Kaosu: Ok, I'm BAAAAACK! :D

Ulrich: Please tell me you didn't write anything we'd regret NOT injuring you for? For once?!


Kaosu: No. But you won't do anything about it! 8D –holds up a bazooka to Odd's back-

Aki: -does same for Ulrich- These things are LOADED! 8D

Odd: O_O Haven't you ever heard of respecting the will of the characters?!

Aki and Kaosu: Hell, no! XD

Disclaimer: Does it LOOK like I own it? X3 I didn't think so. XD


-C-O-D-E-:- -R-E-B-O-O-T- -E-P-I-S-O-D-E- -4-

-C-O-D-E-:- -F-R-A-N-Z-

-L-Y-O-K-O-:- -S-E-C-T-O-R- -5- -T-O-W-E-R-

Aelita was in the Sector 5 Tower. She was running the first half of the restoration/materialization program for her father. Suddenly, outside the Tower, Xack and Psyc slowly walked up to the structure, which was connected to the long platform currently. Xack drew his weapon, and Psyc became a Manta. The two began to attempt the destruction of the Tower. It began to shudder and quake.

Aelita ran out in a panic, and when she saw them, she clenched her fists and angrily screamed, "Traitors!" before firing energy fields at them. The two didn't even try, and the blasts were deflected. They advanced closer, and Psych charged a laser, hitting the sword, which then glowed red. Xack ran at full speed to the Tower, and finished it off in one blow, before the two vanished.

The Tower was destroyed, and burst into pieces, which simply floated and lingered in the sterile, mildly foggy air. Franz Hopper was gone. Forever.

-E-A-R-T-H-:- -K-A-D-I-C-:- -A-E-L-I-T-A-'-S- -D-O-R-M-(about midnight, the next day)

Aelita flew up from her pillow, and gasped, holding back a scream. She checked her surroundings. 'It was just a dream? But... But it seemed so real...'

She then remembered what any of her friends would have told her in such a situation. "They all do," she breathed out in what could barely be described as a whisper.

-L-Y-O-K-O-:- -S-E-C-T-O-R- -5-(After breakfast that day)

Xack and Aelita were the only two allowed to enter Lyoko, just because Aelita had insisted. It may have been a dream, but Xack STILL had yet to carry out his end of the deal.

The two were sent to Sector 5, which opened up on the top branch of the Eye. This was Aelita's pathway. She ran down to the Tower Core Chamber. She first would access the OTHER Sector 5 Tower, and tell it to deactivate the Key. Then, she'd wait for Xack to access the link, and the two would start their halves of the program. Zack would initiate the DNA restoration program and Aelita would put in the DGC. (A/N: Kaosu: For those who don't visit Code: Wiki, or just don't plain know what DGC is, it's Digital Genetic Code. You know, that thing that the Scyphozoa once took from Yumi, in Missing Link? Yeah. THAT thing.)

Then Jeremie would run Code: Earth on the combined data in the link, which would have a barricade around the Franz Hopper data so nothing extra was materialized. After all, a scanner may otherwise spit out a Tower, maybe Sector 5, perhaps the Core of Lyoko? (A/N: After all, who would want a life-sized, working replica of a Tower, Sector 5, or the Core of Lyoko? O. o o .O Oh, alright… MAYBE I would. XD)

-E-A-R-T-H-:- -F-A-C-T-O-R-Y- -S-C-A-N-N-E-R- -R-O-O-M-

Odd was hanging up a banner. And guess who helped him reach just above the elevator door so he could do so? You guessed it: Ulrich. (And if you didn't, it's your problem, not mine. XD) The banner was rigged with a special module, made by Jeremie, of course, to open the banner when Franz Hopper stepped out of the scanner, and Odd wanted to make him feel welcome when he returned, by throwing a little... two minute welcome home party-type-thing. Obviously, Jeremie REFUSED to program him a virtual banner, and confetti was out of the question in BOTH situations, so Odd had to settle with the banner.

Yumi just watched, and laughed as Ulrich somewhat supported Odd's weight, which wasn't as low as you may think. "You know, Odd, for being so scrawny, you're kind of heavy…" Ulrich said, a little strained under the weight.

Odd, of course, responded with what could be considered his catchphrase; "I'm not scrawny, I'm svelte!"

He got about halfway through 'svelte' before being interrupted. "Odd… They mean… the same thing…" Ulrich replied, sure he'd give out under Odd's weight if he didn't hurry. "Now… Hurry… Up!"

"Alright, alright…" Odd quickly finished the banner, and not a moment too soon. Just two seconds after he smiled, satisfied, and said "There! All done!", Ulrich fell, and Odd with him. Thankfully, neither was injured, but they ended up in a very… suggestive … position.

Somehow, Ulrich managed to land on top of Odd, who landed stomach down. Odd simply added to the humorous effect of the situation by letting out a groan. Needless to say, Psyc and Yumi had something to laugh about for a good ten minutes. No one saw Psyc take a picture of it, though. It was just THAT worth capturing and keeping forever and ever, and to poke fun at for all time.

-L-Y-O-K-O- -2-.-2-:- -S-E-C-T-O-R- -5- -T-O-W-E-R-

Xack began the process. On the other end, Aelita was adding the DGC. Franz Hopper would soon be reconstructed, and Aelita would finally trust him. He would soon be an official Lyoko Warrior.

