"Mom!" A teenager yelled through a fire that had spread through her house. She ran throughout the house, even though it showed signs of collapsing. She was currently at a boarding school, but had come home to surprise her mother since it was her birthday. "Daddy!"

"Wave!" She heard a groan above the fires.

She raced up the stairs to her parents' bedroom to see them lying under the bookshelf that had fallen. "No." Her dark brown eyes narrowed as they became completely blue. Suddenly part of the bookshelf became incased in ice, but then the flames took over once more. "Mom, Daddy I can't move it. The flames are too hot."

"Its alright baby. Just go before he comes back for you." Suddenly a strange energy ball hit her mother in the back.

"MOM!" She screamed.

"So this is the youngest of this coven." A deep voice yelled from behind her parents' bodies. "How about this, you will me your powers and I'll let the rest of your coven live. What's left of it I mean."

"Rot in hell you sick bastard!" My father yelled.

"Honey, we'll be watching over you, we love you." Her mother cried.


"I will you my-" Her mother said.

"NO!" She and the stranger yelled.

"Power!" Her mom finished.

A red light left her mother's' now dead body and went into her body. After a few seconds an energy ball went through her father killing him. She cried as she got up and ran out the house.

"Where ever you run, you can't hide. Unless you will me your power, I will hunt down the last two members of your Coven." A voice yelled.

A teenager with light brown skin shot up out of her bed, her dark brown eyes wide. That same damn dream! She thought bitterly. That was when she noticed time on her clock. "Shit first day and I'm gonna be late." She swore.

She quickly got dressed into the school's uniform, some money and a black messenger bag. Then she ran quickly out the door. As she was running to her class room she ran into someone…the principal.

Class had already started when there came a knock on the door. "Yes, come in." the teacher Mr. Wilson said. "Oh yes, you must be Waverly Johnson. Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"

"I'd rather not." She replied.

"Well, welcome to lit. class Ms. Johnson. Ah, there is a seat next to Sarah." Waverly gave him a half hearted smile, before going up to the blonde girl that smiled at her.

"Hey." Sarah beamed. "I'm Sarah and this is Kate."

"Name's Wave." She replied with a small smile of her own. Maybe I can start over here. She thought as class began.

Wave took out a sketch book and began to draw as Mr. Wilson lectured. It wasn't until lunch when she had a chance to really get into her drawing. She looked up surprised when Sarah , Kate and two other boys sat down.

"You looked surprise." Sarah stated.

"Sorry, I didn't know if you weren't really being nice. Since I am the new girl."

"Sarah, here was the new girl before you transferred in." Kate told her with a friendly smile.

"So who are your friends?" Wave asked looking at the two new boys that sat down at the table. One had long hair the other had short blonde hair.

"Oh sorry, this is my boyfriend-" Kate began.

"Pog?" Waverly cut her off as she stared at Pogue.

"Wait a minute, Ave?" Everyone looked at her then to Pogue. Suddenly the two got up and hugged one another. "How are you? God, I haven't seen you in years." The two friends released on another.

"I've been better. But look at you!" Wave laughed happily.

"Whoa, how do you two know one another?" Kate asked a little defensively. The both of them sat back down.

"Her parents held a summer camp and Mom sent me to get away after my dad died." Pogue explained. "How are your parents? I heard a rumor that the house burned down a year or two ago." Waverly lost her smile and looked down. She tucked her black hair with blue highlights behind her ear, before looking back at him. "Oh God, I'm sorry Ave."

"So are they alive?" Tyler asked.

"No, they died dumbass." Reid whispered. "Were they alive when they burned?"

"Reid!" Caleb growled, before turning back to Waverly. "I'm Caleb Danvers by the way."

"I know, Pogue told me a long time ago. Now let's see if I still remember. Caleb Danvers the oldest?" He nodded his head with a smile. "Then Reid Garwin the smartass. Then there's Baby boy Ty Simms."

"Tyler." Reid corrected.

"Hey, she can call me anything she wants." Tyler said with a smirk.

"So what room are you in?" Kat asked happy again, since she found out they were just friends.

"305." She replied.

"That's five rooms down from us." Sarah said happily.

Suddenly the bell ran and Wave took out her schedule. Reid decided to look over her shoulder. "Shit yeah, chemistry with Mr. Right. Catch the rest of you later." With that said Reid grabbed Wave's hand and left with Tyler.

They three of them entered the classroom to see a substitute. "Yes, someone up there loves us." Reid sang. They found three seats in the back of the room and moved the chairs together.

"So Ave-" Tyler began to say.

"Sorry only Pogue, calls me Ave."

"Ok, Wave. Where'd you move from?"

"I was born in Florida then moved here when my parents died. Went to a public school until I got kicked out and since Provost Higgins knew my folks, he let me in." She replied.

