A/N: This story is originally belong to a Naruto fanfic writter, Gensomaden-Saiyuki, for Neji/Tenten pairing. I fell in love with the story and had asked the author to do a Bleach version of it. The first chapter is very similar to her work but for later chapters, I had given it my own personal twist but still have some of the original work. Thank you for reading, and if any of you like Neji/Tenten pairig, please do go visit Gensomaden-Saiyuki page for some awesome Naruto fics. Thanks.
A Curse To Kill
Kuchiki Rukia shut her eyes and held to her brother shirt tightly as a bomb exploded in one of the coaches. It was deafening sound. Half minute later, Kuchiki Rukia opened her eyes. She was in her brother's arms and both of them were hiding between a couple of seats.
"Nii-sama, where is mom and dad? Why there is a bomb?" the three year old asked. Byakuya tried not to look scared in front of his sister. He gave Rukia several pats on her back. "They'll come. Don't worry; everything is going to be alright" he said and really hoped that what he just said will come true.
A second bomb blew and made the raven haired toddler shouted. Byakuya tried his best to keep Rukia and himself calm in the chaos. He pated Rukia's back several time while looking around him, trying to find their parents. The fifteen year old boy spotted a couple ran towards them. He quickly got on his feet; taking Rukia together.
"Mommy! Daddy!" the toddler shouted and trying desperately to go to them but Byakuya had his arns firmed around his sister.
The man turned around and got into a fighting position while his wife went to their kids. The woman, with the same eyes with Rukia, quickly hugged both her children. "Bya-kun, we can't go to Soul Society today. This train had been attacked by Hollows. I'm sorry. You both had to go back to the Kuchiki Mansion, together. No matter what happen, you must protect your sister. Here, take these documents and give them to Uncle Takumi" the woman said to her kids.
"I want to go with mommy. Let go of me! I want mommy!" Rukia trying to get lose from her brother's grip. Kuchiki Ayumi took her daughter into her arms. She kissed the girl's face and cheek several times. Rukia held on her mother's shirt tightly. She didn't want to let her go since was very scare.
"No Rukia. You must be a good girl. Stay with Nii-sama okay? Bya-kun, take your sister and run away from here. Make sure that she's save. Take care of yourself and your sister. You both are the only heir of Kuchiki clan. We really love you both and I'm sorry" said their mother as she gave Rukia back to Byakuya and gave them several kisses.
Byakuya held his sister more tightly as she trying to get lose from his grip. The teenage boy went to his father. "Bya-kun, take these pendants" Kuchiki Hikaru took two lockets from his trouser pocket and handed them to his son. Kuchiki Hikaru kissed his son's and daughter's face. "Go now! Save yourself. I love both of you" he shouted.
Byakuya ran to the nearest exit with the strugling Rukia in his arms. When Byakuya was a couple hundred meters away from the train, a big explosion erupted with pieces of glass and iron flew everywhere. The train was burnt in a huge red fire.
"Mom! Dad!" Rukia startled from her nightmare. She panted several times. She had those nightmares since twelve years ago when both of her parents were killed. It wasn't just a nightmare. It was real. The Hollows had attacked the train where the Kuchiki family were in. They had bombed the train and killed both Kuchiki Ayumi and Hikaru.
Rukia's bedroom door was opened by her big brother. Slowly Kuchiki Byakuya walked towards his sister and sat at the edge of the bed.
"Are you okay? Did you got those nightmares again?" Byakuya asked his sister. Even though he had turned cold after his parents were killed, he still cared about his little sister. No matter what, he will kept his promise. He had promised both his late parents to take care of Rukia. She was more important than his own life.
Rukia nodded. She still couldn't get rid the nightmare. It always hunted her every time she closed her eyes.
Byakuya patted Rukia's back just like twelve years ago. "Go back to sleep. Tomorrow is the first day of school remember? I don't want you to be at school with those tired eyes…" Byakuya said. Rukia nodded again and laid back on the bed.
Byakuya went out from the room after he satisfied that Rukia was asleep and will not get another nightmare.
"Bye Nii-sama!" Rukia said as she jumped out from his brother car. Then she ran towards the school main building. Just before she reached the main door, she had bumped to a tall male with very bright orange hair.
"What the hell?" was said by Kurosaki Ichigo.
"Hi, strawberry!"
"I'm not strawberry and that's not the way to say sorry to whom you had just bumped" replied Ichigo with his usual frown.
"What's with the sour face? It's first day of school. C'mon, cheer up!" Rukia tried to make her male friend to cheer up a bit.
"It's that Ishida. He was boasting up about his girlfriend, saying how proud he is to have Inoue as his girli. He even said that nobody wants me bcoz I was always frowning and my weird hair colour. Damnit!" he said. Both of them were walking to their class.
"He was right about the two things; your frown and hair. But cheer up, strawberry! There are plenty girls in this school. For example, Arisawa or Matsumoto or Miu…" Rukia pointed to the girls who was talking to each other.
"Hell no! I, for some reasons, liked Inoue. She's my friend since I was a boy. But how could she felt in love with that Ishida? And now, Ishida kept irritating me!" Ichigo said with his frown deepening.
Rukia felt hurt. Her heart crushed. They were friends as long as she could remember and became much more closer after he had saved her from an accident. After all these years, Rukia had started to 'like' Ichigo more than a friend.
"Don't worry! You'll have a girlfriend someday" Rukia said with a force smile on her face.
Ichigo sighed. "Please don't tell this to anyone. You're my friend and please keep this as a secret. Promise?" Ichigo held out his pinkie for a promise. Rukia got her small finger slipped into his. "I promise" said her. Suddenly, a student jumped into both of them.
"What do we have here? Holding…pinkies? Did you made promise to get marry?" Asano Keigo asked.
"Hell no. Go away Keigo!" Ichigo took his finger away from Rukia's. Keigo gave a grin. "Ichigo, can you give Kuchiki to me? Please?" Keigo said before he received a punch from Ichigo which had sent him all the way across the hall way.
"C'mon. Let's go or we're going to be late for Mrs. Ishikawa's class" Rukia pulled Ichigo's wrist and walked to the class.