Too Young to Die

Chapter Two: May 1998

It was the first week of May, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in the kitchen of Grimauld Place. Ron was leaning against the counter scanning through the Daily Prophet, and Hermione was at the stove cooking eggs for a late breakfast. Harry was sitting at the breakfast table near the window with two pieces of parchment, quill, and ink in front of him.

The trio had moved back into Grimauld Place a week and a half ago after Ginny had boarded the train for Hogwarts, but every morning they did the very same ritual: Hermione made breakfast, Ron kept himself busy, and Harry wrote a letter to Ginny.

Ginny's previous letter read:


It's been so difficult trying to catch up in our classes. We also have to make up for the crummy teachers we had before hell broke out at Hogwarts. Everyone's nervous about O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s, but I guess that can only be expected. I'm pretty nervous myself; I can't disappoint my mum and dad.

There was a new teacher at the head table today, Professor Dornhuff. She's going to take McGonigal's place as Transfiguration teacher. Lavender says she read about her in one of her textbooks. I'm sure she will be mentioned in tomorrow morning's paper.

I'm sorry to end every letter so soon, but I don't have much time to write. Classes and Quidditch practice are keeping me very busy. We have a game this Saturday against Ravenclaw. It shouldn't be too hard to get a win, though. Their keeper didn't come back and the one they have now isn't very good.

Missing You,

Ginny Weasley

As Harry called Pig down from the top of the cabinets and tied his letter the owl's leg, Hermione and Ron made their way to the table with the food.

"Anything interesting in the paper today, Ron?" Hermione asked.

"Just the usual talk of Ministry rebuilding," Ron answered. "And they appointed a new Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts…um…Eliza Dorn-something."

"Dornhuff," Harry supplied. "Ginny mentioned her. 'S'pose to be pretty brilliant."

"Oh, yes, I've read about her. She's been researching some very advanced spells for the past 15 years or so," Hermione responded.

"Well, now McGonigal doesn't have to teach and be Headmistress, and Hogwarts is fully staffed," Ron continued.

Dropping that topic, Hermione started, "My parents are all settled back in their house. Ron and I were going to visit today, Harry. Do you want to come along? I'm sure they'd be more than happy to see you."

"Thanks, 'Mione, but I don't think so," he answered. "I think I'm going to visit with Teddy today."

"Ah. Going to spoil him some more, then?" Ron joked.


That night, Ron and Hermione flooed back to the house to find Harry sitting on the rug and Teddy lying in front of him.

"Hey, guys. How're your parents, Hermione?" Harry asked.

"They're doing really well. They're a little upset about the memory modification, but they've already re-opened their office," she answered.

"And how's Andromeda?" Ron asked, kneeling down to play with the baby.

"As well as can be expected, I suppose," Harry started. "Little Teddy, here, keeps Andi quite busy. I told her I'd keep him tonight so she can get some sleep."

Hermione smiled, "Well, is anyone else hungry?" After both boys nodded their heads, she continued, "I'll go make us some dinner." Then, after watching Ron play with Teddy for a moment longer, she turned and headed toward the kitchen.

"So, how did they take the news?" Harry asked Ron once Hermione was out of earshot.

"Oh, her mother was ecstatic; kept going on about the details," Ron replied.

"And her father?"

"He thinks we're too young. He was more interested in my career plans and such."

"That's probably normal, though," Harry thought out loud.

"Yeah, it could have been worse."

Then, Teddy surprised them both when he started fussing and his hair changed to a deep brown color.


"Morning, 'Mione," Harry wiped the sleep out of his eyes as he entered the drawing room. "Watcha doing?"

Hermione smiled over her cup of tea. "Just thinking," she replied.

"About the wedding?" Harry walked over to the window and leaned on the sill.

"I can't seem to think about anything else," Hermione gave a small laugh.

"Have you two sorted out all the details yet?" Harry asked.

"Us two?" Hermione laughed jokingly. "I'm the one making all the decisions! Ron's not really a 'detail person.'"

"That sounds like him. Will you have everything ready by June 29th?"

"Yeah. Mrs. Weasley has been a big help."

"Are you going to have it at the Burrow like Bill and Fleur's?"

"Actually, Harry, did you know there's a really beautiful garden out back?" Hermione didn't wait for an answer. "I was thinking that it could be a really pretty place for a wedding. It would need some work. I mean, most of the flowers in it are dead, but I could ask Ginny to help when she gets home. If it's okay with you that is." She looked hopefully at Harry, who couldn't refuse and even offered to help with the garden (after hearing who he would be working with). Hermione jumped up from the sofa and, letting out a squeal of excitement, gave Harry a tight squeeze.

"Hey, what's going on in here?" Ron joked. "You're supposed to be hugging on me!"

"Oh, good. You're up," Hermione turned to face her red haired fiancé. "I have good news. We're having the wedding here!"


AN: so sorry it took forever to write. classes have started back and i don't have much time to write. and this chapter is really kinda boring... good stuff is coming up (here comes the bride!). oh and some gw/hp time in the next chapter.

Bella Ballistic: sorry about the flavored water and thanks for the review.

Mistress of Craziness: thanks so much for the review! i'm sorry about all the rush between the couples (i actually think harry and ginny are going at an ok speed) but i've only got a couple of chapters before i have to off hermione...i'm sure you understand.

Stress overload and froggy104: thanks so much for the comments, they always make me really happy!