Title: My Loved One's Baby's Baby
Pairings: JanitorJD and some JDKim
Rating: G
Description: With the news of JD's new son on the way, the Janitor decides he must 'help out' one more person.
Author's Note: I guess this could be considered somewhat AU-ish. I started writing this a while ago and finished it now… Sorry about being so delayed…
And oh wow, it's been quite a while since I've submitted anything for Scrubs!
"Pregnant Lady!" The Janitor called.
Kim hesitantly turned around, looking at the janitorial worker wearily. "Yes?" She asked, looking at him puzzled.
He stepped over towards the woman; his eyes reverted to the side and his hands in his pockets. He stopped in front of her and bent down so he was closer to her. He took a moment to check the room for any eavesdroppers before he whispered in her ear, "You better no hurt him." In quite a threatening tone, really.
Kim blinked at him with surprise, "Uh…" She uttered, not sure what to say.
The janitor straightened up and sent a cold look at the approaching JD.
John placed a hand on her shoulder and steered the pregnant woman away from the seeming-insane man. "Don't listen to him, Kim," The Janitor heard, "He's crazy."
"Okay," She replied and held his hand.
The two left the hospital together.
The Janitor shifted his jaw from side to side and watched as they disappeared around the corner. He was planning on watching her, because if she hurt JD, she would have consequences to pay for.