Harry had disappeared.
And Hermione was in the worst situation of her lifetime, worse than she could have possibly imagined - mated with Fenrir Greyback.
How this happened, you ask? Well, I will tell you.
"What is your problem, Fenrir?" asked the silky yet slimy voice of the Dark Lord.
"I'm bored, milord."
"Whores not providing enough?"
"No. I have used all available but my needs are yet to be sated."
"Is this an ongoing problem with you, Greyback?" asked a new voice; the one of Voldemort's greatest Potions Master, Severus Snape. "I thought that half-breeds didn't have the same problems as humans they once were."
Fenrir almost leapt upon the greasy ebony haired man, the only thing stopping him was the snake-like skeletal structure sitting across from him.
"You had better watch your back, Snape, because sooner or later; I'll be chewing on it." Fenrir snarled.
"Fenrir, just sit down." Voldemort hissed and was instantly obeyed. "Snape here is actually going to help you, somewhat."
"Oh, and what makes it think I need its help?"
"Because I have the location to someone who will be very 'helpful' in sating your 'needs'."
Fenrir's attention was instantly heightened and he decided to listen to the snarky git.
"Oh? And who and where would this person be?"
Snape pulled out a small thin roll of parchment and examined it for a moment, as if thinking whether to give the werewolf possibly vital information. Deciding against his wants and consciousness, he tossed the parchment to the man.
Fenrir unrolled the parchment with scepticism and his eyes widened as he read the name inked in the middle of it.
"What kind of joke is this?" he snarled.
"Would you not find her amusing, Fenrir?" Voldemort asked with sarcasm.
"Oh, she would be very amusing. But I can't help but think that Snape is pulling some sort of trick."
"That name is taken straight from the Department of Mysteries itself. The source is genuine." Snape explained, leaning back in his chair.
"Am I honestly to believe that...that she is my mate?"
"Well, you don't have to believe it but it's the truth."
"That must be why you 'needs' are not being sated as much. They aren't your mates and so; are not so satisfying." Voldemort explained but guessed at the same time.
Fenrir rubbed his temples in anguish. "Why did you give me this information, Snape?"
"I've wanted to get rid of the mudblood for years. This is the perfect excuse. What better? Taken away; only to be mated with Fenrir Greyback when and if she is discovered." Snape sneered dramatically, a smirk forming on his face.
Fenrir slowly rose. "If I find out that you're lying to me..." he threatened.
"Oh, calm down, Wolfie. I know better than to ruffle your fur."
Fenrir growled lowly at him and began to morph into his wolf form (Alpha's can transform at any time)
"Fenrir," Voldemort began disapprovingly, "don't. I know what you're thinking and if you do, you'll regret being born."
Greyback hesitated before his now cowering prey before morphing back into his human shape, and glared down at the mildly relieved Snape.
"When Our Lord isn't here, Snape," he leapt forward, grabbed said man's collar and pulled him forward, "I shall truly enjoy killing you."
"Oh, Fenrir, calm down." Voldemort snapped, growing tired of the pair's argument.
"Well, I must go and collect my...My goods." The werewolf said, squeezing the roll of parchment. He bowed to Voldemort, glared at Snape and then left the room.
----------4 days later-----------
Hermione Granger sat at the desk in her muggle house, reading a book - as per usual. It was quite late, a quarter to one, but the front door bell rang. Looking up from her book with a frown on her face, she stood up. As she walked past her bedroom door, she quickly pulled her hazel coloured dressing gown off the hook on the wall.
She secured it around herself before heading out to the hall and up to the front door. Looking through the eyepiece, she saw a familiar face and almost pulled the door from its hinges to open it.
"HARRY!!" she squealed and launched herself into his arms.
Her friend looked worn and exhausted. He was soaking wet, but that was most likely to do with the quick heavy rain that was pouring down. His clothes were torn and wrapped, like Sirius' were in the third year Shrieking Shack ordeal. His hair was now down to his ears and still as messy as ever. He had grown about a foot in the 3 months he had vanished in, and had a much large build and muscles. His glasses were gone but apparently he could still see.
"Hi, 'Mione." He said and wrapped his arms around her. Their embrace was greatly awkward but they both loved it, knowing their friend was alright and safe, but Harry had a dark secret. One that would be revealed most likely before the end of the night.
A moment later, she freed herself from his grip and ran her hands across his scarred cheeks and facial features. There was a long deep scar down his left jaw line, another gash across the edge of his left eyebrow and a series of 3 marks on his right cheek running from a centimetre under his eye to his collarbone. "You're frozen. Come on, come inside." She took his hands and started to drag him inside but his new strength prevented her from doing so.
"I can't, 'Mione." He said sadly, pulling her back to him.
"Why? Why not?" she asked.
"I'm so sorry." Hermione looked at him strangely, wondering for what he was apologising for, but got no answer. "I really am sorry." was all he said before his fist came down upon the side of her head. The blow sent her crashing against the door frame and sent her into deep unconsciousness. She knew she'd have a huge headache when she woke up.