Cain bent his head to the wind, but the rain gathered on his neck stubbornly. His horse whinnied uncomfortably in the harsh storm. A growl escaped to tin man's lips, he had been traveling for six hours and a storm had already decided to block his path. He would never get away at this rate.

Ambrose gripped a book to his chest, a present from Cain. It wasn't really fair, he had treated Cain that way because the Queen had said that Cain didn't love his like that. A tortured sigh escaped his lips.

"Ambrose," Az, walked up behind him and placed a pale hand on his shoulder. "We'll find him."

"Not fast enough, he probably hates me now." Ambrose pouted.

"I don't know." Az sighed looking at her friend.

"I'm going to go after him, don't tell the queen or Princess D.G." Ambrose slipped the book into his breast pocket and ran out through the storm quickly, and entered the stable. Brushing past the stable hand, he clambered onto his horse bareback. The rode quickly away, his horse just as determined as it's rider.

Cain camped on the edge of a slowly filling ravine. His horse was tied to a tree to the left and the rain had finally calmed to a slow drizzle, leaving that sky almost completely blue.

"This wasn't my best plan." He grumbled, staring back in the direction he had come from, and felt his heart give a painful lurch.

"Nope." He snapped at himself.

Quickly he packed and got astride his horse, then rode off.

Ambrose was a days ride behind his beloved, and every turn made his heart less hopeful. He rode hard and fast despite the trail of tears the rain hid from view. He couldn't let the one man he loved get away, his heart couldn't survive it.

But in his glazed vision he didn't see the longcoats that had come out of the forest ahead.

Cain froze when a scream echoed through the trees, his heart froze and he looked behind. He knew that voice and he growled at the man's foolishness. Coming out alone when rouge longcoats were still around.

Hadn't the queen told him of his mission?

He kicked his horse harder, letting out a harsh growl. If Ambrose was hurt, there would be hell to pay.