Disclaimer: I'm not Stephenie, and I also think I'm going to stop writing these things.

Hope school is going well for all the readers who have encouraged and supported me through comments, private messages, etc.

You guys are the best.

Jessica's POV

I locked up my BMW and walked straight into Forks High Senior High School. Chin up, lips completely glossy and hair? Totally awesome.

My mini skirt was too long… but apparently the school dress code said it had to cover the entire length of my ass, so I wore it longer than usual. My tank top was low cut, and it made the boys drool. What can I say? Some people are just BORN sexy.

"Hey sexy, I missed you," I said as I slammed his locker door shut.

"… Excuse me?"

"I said, I missed you." I practically yelled.

"… Are you feeling alright?"

"Perfect baby," I winked at him.

"I'm going to class now."

"Or, we could go have fun in the janitor's closet." I touched his muscle-y chest.

"Are you high?"

"No, do my perfect eyes seem like they've been smoking pot? So let's skip class and have fun in the closet."

"I'd rather shove my head in a wall… so I'll just see you later… maybe." I grabbed his arm and winked at him.

"You're creeping me out, if I would be so frank." He said, with a pretend, creeped-out face.

"I know you wrote that letter to me."

"What letter?"

"Don't act dumb. The sooner you admit to your actions, the faster we can become the hottest couple here!"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Hey, you forgot your textbook in the car." That stupid bitch just has timing issues.

"Hey Bella, thanks so much, I thought I lost it or something. I'll see you after school?" SHE just nodded, gave me a head nod and walked away.

"Are you CHEATING ON ME ALREADY?" I saw some freshmen turn their heads to look at our pretty faces.

OMG. This was our first couple fight.

Cry, Jess. Cry. Make those tears come out. Last Jimmy Choo's in my size going out, last pair or push up bra in my size going out, last-

"Will you keep your voice down? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"My boyfriend is CHEATING ON ME, and I'm suppose to be like calm or something?"

"WE'RE NOT DATING," He got closer to my attractive face, and he looked like he was about to kiss me, "you're clearly out of your mind, so I'll let this go. When we talk later, if ever again, I suggest you don't act like a dumb whore."

"Troy…" He turned around and walked off to his class.

Our first couple fight was… like more serious than I thought it'd be.

Oh shit my attractive, toned, long-legged, perky and HOT body.

Bella's POV

I took my usual seat in the back of the library during lunch period. I grabbed my biology text book and was getting thoroughly involved in the world of meiosis when someone pulled a chair across from me.

It doesn't matter.

Cytokinesis is a phase within telophase and this—

"So this is where you've been hiding." I rolled my eyes.

"I wouldn't call it hiding," I said.

"Of course you wouldn't."

"What are you doing here?"

"To talk about our Tuner's Syndrome project, of course… why else. You've made it perfectly clear you don't want anything to do with me anymore."

I ignored his last jab, "It occurs when the egg cell is missing an X chromosome or when a sperm cell is missing an X or Y chromosome. I also found a charity pretty close by that handles—"


"Have you done any research?"


"Are you planning on doing any research?"

"No, bro."

"Are you planning on helping?"




"Are you kidding me? Are you going to help out or no? I could probably beg Mr. Banner for a new partner."

"Are you planning on admitting your true feelings about me?"

"Are you planning on stop being a douche?" I was starting to get really annoyed.

"Are you aware that hanging out with Troy Watson isn't going to help anyone?"

"Are YOU aware that this is none of your business?"

"Are you forgetting that I'm your best friend and that I have a right to know these things?"

"I'm pretty sure your new best friends are the ones that give you blowjobs."

"Aw, Bells, you broke our game."

"Yeah well, you broke our friendship." Anger flared in his eyes and he pushed away from the table.

"Takes two to tango, Bella."


I was closing at my locker getting textbooks for tonight's load of homework when I saw Emmett running over to my locker.

"BELLA! You'll never guess who I met today."

