((Took long enough didn't it? I am so sorry for making you guys wait so long for a new chapter, but it is finally here! Enjoy...Please note aswell I am taking this story in a new direction, something I've been wanting to try for awhile so, read the new chapter and tell me how you like it!))

Actor List: (This Listing is just to give visual reference to what the OC/Created Characters look like, nothing more nothing less, of course the beetleborg actors from the show you will just have to imagine what they would look like at 14, 15 and 16 years old)

#1. Samantha Fortunes (Played By: Emma Watson)

Chapter 2: A Blast From The Past (Part 2)

Drew watched as the beetleborgs were being decimated, even with these new found powers the likes of Josh were too much for them, his attention went from Jo to Drew and Samantha seeing each of them down...He couldn't take it anymore, he mustered every bit of strength left in his body and managed to make it to his feet.

"Josh!" The young man called out. "Leave them alone, it's me you want to destroy...I am the one that you've been after all along, you were jealous of everything I had, the friends and the family. You could never manage that, because of your choices but..."

"But what?" The Shadowblaster asked in a hatred laden voice. "You think you know me? The sacrifices I have made? Do you really know everything that is going on, even amongst your own friends? I don't care what you say as your words are meaningless to me."

"I can't let you hurt my friends anymore, I can't let you plunge this world into chaos, don't you get you're being used? Just like when you fought for the magnavores, it's all happening again!" Drew shook his head throwing his weapon down and then looking right at Josh. "If it's my life you want then go ahead and take it, if it means keeping my friends safe I don't care..."

"You would sacrifice yourself for your friends? Give up everything, just so they can continue on?" Josh in his narrow minded way of thinking (Thanks to Crimsons control over him), couldn't even begin to fathom Drew's willingness to die for his friends, this made the Shadowblaster think. "I..."

"What are you waiting for?" Crimson Terror asked as she appeared beside of Josh. "You have an opening, destroy him!"

"But I..." Josh went to object but before he could even utter a word she took his Shadow Sword from him, the blade of the sword began to turn into what appeared to be a dark vortex, this caused Josh' eyes to turn dark for a moments notice then go back to normal. "I am sorry for disobeying you, my queen, now...Lets finish this."

Josh takes the sword back and jumps toward Drew but the Chromium Beetleborg is able to defend himself, the two locked up trying to best each other but neither could seem to gain the upper-hand, Josh jumps back shaking his head. "This is your end!"

Samantha looks up just in time to see Drew and Josh fighting she though was too weak to intervene, Jo and Roland were also beginning to come to after the grueling battle they had all been through, she was amazed Drew still had such fight in him but really it didn't come as a surprise to her.

"Just give up Josh, let us help you!" Drew shouted. "It doesn't have to end like this..."

"Yes it does, you have shown how much you would give up for your friends...Were you telling the truth?" He asked in almost a whisper.

"Of course it was the truth, wouldn't you have done the same for Jo back when you first met her? You aren't so twisted that you've forgotten those feelings, you can't be completely evil Josh we were friends...Don't you remember?" Drew was able to bring Josh into a semi-choke hold, he was trying to keep from having to hurt him. "You have to realize those whom call you a friend are lying to you! We are your true friends, not Crimson or Cerberus!"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Josh shouted as he used his elbow to hit Drew in the stomach breaking his hold, the Shadowblaster then steps forward before bringing his Sword to the ready and then plunging its blade deep into Drew's stomach.

Drew instantly losses his beetleborg powers the pain bringing him down to his knees, his gaze locked on the Sword unable to utter even a word.

"NO!" Samantha brings herself to her feet running over to Drew and taking him in her arms, not allowing him to hit the ground she didn't even see Josh as his presence wasn't registering in her mind.

Jo and Roland run over aswell standing between Drew and Samantha keeping Josh at bay. "You're too late, Jo." Was all Josh said in an almost cold voice, devoid of any emotion what so ever.

"How could you do this, you are a monster! You aren't the person I knew, you are but a shell of what he used to stand for." Jo looked back at Drew and Samantha then to Josh. "Get out of here..."

