An update, finally, I'm sorry it's been so long, schools been murder!

Despite her broken bones, Bailey felt as though she was floating on a cloud as Reid helped her up the flights of stairs to her

Despite her broken bones, Bailey felt as though she was floating on a cloud as Reid helped her up the flights of stairs to her room. They reached her door and stood, staring into each others eyes like the love struck teenagers they were.

"Good night." Bailey whisper as she turned the doorknob.

"Good night Bailey Hartwell." Reid whispered back.

"Thank you for saving my life." She said quietly.

"Always." Reid replied, stepping forward, catching Bailey's lips with his own.

"Bailey?" Asked a dangerously low voice. The two of them broke apart, looking in the direction of the voice, about five feet down the hall. There stood Devon, his fists clinched in rage. Reid stepped in front of Bailey protectively.

"Reid," Bailey whispered urgently in his ear, "get out of here. This is going to be bad and I don't want you getting hurt."

"You think I'd leave you alone with this guy?" Reid demanded. "Then you're a fool, as long as I'm around, he's never going to touch you again."

"Reid…" Bailey whispered pleadingly. "Don't do this, he'll kill you…"

"That's not going to happed." Reid replied, his eyes flashing dangerously, they seemed to grow dark for a moment, but they looked normal the next second. Devon let out a roar of anger and came charging down the hall, slamming into Reid. The two of them slammed against the wall beside Baileys dorm door. Devon slammed his fist into Reid's face, and the punches kept coming.

"Devon!" Bailey screamed, hitting the back of his head with one of her crutches. "Let him go, let him go!"

Reid managed to get in his share of punches as well, but Devon was a brick wall. Another powerful punch from Devon sent Reid to his knees. Reid tried to stagger upright only to be sent back down. He was losing. He could still hear Bailey screaming, but it seemed distant, because he was far away in a haze of pain. Black surrounded him, slowly closing in, and the punches kept coming. Reid lost consciousness as the endless punches continued. Bailey threw herself against Devon, managing to throw off his balance. The two of them fell to the ground. Baileys broken ribs seared with pain , but it was worth it, because Devon wasn't hurting Reid anymore. Bailey tried to get to her feet, but she couldn't, so she slid herself up against the wall beside Reid. Devon was already back on his feet. Bailey glared up at him.

"Leave us alone." She demanded, her voice low and dangerous.

"I love you!" Devon yelled. Bailey looked calmly into his eyes.

"No. You don't. If you loved me, you never would have hit me. I've finally found something, something worth having. I found that I'm someone worth loving. I found the real me is more precious than the me I pretend to be, and I found someone who loves the real me, and treats me the way I should be treated."

"Bay-Bay," Devon said quietly. "Don't leave me!"

"I'm giving you a choice Devon, a second chance. Be the person I know you have the potential to be, or I'll call the cops. I'll tell them everything you did to me. Everything."

"Bailey." Devon pleaded.

"Make your choice Devon, but I swear to God. You do what you did to me to anyone else ever again, I'll kill you. If you ever touch me or Reid again, I will make it my job to destroy your life." Bailey promised

Devon looked down at Bailey, obviously surprised and maybe even afraid.

"Leave now." Bailey demanded. Devon nodded his head to show he understood, and quickly walked away.

"Reid." A gentle voice whispered in his ear as he regained consciousness. Devon had stopped punching, and the painful blows had been replaced by a much softer and much gentler hand caressed his cheek.

"Reid?" Bailey whispered quietly. "Can you hear me?"

Reid groaned loudly as he opened his eyes, a pair of icy blue ones gazed back. A smile spread across her face and she brushed his hair from his eyes. They both were laying on the floor of the hall way, but neither were able to move.

"Hi." Bailey whispered, a smile tugged at the corners of Reid's mouth, but even smiling hurt.

"Hey." He whispered back. "What happened to Devon?"

Bailey's face hardened with a look of independence, then softened again as she laughed quietly and replied, "He got a taste of his own medicine."

"I guess that means you're not his bitch anymore." Reid said, impressed.

"I guess it does." Bailey admitted thoughtfully. They stared at each other in silence for a moment.

"I think you'll be okay now." Reid admitted.

Bailey looked to the floor at the notion and swallowed hard, whispering, "I know I will."

Reid sat up despite the pain in his ribs. He looked searchingly into her face. "I guess this means you don't need me anymore."

"No," Bailey agreed. "I don't need you any more."

Reid looked away sadly. Bailey crawled up to him and gently lifted his chin with her cold fingers.

"But it would be a hell of a lie if I said I didn't still want you." She whispered seductively.

Reid grinned; this was invitation enough for him. He wrapped his sore arms around her, forgetting about the pain for a moment only to yelp at the reminder.

"Damn it!" He swore loudly. "So much for Devon punching like a girl."

Bailey looked into his eyes.

"You took a beating for me." She whispered, Reid tried to shrug off her words. She trailed her fingers down his chest. His breath caught at her touch. He reached up and brushed her raven black hair behind her left ear, cupping her chin in his hand.

"I love you." He whispered, his voice deep and serious.

"I know." Bailey told him warmly. Her face was so close to his that their noses almost touched. Her lips so close he could feel the warmth of her breath that escaped from the small gap between them. The remaining space between them slowly disappeared until there was nothing left in the world but each other. "I love you too." She whispered against his lips.

AN: So, what do you think, should there be a sequel?

Please Review!