"Emmett, for the millionth time, just because Mr. Au is Chinese, does not mean he is Jackie Chan, okay?"

"Bella, no, I met someone cooler than Jackie Chan today."

"Who'd you meet, Em?"


"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Jesus."

"You met Jesus, here? At Forks High Senior High?"


"Emmett, I don't think you met Jesus today…"

"NO, I MET HIM IN SPANISH CLASS." I rolled my eyes.

"That's HAY-sus, not JE-sus."

"Bella, I'm not stupid! He spelt it Jesus!"

"Emmett, it's pronounced HAY-SEUS."

"… No. the dude spelt it JESUS."



"In Spanish, therefore the 'J' is pronounced like the 'H.'"

"No it's not! You're just jealous because I met Jesus and you didn't."

"Emmett, why would Jesus be in Forks High?"

"He's JESUS, he can do whatever he wants!"

"Emmett, you met Hay-seus today. Not Jesus. I'm sorry."

"But Bell…"

"No Em, he's Spanish."

"But Bell," he whined, "I just told the whole football team…"

"I'm sure most of them figured out that you didn't actually mean Jesus."

"I don't think so… they just all went to the Spanish room to find him…"

"Well then go track down HAY-seus and tell him what you did before the football team starts to worship our new foreign exchange student."

"Damn it. See you later Bells!"

Jessica's POV

I was walking down the hallway in my new heels, when I saw half the football team run by me without giving me the "hey, how you doing? Let me check you out," as they do everyday.

Something's wrong.

Who can ignore me and my hot body?

"MIKE!" he stopped running. Power of hotties.


"Where are you guys all running to?"

"Emmett told us Jesus was in the Spanish room!"


Oh em gee, I have to go thank him for my good fortune in life.

So I like ran with them, and my boobs must've looked spectacular.

I walked into the Spanish room, and there ain't no Jesus standing there.

"What the hell. Where's Jesus?" When the entire football team was staring at me, I like literally understood what they were doing.

"Did you just like lure me in here? I'm not interested in all of you… at the same time."

Emmett's loud-ass voice almost made me deaf, "That's just disgusting. Who invited you, Stanley?" he turned to the rest of them team, "turns out it was a Mexican, Jesus impersonator. My bad guys, sorry."

Within like 2 seconds, the whole team was gone.

Oh well, I guess I'm not thanking Jesus tonight.

Rosalie POV

I stood at my locker waiting for Jessica Stanley to come and find a letter from a mysterious stranger. To be honest, I don't know why her first instinct was Troy, for all she knows, it could be a lesbian in the school admiring girls who like to expose the shit out of themselves.

And here the banshee comes.

"OH EM GEEEE! I GOT ANOTHER ONE." I'm surprised I could still hear her, I thought she would be in the range only dogs could pick up on.

"LAUREN, LAAAAAAAAUREN, COME HERE! I have boys writing me love letters!" As Jessica and Lauren jumped around screeching, I couldn't help the smirk that formed on my face.

I closed my locker and stared in her direction as she cleared her throat, practically demanding the attention of the people around us.

"Dear Jess, I really love the way you manage to squeeze your ass into shorts that are two sizes too small. I think it's quite admirable that even with your figure, you would be willing to wear such daring clothing. Major props. OMG, LAUREN, HE APPRECIATES MY HOT BODY."

"This is totes amazing, Jess. What else does it say?" I guess that's why Lauren and Jessica are such great friends; they have the same IQ.

"He said he wants me to like find out who he is and like make the move first."

"That's kinda weird, I mean, he's the guy, shouldn't he be doing this?"

"Lauren, shut up. I'm going to go find Troy and tell him I love him."

"It's TROY?"

"You know it, girlfriend. BRB."

I felt bad for Troy, but surely not bad enough to tell Jessica the truth.

This is going to be an interesting week.

Shanks for reading!

Drop me a comment and tell me what you think.