"Ok, what did you do and how old are you?" Reid asked.

"I'm 17 years old. Geez, what the hell are you two the FBI? No more questions."

"Ok." Tyler said disappointed.

"One more question." Reid asked. Wave rolled her eyes, but nodded her head. "Want to go to Nicky's tonight?"

"Who?" She asked as the bell rang for class. Both Tyler and Reid smirked at one another.

"Just be ready by eight." Reid told her.

Waverly was in her room finishing her homework until she glanced at the clock 7:30. "Shit!" She swore as she grabbed a towel and raced to the showers. When she returned to her room she found Sarah and Kate sitting on her bed, talking and laughing. "How'd you two get in here?" She asked.

"Door's unlocked." They both chimed. Wave nodded as she walked into her closet and got dressed. When she came out she was wearing a dark blue halter top with black leather pants and a pair of combat boots. She reached on to her dresser and grabbed a black and blue studded belt and her wallet chain. She then started to put on a little bit of eyeliner.

"Whoa, check you out." Kate marveled. Wave winked at her right before someone started banging on their door.

"Alright, stop with the banging." Wave yelled before opening the door to see Reid.

"Geez, you girls take a long time." He said before looking over her. "Come on Tyler and everyone is in the truck."

As soon as everyone got to Nicky's they split up. Kate and Sarah were talking at the table; Pogue and Caleb were playing their normal game; Reid, Tyler and Wave were playing pool. Until two other guys came over and started to hit on Wave.

"Hey, name's Aaron." He introduced himself.

"I'm Patrick."

"Ok, that's nice." Wave said not paying any attention. Tyler and Reid smirked at him and shrugged their shoulders, but that didn't stop the two boys from trying harder. Aaron 'accidently' bumped into Wave making her miss her shot. She rolled her eyes at him when she turned around. "Damn."

"Hey, it's Waverly right?" Aaron asked. She eyed Tyler then back to Aaron.

"Do I know you?" She asked confused.

"Question is do you want to know me?" Aaron asked putting his hands on her hips.

"The answer to that question would be hell no." Wave answered as she removed his hands from her.

"Who do you think you are?" Patrick demanded. Reid and Tyler stopped playing and glared at them.

"I think she's the girl that just rejected you." Reid smirked, then high-fived Tyler. Suddenly the song, One Way or Another started playing.

Aaron glared before pushing Reid backwards. Just as Reid was about to do the same, Wave got in front of him. "What are you doing?"

"They way I see it, you have two choices…Go outside and fight or let them suck one another's dick and dance with me." Wave suggested with a smile.

"I think I'll choose the second option." Reid chose.

"Good." Wave took his hand and led him to the dance floor.

"Would you look at that." Caleb said sitting down next to his girlfriend.

"What?" Pogue asked.

"Wave just got Reid to back out of a fight." Caleb smiled.

"That's Wave for ya." Pogue replied eating a french fry.

"So why didn't you ever mention her?" Kate asked.

"I did to the guys when I came back, but it never came up when we were talking." He said honestly.

"So she's only a friend? Is what Kate is trying to find out." Sarah told him.

"Ave, is like a baby sister to me, just as she was way back then."

"Uh-oh." Caleb said.

"What?" Caleb pointed to where Aaron and Patrick started another fight only now with Tyler.

"Fuck!" Reid said as he saw Tyler shove back Patrick. They stopped dancing and went to Tyler's aid.

"Take it outside!" Nicky shouted.

Reid and Tyler went out the back followed by Caleb and Pogue. "Wait." Wave said.

"Stay here." Pogue told her going outside.

Two minutes passed before Wave went after them. She picked up her black leather jacket and started walking for the back door, until someone grabbed her hand. "What do you want!?" She demanded, but looked up into the face of Chase Collins.

"I meant what I said, your Coven is dead and now I'm after you!" Chase sneered. Wave punched him before she took off running outside. She jumped down the stairs, only to run into Caleb.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Caleb asked her. Wave ran to Pogue's side as a green and white light came out of the sky and into her body. Waverly screamed until her throat was raw and her legs gave out, but Pogue caught her.

"Ave, answer me! Are you alright?" Pogue asked clearly shocked by what happened. Wave franticly took out a compact from her pocket and looked at herself. She now had green and silver highlights in her hair. "Ave, I'm so sorry." Pogue soothed as she cried.

"Dude, what the hell just happened?" Reid asked.

"I need your help, that's why I came here." Wave sniffled as she stood up.

"What happened to your hair?" Tyler asked.

"What do you mean you need our help?" Caleb asked.

"I beg the help of you and your Coven. He killed my parents, my friends and now the last of my Coven. My last two friends in hiding just willed me their powers. So please help me before he kills me!" Wave begged.

Please review, this is my first Covenant story.