This story was inspired by the song "Face Down" by Red Jumpsuit Aparatus, it goes out to everyone who has every been in an abusive relationship. May it inspire you to have the strength to realize you deserve so much better.

A girl with short black hair named Bailey Hartwell lay trembling on the ground, it hurt too much to get up even though she told herself it didn't hurt at all. Pain is all in your head, the more you deal with it, the less you notice it, at least that was what everyone said. But it wasn't true she knew that, she had had enough bumps and bruises in her relationship to know that the pain never really faded. If anything it hurt worse every time, because every time she let it happen she lost a little more self-respect.

A big burly brunette, obviously a football player given his build and the fact he was wearing a Spencer Academy football uniform stood above the trembling figure of Bailey Hartwell. His name was Devon Berkley according to his uniform, and he looked down pitilessly at her. She held back the tears that threatened to force their way out of her icy blue eyes.

But Bailey Harwell didn't cry, not ever. Devon thought crying was a sign of weakness, and Bailey wasn't weak, it was one of the few things she could still say about herself with some pride. So Bailey did not cry. Devon stood impatiently, waiting for her to get up. Bailey knew she had to get up soon or he would get angry, so she slowly pushed herself up, biting back a cry of pain. She straightened up, staring at her feet. Devon reached out to touch her and she couldn't help but flinch.

Her cheek surged with a white-hot pain as Devon slammed his fist into it again. She fell to the ground again, laying face down and motionless.

"Damn it Bailey!" Devon yelled, Bailey stayed where she was, if she got up now he would just push her down again. He aimed a kick that caught her in the hip. Bailey bit her lip hard to keep from screaming, Devon kicked hard, ask any of the footballs Spencer's team used to practice. "You always do this! Why do you make me do this to you? You know that upsets me, I hope you straighten out before tomorrow, or I don't know what I'll do."

Devon stormed out of the room leaving Bailey alone. She lay there for a long time, letting the pain slowly consume her. Finally she lifted herself to her feet and walked tenderly to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror, a dark bruise was blooming across her cheekbone and several more covered her arms and body, the one on her hip was going to be especially nasty, she could tell already by the swelling in the surrounding area. She groaned softly and staggered away to her bed, collapsing into a restless sleep.

AN: Please Review! I don't know what else to say.

Just review people!
