I don't own Vala, Sam or Daniel (unfortunately I don't own Daniel.) So don't sue, I'm poor : )

"Daniel?" Vala Mal Doran came up to Dr. Daniel Jackson's office with her best pout.

Daniel looked up at the fifth member of SG-1, barely able to contain a smile. "What is it Vala?"

"You know how Teal'c won't tell me who I hooked up with during all those years we were stuck on the god forsaken ship?" Daniel nodded, Vala had been bugging the poor Jaffa for weeks now. "What if we got together?"

Daniel was about to protest strongly but stopped, his mouth half opened. He actually looked at Vala closely for the first time in a while. For once her hair wasn't in those ridiculous pigtails, just a normal pony tale. He also saw that she had adopted a normal pair of a BDUs and was wearing them much in the manor Sam wore hers. She also, for once, wasn't leaning provocatively over him with her breasts in his face. She was at a safe distant, standing across the desk from him and actually looked serious.

"Vala, what makes you so sure that you started dating someone?"

"Daniel, we were stuck on that ship for fifty years. Come on now?" exclaimed Vala, seemingly shocked that Daniel had asked such a stupid question.

"What about Sam and Mitchell? They haven't been bothered about what they did," said Daniel, clearly trying to avoid a topic he wasn't quite ready to discuss.

"Daniel, I know you're smart, please, just act it. Mitchell definitely has feelings for Dr. Lam, and don't get me started with Sam. She's quite smitten with General O'Neill." Vala looked pleased with her observational skills in the matter.

Daniel nodded noncommittally. Mitchell had started spending a good deal of his time in the infirmary. And Sam…well that was a different matter. Almost all of the SGC knew she and Jack had a thing for each other after their third year of working together. "Alright, fine. Maybe we did 'hook' up. How do you know it wasn't out of desperation? Fifty years is a long time as you have pointed out numerous times." Daniel grinned with what he thought was pretty good logic, however that grin soon melted off.

Vala looked seriously hurt. She seemed determined to keep her feelings to herself but it wasn't going quite as well as she hoped. "So that's what you think happened? If we ever slept with each other it was just because we needed fuck buddies. Is that how you view me Daniel, a nice piece of ass walking around in camo?"

"Vala, I-."

She cut him off. "No Daniel, you're right. I am always throwing myself at you and it is unprofessional. I am sorry for taking up your time." With that Vala practically ran from Daniel's lab, nearly knocking Sam over in the process.

"Daniel? What the hell was that all about?" she asked the severely confused archaeologist.

Daniel thought for a moment. "Sam, why haven't you ever told Jack how you really feel?"

"Daniel," said Sam in a warning tone.

"No, please answer me."

Sam sighed, "I guess it's because I could never find the right words. It was always a complicated issue and I never knew if it was what I was really feeling."

Daniel looked up. "Maybe it's not about the words."

"Uh, I guess so," said Sam, now just as confused as Daniel was moments earlier.

"I have to go Sam." With that Daniel ran out of the room, taking the same route Vala had taken.

Sam shrugged and walked out of Daniel's lab. She decided it was time to make a special phone call to someone.

AN. Tell me what you think, and please review.