this clan, she will be one day known as the Flame Kitsune of Konohagakure. A feared Kunoichi as it has been predicted long before she was born."

Then the girl watched all her family members, get to their knees and bowed their heads at her. She was very confused at this, what did that Title that her Great Grandfather just gave her mean?

Her father and mother looked down at their daughter and smiled at her, and her father was the next to speak,

"Child, you are a now a full member of this clan, it has been years since an actual heir was able to perform that jutsu properly, without burning their hands, and you did that without even blinking, this clan has come to realize that you will also be the one to unlock the true secrets of our Family's Kekkei Genkai, and bring this clan finally to its deserved glory." "Make this clan proud daughter, and remember this, the fires of fate are always ever changing."

The small girl nodded her head, as she listened to her father's words, "Hai…father…I will do as best as I can to bring this Clan to glory and honour…" "I will not fail either."

From that day on, the girl would do her best to bring the Clan to glory, the Clan that would be known as one of the great Fire Jutsu using Shinobi Clans in the Land of Fire, of course, next to the Uchiha Clan.

This is the Story of the girl who would try to bring her clan to fame, the girl's name was known as Hato Kigamaru…and the story of the one she would meet that she was destined to be with…

Okay so yeah this is basically Hato oriented chapter, it will help you guys learn about Hato Kigamaru's Past. The Next Chapter coming up Chouji makes his appearance finally.