Josh smiles an evil smile proud of his work, he vanishes into thin air as does Crimson Terror, both Roland and Jo turn around but remain quiet as they truly didn't know what to do.

"Don't cry, Sam." Drew smiled a weak smile before coughing a little bit, the wound was hurting like crazy but he had things he wanted to say so he fought it with everything he had. "You will never be alone, I'll always be watching."

"Don't talk like that, you're going to be ok, you'll rest and then be right back here on the team right where you belong." Samantha watched as Drew took her hand, a glow surrounds her body as she depowers back into her human form. "You aren't going anywhere, so you hang on, do you hear me?"

"That's...Not my future, Sam I hate to see you cry." The teenager coughed once again seemingly getting a little weaker, his voice seemed to get just a little lower. "You must stay strong, you are now the...Now the leader of the, beetleborgs."

"Drew..." Samantha sat down on the ground keeping Drew close as if her strength would carry over to him, she couldn't even fathom losing him, just two days ago they were at each others throats but now...Now he felt like her life, like she couldn't go on without him. "Just close your eyes, each loving day, and know this feeling won't go away, till the day my life is through, this I promise you!"

"I love you, Samantha..." Drew smirked a little before closing his eyes, his mind trying to focus on the good and not the bad.

"Drew..." Sam brought him into an embrace not caring about anything else in the world for at that moment she only cared about Drew, she knew there was a reason she had moved from California to Charterville, that reason was now clear to her but she didn't want her friend to die. "Please, hold on...We've called for help, just don't..."

"No matter what happens I have no regrets, actually I do have one..." The 16 year old weakly reached up and dried a tear from Samantha's eye, she tried to smile before taking his hand for support. "The fact that, we may never got a chance to find out what might have been."

Samantha goes to kiss him on the forehead before the sound of the ambulance sirens could be heard, Jo and Roland turn and run to the ambulance in order to get the paramedics to Drew quicker...Their cover in their Beetleborgs armor concealed their identities, so they played like Sam and Drew had been caught in the middle of the fight with the Shadowblaster and Crimson Terror.

"Sam..." Drew started to say but he couldn't finish as he kept going in and out of consciousness, Sam couldn't help but cry hoping against hope that he would be ok.

"I won't give up on you, you will not slip away, for your life is mine to protect, this I promise YOU!" Samantha whispered slowly as the paramedics ran up to them taking command of the situation, they began working on Drew in order to possibly save his life.

Back At Cerberus' Hideout

"You two have done something that neither the magnavores nor crustaceans could ever have hoped to accomplish, you have brought an end to one of the beetleborgs." Cerberus turned his attention to Josh whom looked like his mind was a mile away, he then looks to Crimson. "I believe we are losing our control over him, teenagers were always troublesome."

"Leave him to me, no one can deny the influence of Crimson Terror!" The red clad villeness declared before turning her attention to Josh, she couldn't help but sense something different from him now. "Though I have to admit, ever since he attacked and wounded Drew McCormick he has seemed different..."

"I was watching the fight, he changed when he spoke with the brats sister, she seems to have a great pull over our Shadowblasters mind." Cerberus walks a step or two so that he is standing beside of Terror, his attention still focused on Josh. "He might become a problem, one not worth fixing..."

"Agreed..." Crimson Terror nods slowly before she and Cerberus walk away, leaving Josh to ponder what had happened.

"What have I done?" Josh pounded his fist into the side of the wall knowing full well what he had done, he had brought the one person he could count on, the one person whom tried to help him to the very brink of death itself...Drew had helped him out once and even saved his life, now had he really tried and maybe even have taken his? He wasn't in control of his actions but this monster inside of him was, his own persona clashing with whatever Crimson Terror and Cerberus had stuffed inside his head...But how do you control a monster, how do you stop it from doing something else that you know will rip someones life apart?

"JOSH!" Crimson Terror called out walking back into the room. "We are going to monitor the situation, those brats are all huddled around their puny friend hoping he will make a recovery, if he does...We will finish the job, understood?"

