Summary: HaruxYuki, AkitoxYuki. Akito is a guy for this one. Haru and Yuki fall for each other. But how far will Akito go to insure the loyalty of his jyuunishi?

Disclaimer: I do not, never have, nor never will, own Fruits Basket or any of its characters. If I did, I would most certainly not be writing these stories. I would, instead, be drawing them. Duh.

Warning: This fanfic contains death, angst, masochism, bondage, and lemon yaoi. If you don't know what that is, then you probably shouldn't be reading this. But just so you know, it's sexual relationships between two men, and lemon means that it is...well, let's just say that it's pretty much why I rated this M.

Note: In case you didn't know, in Japan, last name are placed before first names. So, Sohma Hatsuharu would be, in English, Hatsuharu Sohma. Also, if you haven't read the manga (You: why would I be reading this if I hadn't read the manga?! Me: I don't know! It's just in case!) the characters are possessed by animals of the Chinese Zodiac. There's more to it than that, but I'm too lazy to explain. But, I will sometimes refer to the characters as their zodiac animals; for example, Kyou is the Cat and Haru is the Cow. Just to avoid confusion.

"Ha-Haru," the unclothed, grey-haired teen moaned softly, his eyes filled with unmasked lust. "Ngh…fuck…ah!"

The white- and black-haired male groaned the other's name in response. "Yuki!" He could barely contain his release in the midst of the virgin's hot tightness, but he was intent on the other finding his pleasure first.

Haru wrapped his hand around the older male's length, pumping in time to his thrusts. Soon after, Yuki, in response the exceedingly large amount of attention paid to his lower regions, came loudly, producing a mixture of moans and groanings of Haru's name. Warm, sticky liquid flowed over Haru's hand and both their stomachs. Haru, feeling Yuki tighten around him, came soon after, emptying himself inside of his lover.

It was then that Haru noticed the strange, bell-like, tinny noise.

Hatsuharu Sohma awoke from the pleasure his sleep to the blaring of the alarm clock. He groaned as he felt the sticky liquid pooling around his midsection. Not again, he thought angrily. He had been getting these types of dreams all too frequently lately, each one starring Yuki, each time waking in his own bodily fluids.

He sighed unhappily, then turned, picked up the aggravating alarm, and chucked it at the opposite wall, smiling at the satisfying smash which resulted. He then proceeded to strip the sheets off his bed to clean them himself, as he had been doing more often lately than he would really prefer.

After Haru had disposed of his sheets in a place where no pesky maid would find them until he had a chance to clean them, he made his way to the shower down the hall, grumbling to himself all the way.

The hot water was soothing against Haru's muscles as he played and replayed the dream in his mind. He couldn't for the life of him comprehend why he might be having such fantasies about his cousin. As far as he could tell, Haru wasn't even the slightest bit attracted to Yuki. As far as he could tell, that is. No! He most certainly was not in love with Yuki! Besides, he had Rin, whom he loved. But, she had broken up with him…

Haru continued with these confusing ponderings for twenty minutes before he turned off the stream of water. He exited the shower, grabbing a fluffy white towel and heading towards his room, his mind still filled with thoughts of Yuki.

Sohma Yuki awoke to the aggravating noise of the alarm clock in his plain, medium-sized room. He rose from his horizontal position slowly, felt around the bedside table until he found the source of the noise, and hit it until the racket ceased. He then merely continued to sit in his bed, gazing unseeingly at the wall opposite him. He debated returning to his comforting slumber. The dream he had been having was quite fine, and though he could not quite remember what it had been about, surely it was better than being awake. But, unfortunately, he had school, and therefore, student council duties. Why had he ever agreed to the position of president? At that moment he couldn't really recall.

Yuki was definitely not a morning person.

After several minutes of delaying the act of leaving the pleasant, warm bed, Yuki finally rose, swaying unsteadily. He glanced idly out the window. The sun had scarcely begun to rise, its golden-crimson rays peeking above the horizon. The sky was clear, not a cloud in sight. Yuki sighed; it was going to be yet another beautiful day, and, of course, he had to stay inside with the rest of the student council members, most likely excluding Manabe. He would probably be able to come up with some excuse to ditch and enjoy the excellent weather. Stupid Manabe.

Yuki stood and made his way over to his closet. He picked out a clean uniform and proceeded to get dressed. He was so exhausted that he didn't even notice the crooked state of his tie. He had gotten better at that lately, though.

Despite the languid state of Yuki's mind, he managed to get down the stairs, though he did stumble and lean a bit to the right the entire time.

"Yuki-kun!" Tohru exclaimed brightly as Yuki entered the kitchen. "Good morning!"

Yuki looked over at her. She was always so happy, despite the events of her past. Sometimes, in spite of himself, Yuki envied her.

"Good morning, Honda-san," he replied, his thoughts finally beginning to emerge from the recesses of his mind. Being around her always seemed to wake him up just a little bit more. That is, of course, if the Cat didn't say anything stupid first. Tohru then went to chat with Kyou. Yuki could hardly stand their oblivious flirting.

Not much longer, the trio was on its way to school, Yuki and Kyou bickering as always, and Tohru looking on helplessly.

"Yuki." A voice yelled as the trio neared the school gates. Yuki turned around to see Haru strolling up to them.

"Hello, Haru," Yuki replied politely, while Tohru greeted him with a "Good morning, Hatsuharu-san!" and Kyou ignored the Cow assiduously.

Haru smiled and winked at Yuki, who felt a strange feeling in gut and a warmth on his face. Stupid Haru. Always doing that. Always making him feel…well, truthfully, Yuki couldn't identify the strange feeling that consumed him whenever he was in the presence of his cousin.

When they were in the halls, Haru described his meeting with Rin at the hospital. "Yeah, it was kind of intense," he said, too nonchalantly, Yuki thought. "When I went to see her, she started brandishing her I.V…."

"Eh-eehh?!" Yuki's mouth fell open. What did he say? He likes Rin so much…he can't help himself, Yuki thought, and for a reason beyond his understanding, that realization brought a sadness to his gut.

The next five minutes or so were filled with the embarrassment of Kimi paging Yuki on the school P.A. system, along with the teasing from Haru and Manabe. Yuki clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes, and one could almost see the angry aura pulsating around him.

"Good luck," Haru said some time later, as he turned to walk away. "To both of us."

And Yuki was confused. Good luck for what? Certainly for Haru it meant his situation with Rin, but what of Yuki? No matter how many girls had confessed their love for him, all he could do was hurt them. And now he knew why. Because in that moment, Sohma Yuki realized something: he had only ever had romantic feelings towards one person.


Alright! So, the first chapter of my first-ever fanfic finally makes its appearance!! –half-hearted cheers-

Sorry it's so short! It just barely made 2 ½ pages! But I promise the next chapters will be longer. This is just the "zomg I might have feelings for my sort-of cousin who is also a guy!!" part of the fanfic, and I really didn't want to stretch it out too far.

Yeah…but don't let my inexperience keep you from reading! I promise I will try my best!

Also, since it's my first fanfic, it would be really, REALLY helpful if you guys R&R. Something about my writing bugs me, and I can't figure out what it is. And if you hate my writing, tell me! Just be sure to tell me why, 'kaaaay?

I'm not sure how often I will update, but I'll try to make it at pretty short intervals, if I can manage.

Bai, loves!