It took no more than 5 minutes to reconstruct Franz. Jeremie typed in the code in the link's command box, and hit enter. Code: Earth was in progress.

Three more minutes later, Franz was no longer on the map.

-E-A-R-T-H-:- -S-C-A-N-N-E-R- -R-O-O-M-

Odd and Ulrich had gotten up, and Odd made Ulrich even more annoyed by kissing him, also captured secretly by Psych. (trust me; there IS a point to this. XD) Apparently Yumi was taking this a lot easier than any of them expected.

Suddenly, the four heard the scanners close. Franz came out of the one across from the elevator, Aelita from the scanner to his right, Xack from the one to his left. The banner opened, and read: "WELCOME BACK TO EARTH, FRANZ HOPPER!"

Aelita ran up to the man in the white coat and hugged him. "Welcome home, daddy!"

Xack just gave the man a quick, somewhat cocky smirk, similar to the one he had over the screen when he lived in Lyoko.

Odd just grinned and held up one finger as if expressing the point 'I'm happy, damn it! Got a problem with that?' ((NOTE: STUPIDLY HUMOROUS AUTHOR'S NOTE DEAD AHEAD!) A/N: Odd: -dancing around- OH YEAH! Who has issues? –big grin- ''Kaosu: Ulrich? ._. ''Ulrich: Kaosu and Aki? ''Aki: THE MAIL MAN?! :P .-. –everyone just stares- P: ''Odd: Noooo… the correct answer was me… XD)

-T-H-E- -H-E-R-M-I-T-A-G-E-

Team Lyoko had already taken it upon themselves to restore the Hermitage to what it once was, if only to make it more pleasant to live in. Thanks to Aelita's memory, the task was finished in a week before that day. However, there was one new addition: courtesy of Xack and Psyc, a poster, made with regular paper, of all the AI's Eyes. This poster was distributed to every Lyoko Warrior, or every 2, provided the 2 shared a dorm. The poster was like a checklist. As each was freed from the corrupted files, each one would be crossed off or whatever.

"So you four are the ones responsible for protecting my daughter these past few years?" Franz asked with curiosity.

"Yes. It's mostly been trial-and-error based. But we've figured things out one way or another," responded Jeremie.

"Yeah, like how Jeremie figured out how to create a mass colony of spheres that destroys anything related to it's target and anything that attacks it, and how he then figured out that it wanted to kill Aelita, and then he figured out that the only way to get rid of it was to infect the central sphere, and then he figured out-" Odd began, listing off a number of things Jeremie had 'figured out'.

"Odd, shut up," Ulrich commanded. Odd just stuck his tongue out at him and smiled. Ulrich then whispered in his ear, "… or else." Odd's eyes went wide and he looked to Ulrich, who grinned evilly, slowly nodding.

It took much restraint to keep from laughing for most observers.

Odd shrugged, and responded, "Eh, what can I say? Besides, he currently controls my stash of food. I have no choice." He made a dramatic sigh and acted out weakness.

This caused all restraint to die, a bloody murderous death. The team burst into laughter. Even Franz caught slight amusement in this.

-K-A-D-I-C-:- -O-D-D- -&- -U-L-R-I-C-H-'-S- -D-O-R-M-

Odd was sitting at the desk, reading the Kadic Herald, which, unsurprisingly had an article in it about the two new kids, who, after much bribing of cake and other sugary delights, caved and allowed for an interview. There was even a picture of the two standing beside each other smiling, arm around the other's shoulder. They both had their left foot angled up, and were wearing the same clothes they wore the first day, which looked two sizes too large. In this photo, they looked to be about eleven, which obviously involved extreme abuse of a photo-manipulation program.

"'With large bribes of cake, candies, and other sweet goodies, we finally managed to get an interview with the two new mystery boys.' Pft… "mystery" my ass," Odd scoffed.

Ulrich looked up from his book. "Well? Go on."

"'According to these two who are nearly glued together…'" Odd stopped dead when he turned the page.

Ulrich looked up again, and actually came over from his spot on his bed. "What' wro-…" Ulrich's eyes went wide, and then narrow quickly. "How," he demanded more than asked.

Odd was in a less calm state. "I don't know! YOU TELL ME?!" He stood up, started to move in the general direction of his bed, and fell over onto it.

Milly and Tamiya were outside the door of this very room, listening to the panic with clever grins.

They did not expect the two who they took those photos from to be standing there suddenly, looking down at them in annoyance.

"It's not polite…" started Xack.

Psyc finished, "… to steal our camera. It's even worse to expose secrets…"

"… about our friends using the camera," concluded Xack.

"We're sorry! Really!" cried Tamiya.

"Yeah, it'll never happen again, promise!" Milly squeaked.

Both boys responded in unison, "Good."

-L-Y-O-K-O-:- -A-R-C-T-I-C- -S-E-C-T-O-R-:- -W-A-T-E-R-F-A-L-L- -T-O-W-E-R-

There was something strange happening in Lyoko, while panic at secrets was in top conccern, and a glitch began to develop… one that could very well make the next mission impossible.

-E-N-D- -O-F- -C-O-D-E-:- -F-R-A-N-Z-

Kaosu: Meh, I suck, whatever. :P I've just found my flash drive, and I'm tired, and not in the best story-writing mind. But you people want this, so, you can have it! :3