Josh regained his composure and put on a fake front trying his best to control this demon that had him in it's clutches, the only thing he could do was nod at Terror as for now he was in control, but he knew this demon would resurface not a matter of if but when, and he also knew he would not be able to fight the demons demonic fury when it happened.

"I said, UNDERSTOOD?" Crimson asked again frustrated that Josh was showing signs of regaining his awareness, she didn't want to have to destroy him but she was completely committed to Cerberus...Unlike Josh, she chose to be on the side of evil.

"Understood." Josh said lowly before walking out of the room and to some other part of their hideout, he needed to clear his mind and try to come up with a plan on how to get out of this situation.

2 Days Later...

Samantha had been sitting by Drew ever since he had arrived at the hospital 2 nights before vowing not to leave him, she wanted to be there if he woke up, not wanting him to be alone for even a minute.

"Surprise..." Jo walked into the hospital with a hilariously dressed up Flabber, whom she had helped sneak in because he wanted to check on Drew.

"How are you doing?" Flabber asked gently knowing this had to be bad, he had never been in a situation like this before but he had begun a long time ago to think of these kids as his family, if something should happen to Drew it would be devastating to them all.

"I'm doing ok, but Drew still hasn't woke up, the Doctor said to give him time but the wait is killing me...I just want him to be ok." Sam stood up and gave Flabber a big hug, he had always been able to make her feel better, ever since she had moved to Charterville no matter what she was going through she could always talk to Flabber.

"Don't worry kiddo, Drew's gonna be just fine...That kid is as tough as they come, strong as both a leader and a person." The Phantasm of Hillhurst Manor smiled a weak smile, he had never had to do this before, never did he think he'd be visiting one of the kids in the hospital in such a bad condition. "I feel somewhat responsible for this..."

"Don't Flabber, Drew knew what he was getting himself into...He fought Josh off to protect the rest of us, if it weren't for him we would all be in this hospital; or, worse." Drew's younger sister shook her head. "Josh will pay for doing this to him, mark my words."

"We don't know the full story yet though, Josh may not be in full control of his actions." Flabber took a deep breath before looking over at Drew, he felt so helpless in a situation where even his powers were useless. "There's dark magic out there that exists purely to bend and twist even the strongest of minds, these demons prey on those their masters see fit to let them loose on, Josh may be one of those unlucky souls."

Samantha nods a little somewhat agreeing with Flabber, she knew that Josh could have easily injured Drew so severely that he wouldn't have been able to make it even this far, something had stopped Josh just short of getting the job done and she figured in her mind that it must have been Josh' true persona taking control for a brief second. She sighs a bit taking her seat back next to Drew, she puts her hand in his just wanting him to say something, anything.

"We'll be at Hillhurst if you need us, Cerberus might attack the city at anytime we have to be ready." Flabber took a deep breath before walking out of the hospital room, for the first time at a loss as to what they should do next, they say the good guy always wins but this time...This time something seemed different, he didn't want to say hopeless but if Drew didn't make it things would certainly change.

"Take care of my brother for me, ok?" Jo asked having never felt as sad as she did in this moment, she gave Samantha a hug and then proceeded to follow Flabber out of the hospital room.

"Come on Drew, you've got to pull through this, I know you can hear me so get your butt up out of that bed and say something!" Sam smirked a little for the first time in two days, remembering how she and Drew used to fight. "Remember how we used to fight, leave me alone Drew; you're getting on my nerves Sam, man those were good times, our times aren't over yet kid...You'd better wake up, or you'll have me to deal with."

Samantha was just about to put her head down to rest when she felt Drew squeeze her hand, it was a firm enough squeeze that you could tell he was responding to what she was saying; this reaction startled the young lady, but she quickly regained her composure and kept talking.

"Thats it Drew, man. Don't give up now you're almost through this!" She brings his hand to her mouth kissing it gently, now bestowed with a new found hope. "I love you, Drew."

"I love you too..."

To Be Continued - Chapter 3: (The Darkest Night)