Chapter 3

After the four walked out of their classroom, they went to the school garden.

Hotaru waited until she saw 5 horses and a flashing light come along.

"Hey… aren't those the princes that you mentioned a while ago Hotaru?" Mikan said as she still tried to make out the faces of the coming figures.

Her best friend looked at her in reply and turned back to the figures.

They waited for a while until the five figures got to where the four princesses were.

"Slow pokes. It took your time." Hotaru said as she hopped on the horse Ruka was riding.

When she got herself comfortable, she pushed Ruka off the horse, signaling him to go get himself another horse.

"But there aren't any other horses left! Where do you think I'll ride?" He asked her.

"Hop on Koko's horse." She said as she fixed the reins.

"I am not holding his waist."

"Then don't. Stay here. Walk back to your academy. It's all fine with me." Hotaru replied to him.

Ruka sighed, whistled and another horse came galloping along.

"Hey … your name's Ruka, right? If you could do that, then why didn't you do it earlier?"

He turned around to face a brunette. He flushed.

"Well, um, I …" He couldn't continue so he just played with his fingers.

Mikan chuckled and was about to say something when Natsume interrupted them.

"You two could stop flirting now. You could continue in the Northern Woods."

Ruka blushed.

"Flirting?! Who do you think you are, Mr. I'm So High And Mighty?! Hmph … " Mikan retorted.

When she looked around, Anna was on Koko's horse, Nonoko was on Tsubasa's horse and the only left single were Hotaru, Mochu, Natsume and Ruka.

She approached Ruka's horse with a negative reply.

"Sorry, this is a one man horse. And I actually only own six horses, so I won't be able to call on another one."

She approached Hotaru's, receiving a hit on the head with her mallet.

Mochu's had the same reply as Ruka, it was a one man horse.

Then she got to Natsume's. She smiled a twitchy one and requested if she could join him.

"Why would I allow an idiot like you ride with me?"

"Because … then I won't be able to join you!"

"The better…"

"Ugh! Please!" And she made a puppy dog pout.

He stared at her and looked at away.

"Do what you want. I don't care."

She cheered and hopped on.

Natsume's horse walked to the front of all the horses, under Natsume's control. He looked to his back checking if everyone's ready and nodded, signaling them that they're ready to go.

"Hey, idiot girl, hold on."

Mikan hesitantly put her hands around his waist before they took off.

She noticed him getting faster, so she held on tighter and closed her eyes.

"You could let go now." Natsume said as he crossed his arms on his chest and looked forward, stoically.

Apparently, she didn't hear him. And still didn't notice that they stopped.

Natsume sighed and hopped off, causing Mikan to fall on top of him.

When this happened, she finally noticed that they stopped.

She opened her eyes and flushed.

"Ehehehe…" Mikan quickly stood up and dusted her skirt.

"Fallen for me already? I never knew a time when my looks came to cease." And there goes Natsume's ego again.

"That is not true." Mikan said.

Natsume just rolled his eyes and went over to the group, Mikan tagging along behind him.

"So what are we going to do here?" Mikan asked when she finally reached the eight.

Hotaru stared at her and spoke up.

"It's lunch break. What else could we do?"

"Eat dinner?" Mikan guesed.

Everyone fell down anime style.


I'd like to thank: Pure Angel of War, dominiqueanne and aprilXXX