Snow Len was a normal girl by most standards. She was twenty and out of the house finally. She attended psychology classes at college, worked at a pizzeria and lived with her boyfriend in an apartment they couldn't really afford. In Snow's eyes jumping pay check to pay check was better than living with her parents.

Her boyfriend, Mark, was a good man. He worked as a teller at the bank. He was hoping to get a higher paying job someday but right now he took what he could. Neither one expected that Snow would be yanked into an adventure like she never imagined.

Due to the price of parking a car in New York Snow found herself taking public transportation most nights. Mark was only able to pick her up two nights a week.

Snow didn't mind the subway. She knew that they could be very dangerous but she wanted to be there. She couldn't explain it but it was like something called her to the subway.

During the rare times she got free time she would ride the subway around New York for fun. There was something oddly homey about the subway.

It was during one of those rare times that she was yanked in the adventure of her life. She had just gotten out of school and finally had some free time. Mark was out of town visiting his mother. She loved Mark but the time away from him was nice.

It was late and not many people were on the subway. She had finally had her fill of riding the noisy cars when she stepped out and started up the stairs.

Something caught her eye and made her stop. She felt like she was being watched. She turned her head and looked around. She couldn't see anything but she could feel someone watching her.

"Over here!" a male voice called.

Snow turned to see a man dressed all in the black. He grabbed her by the shoulders and was trying to force a bag over her head. Snow screamed and kicked at him.

She heard a deep voice yell and the man dropped her turning towards the noise. Snow slipped from his arms and onto the floor. Her head hit the ground and everything went dark.


Voices. Snow could hear voices. Male voices. She couldn't see anything. Quickly she realized that was because her eyes were closed.

"Is she hurt bad?" A voice said.

"I don't think so," another male said. "She didn't really bleed."

"Man Splinter is going to have a fit when he sees her," someone else said.

How many were there? Who was Splinter?

"I think she is coming around," another voice said.

Snow opened her eyes and screamed. There was four large turtles staring at her.

"Woah!" one said holding up his hands. "We aren't going to hurt you."

"What the fuck?" Snow screamed curling up into a ball.

"Look," Leo said. "You need to calm down and stop screaming. We aren't going to hurt you. In fact one of us saved your life."

Snow took a deep breath and closed her eyes. The subway flashed in front of her eyes. Someone had saved her. She opened her eyes again.

"Which one?" She asked looking at them.

Leo pointed over his shoulder at Raph. He didn't seem very interested in what was going on. She was sitting in one of the chairs with his feet up on the coffee table.

"I did," He said nodding at her. "My name is Raphael."

That name caused Snow to pause she had heard it before. It took a minute of thinking but then she remembered. When all of that stealing had been going on April O'Neil had thanked someone named Raphael for saving her. Snow had remembered it because it was rare to hear of people doing good things in the big apple.

"Are you the same Raphael who saved April O'Neil?" She asked. "I saw something about that one tv."

"That is me," he said giving a little smile.

"Always off saving women," Don said with a smile snort.

Snow looked at Raphael. Despite his appearance he seemed nice enough. She knew she should have been afraid of him but she couldn't be. She couldn't be afraid of someone who helped her.

"Thank you," she whispered.

She turned her from them to look down at her clothes. She jeans were ripped slightly and her top was dirty.

"Who attacked me?" she asked still staring at her pants.

"A member of the foot," Mikey explained. "I thought they were all gone but I guess I was wrong."

Snow recognized that name too. She had heard the name of the news as well. She didn't like the idea that they were after her. What did they want with her? She wasn't anyone important.

"Do you know why they were after you?" Leo asked.

"No I don't," Snow said looking up at him. "What is your name by the way?"

"I'm sorry," he said. "I'm Leonardo and these two are Michelangelo and Donatello."

"I hear you mention someone named Splinter," she said. "Who is that?"

"Our Sensi," Don explained. "And our father. What is your name by the way?"

"Snow Len," she answered. "I'm just a normal college girl who is in a really messed up situation."

"What should we do?" Mikey asked. "Should we just take her home or do we wait for Sensi?"

"I saw we wait for Splinter," Leo said. "He'll know what to do. HE always does. Is there anything we can do to make you more comfortable Snow?"

"Some pizza would be good," she said giving them a little smile.


After being with the turtles only a few hours she quickly saw how human they were. They playfully argued with each other while they watched television. The only one who seamed a bit out of it was the one who had rescued her. Shortly after they ate the pizza he had disappeared into his room.

"What is going on here?" a stern voice came.

The turtles who were sitting on the floor in front of the tv turned their heads. Snow had become some what comfortable in her new environment but had refused to leave the safety of the couch. She turned to see a large rat standing in the kitchen.

"Sensi," Leo said getting to his feet. "She was jumped. It was the foot. Raph saved her and brought her here."

The rat turned and looked at Snow. Snow couldn't believe it. Turtles raised by a rat and she thought she had seen everything.

"The foot?" Splinter asked unable to hide the surprise in his voice. "Where is Raphael?"

"In his room as usual," Mikey explained.

Sensi nodded and walked off down the hall. Snow shifted uncomfortably on the couch. She didn't want to think her being saved was going to get anyone in trouble.

She just really wanted to go home. She was tired out from the events of the evening. A minutes later Splinter returned to the living room. He walked over to the couch and looked at Snow.

"You are lucky child," Splinter said. "Not many live after an enter counter with the foot."

"What do they want from me?" Snow said tension rising in her voice. She had never felt so nervous in her life.

"I do not know," Splinter answered with a frown. "But I do not think it is safe for you to go. I can not hold you here of course but I will offer you shelter."

Snow didn't want to stay there but she didn't want to leave. Those people were out there and she didn't even have Mark to go home to since he was out of town.

"Ok," she said with a sigh. "I'll stay."

"If you wish you can take my room and I can sleep on the couch," the rat offered.

As much as the idea unnerved her she didn't like the idea of sleeping on the couch. If just felt intrusive to sleep on someone's couch.

"That would be nice," she said smiling.