Hello there my lovely readers. I'm very sad to say this is the last chapter of my first fanfic 'Halliwell and the Handyman". So I hope you all enjoyed it. I certainly enjoyed writing it. Thankyou all you your beautiful reviews. It gives me such joy to read them!

Hopefully I can write another Piper/Leo fic soon! They are the best kind! Am I right? Hehe.

So thanks again guys!

Lot of love. xx

A lot later that day Leo left his room to go find Piper to apologise, but the only person home was Phoebe who was sitting at the kitchen table reading a book.

"Hey Phoebe, do you know were Piper is?" he asked, secretly praying she wasn't still with Dan somewhere. Did Piper forgive Dan? Did they get back together? Please god no he thought.

Without looking up she answered, "oh she's at the town fair with Prue, it's just down the street."

"Right thanks." He answered her turning.

"Oh and Leo", Phoebe said finally looking up from her book. "Her favourite flowers are roses. Good luck." She smiled at him.

Leo smiled back and left the house making a detour on the way to pick up some roses.

As he entered the loud and crazy fair he was stumped on how he was going to find Piper in all of this.

There were hundreds of people, loud music and stalls and rides set up all over the place.

Piper stood with Prue in the line for the Ferris wheel talking.

"I can't believe what has happened to you in like the last 24 hours." Prue said with wide eyes. "I mean, you find Dan cheating, you yell, you scream, you get wasted, you end up in the arms of the handy man! Then you fight with him over Dan, and now your not speaking to each other." Prue said with a laugh. "I thought my life was complicated."

"Prue this sisterly talk isn't working. Aren't you supposed to make me feel better not worse?" Piper said with a glare.

Prue smiled. "I'm sorry kid, I was just teasing you."

Piper rubbed her eyes with tiredness.

"Next" Said the man at the Ferris wheel taking tickets.

Leo was scanning the area for Piper; this was impossible, he thought.

Just then he saw the long, brown hair he had grown to love getting onto a seat on the Ferris wheel. He raced over and grabbed Prue's shoulder before she sat down. "Do you mind if I…." he said indicating to the seat next to Piper. Prue nodded and he sat down, placing the rose in her lap.

Piper looked down at the rose, then at Leo quickly then turned away as the ride started.

"Piper … listen. I never meant to hurt you. I was –" he cut off as their carriage stopped at the very top of the wheel.

Down below Prue was handing a 20-dollar note to the manager of the ferris wheel. "Just keep them up there for awhile to work things out." She said winking.

Leo was starting to breath hard. "Why … why have we stopped?" he said in a panicked voice.

Piper looked at him and saw he was nervous. "I don't know… wait… are… are you afraid of heights?" she asked him shocked.

"Terrified." He replied closing his eyes, as if it would help.

He turned to her with his eyes still firmly closed. "Piper, as I was saying, I really am sorry. I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have said those things I didn't mean them at all, and as soon as I said them I wish I could have taken them back." He said to her. Leo strained to say the next part though it hurt him like a knife in the ribs, "and… and I want you to know, that whatever your decision with Dan was today, if your back as a couple, I respect you and support you, because I would never want to lose our friendship."

Piper watched him the whole time he was speaking. Smiling slightly to herself at the way his eyes were jammed shut. "Leo… thankyou. I know you didn't mean those things, and I know I over reacted. A lot." She smiled. "And it really means a lot to me, that you would never want to stop talking even if I went back to Dan."

Leo's heart sank. So she was back with him. "Of course Piper, never. I would always want to be your friend. No matter what." He said trying not to get choked up over the sadness he was feeling.

"Well, I feel the same way. But, just to let you know, I didn't get back together with Dan." She said. Leo lifted his head in shock. "I would never go back to someone who had cheated on me." She continued.

Leo was extremely happy, that he wanted to cheer, but instead he tried to stay cool and casual as he replied, "oh well, yeah I mean, that's a good decision… yeah." He said smiling, still with his eyes closed.

Piper grinned. "So you don't like heights, well there's something I learned about you today."

Leo laughed nervously, still aware that they were very high.

"Maybe you should do something to take you mind off it." Piper said glancing at him out of the corner of her eyes.

"Ha, we are 50 feet up in the air, what could possibly take my mind off –"

Leo got cut off by a soft pair of lips upon his own.

Leo's eyes snapped open to see Piper slowly pull away.

"Well that definitely worked." Leo said still recovering from the shock.

Piper laughed heartedly and kissed him again, as Leo kissed back with all his heart. Their tongues swirled together as their carriage rocked slowly as it descended. Leo broke away slowly and held her sides of her face in his hands starring into her big brown eyes.

"Piper Halliwell, I think I'm in love with you." He said seriously.

Piper's eyes widened before a smile crept to her mouth. "Well that's good, because I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you too." She said grinning at him.

Leo heart was doing flip-flops. He couldn't be happier than he was in that moment. As could Piper. She felt love radiating out of her skin for this man.

Leo kissed her again with all the love and passion he felt. Piper kissed back hungrily.

Leo felt there carriage stop at the bottom and pulled away from Piper momentarily, to hand the ferris wheel manager a 5 dollar note and say to him,"a couple more times round please." Piper laughed, Leo wanted to stay on a ride he absolutely feared, if it meant he could stay in Piper's arms.

Leo pulled her back into his embrace as the wheel started spinning around once more.