Disclaimer: I do not own C.S.I nor do I own the characters. Enjoy!

Christmas was nearing and people were hurrying home from last minute shopping as night began to fall upon Las Vegas. Gamblers began to swarm the streets heavily as most rushed home to their families. In this busy city there were many ways of making money. Drug dealer, prostitution, dancing, work at a restaurant, etc. Life here was very face paced and wasn't for a person who would enjoy a laid back life. With a busy, over-populated city comes a lot of crime. But out of the ashes of crime filled, busy, noisy, pollution, city, love can blossom. This is a love story between two women who come from different sides of the tracks.

Sara Sidle always imagined having a home and a family. In her dreams, she had a large house, a wife, two children, and her dream job, but when morning came and the alarm buzzed, her happy dream world would vanish with the darkness of the night. She would wake up in her small, cozy apartment, and slip on her waitress uniform. She had always wanted a better life for herself but could never hold onto it. Her mother abounded her when she was eight. Her father turned into a drunk. She was stuck taking care of her little sister and brother. So the better life she wanted for herself never became a reality.

The sharp sound of the black alarm clock filled the air. It's screeching noise filled her ears. The leggy woman's hand shoot out from under the white covers and slammed down on it. The brunette sat up and yawned, stretching as she did. Her eyes fluttered open. Her hazel eyes were clouded with exhaustion and dread. Swinging her legs over the bed, she stood up, jumping a little at the shock of the cold wooden floor. Sara groaned softly as she walked into the bath room to start her morning routine. She showered quickly, got out, dried her hair, brushed her teeth, and slipped on her work uniform. She pulled her long, brunette hair back into a pony tail. The hazel eyed woman grabbed her keys and left the small apartment and hurried to work. She worked in a diner not to far from a law firm. She would wash tables and wade on people.

"Hey Sidle!" Her friend, Serenity, greeted her with a warm smile.

"Hey Serenity." Sara said smiling back as she punched in her time card.

On the other side of the city a strawberry blonde was already on her way to work. The top to her black Chevy, convertible, corvette was down and her long hair tussled in the breeze. The dark sunglasses provided protection to her beautiful blue eyes from the morning sun's rays. Her creamy skin was lit with a healthy glow from the rising sun. She was on her way to the law firm she worked at. Her name was Catherine Willows, divorcee to Eddie Willows(owner of a strip club). She was one of Las Vegas's top lawyers. Her parents had always made her strive for the best. She went to the best elementary, middle, and high school then went to the best law college. She had a great, large apartment on the strip, and loved her job. She grew up in a wealthy family and became very wealthy herself. she didn't know why she had stooped below her standards and married a man like him. After catching him in bed with two of his strippers she promised herself she would never lay with another man again. Or marry one. She was through with them for good. The blue eyed woman had been bi-sexual her entire life, but it took Eddie to make her realize she was a lesbian.

The black Corvette turned a corner and drove into the parking lot of the diner. She had passed the diner many times on her way to and from work, but never stopped there before. Catherine parked her car and got out, shutting the door behind her. The strawberry blonde pushed the door open and walked inside, pulling her dark sunglasses off as she did.

"Deep pocket at your twelve." Serenity mumbled to her friend.

The brunette whirled around and looked at the lawyer decked out in a dark navy blue suit. Her breath caught in her throat as her heart began to pound in her chest. "I got this one." The leggy woman whispered to her friend. She grabbed a pen and pad and walked over to the table where the strawberry blonde sat.

"Good morning. Is there anything I can get for you this morning?" Sara greeted, smiling brightly.

Catherine looked up at the waitress. As soon as their gaze connected, the blue eyed woman's heart began to pick up its pace and began to beat rapidly. "Um yeah." She said, a wide smiling crossing her full lips," I would like some coffee please."

"Coming right up." Sara answered, then walked back behind the counter and poured a hot cup of coffee. She carried it back over to the table and sat it down.

"Thank you very much." The strawberry blonde stated.

"You are very welcome. Anything else I can get you?" The brunette asked.

"No thank you. That will be all for this morning." The blue eyed woman answered.

"Okay your total is 2.50." The hazel eyed woman explained.

Catherine reached into her pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill and handed it to Sara. "Keep the rest as a tip." She said after taking a sip of the dark liquid.

The leggy woman nodded and walked off. As she did, the female lawyer couldn't help but to look at her ass.

"OOO!! The lawyer is checking you out." Serenity whispered to Sara, with much excitement in her voice.

A slight shade of red seeped into the creamy cheeks of the leggy woman. She turned to face the strawberry blonde she had just served, but she was gone. "Check and go. As usual." The brunette groaned, unhappy.

"At least check and go's bring in money." Serenity remarked.

After watching her walk back to the counter, Catherine left in no hurry to get back to work. She got into her car and pulled out of the parking lot and into the one a few streets down that belonged to the law firm. As she got out she saw her co-worked Mia. They were best friends, all through their childhood and up to now.

"Hey Ms. Single!" The black haired lawyer greeted. Her white suit hugged every curve of her body.

"Hoping to get noticed by Mr. Money bags today?" The strawberry blonde asked in a teasing manor. Her friend wanted to get their boss's attention and heart.

"Oh this ol' thing?" She said spinning around, laughing. "Yeah maybe just a little. Where were you?"

"Oh at the diner a few streets down." The blue eyed woman replied.

She couldn't seem to get the waitress off of her mind as she continued on with her day. Every time the beautiful face of the brunette entered her mind, she would blush and smile. During her lunch hour, she wanted to go back to the diner to see her again. She grabbed her purse and left her office only to bump into...


((from the author: sorry if it kind of sucked. Well I hope everyone enjoyed it!!! Thanks for reading!))