Chapter 1

Gabriella Montez was sleeping peacefully in her bed when the sudden cries of her two year old daughter rang out through the whole house. Gabriella quickly got out of bed and went into her daughters room.

"Bella, baby what wrong why are you crying?" Gabriella asked the little girl as she picked her up out of her crib and slowly moved over to the rocking chair to try and get her angel back to sleep. The little girls crys stop about 15 minutes later and thats when Gabby realized that her daughter had finally fallen back asleep. She quickly put Isabella back in her crib and went back into her room to try and get some more sleep. When she laid back down she couldnt go back to sleep. Realizing it was 4:30 in the 'morning and Gabriella had planned to be up at 5:30 she just go up and started packing for Isabella's and her's trip home to see her mom in New Mexico. She went into the closet and picked up her suitcase and started packing.

While packing Gabriella thought if she was going to she him agian, Troy Bolton, the love of her life and the father of her two year old daughter Isabella Hope Montez-Bolton. Gabriella and Troy both went there seperate ways after graduation when Troy got accepted to UCLA and Gabriella got accepted to NYU. Graduation was suppose to be happy and fun but for Gabby it was a day she will never forget.


Troy and Gabby where both sitting in Troy's room in complete silance. They where both trying to figure out something to say to the other beucase they both knew the relationship was going to end once graduation came becuase Troy was leaving to go and find a job and an apartment before school started. Neither wanted to be the one to break up but they both knew it was time.

"Gabby"Troy said trying to get her attention"You know i love you but we both know that long distance realtionships wont last. I guess what i am saying is that we both need to go our own ways but you need to know that i will always love you no matter what."

"I love you to Troy and i know this is for the best but i hate it."Gabby said

"Me to Gabs me to." Troy said. With that they said goodbye and havent talked to each other since.

End Flashback

Now its three years later and Gabriella was raising their daughter alone. Gabriella had always wanted to tell Troy but she always stopped her self when she would start to call him. She knew Troy and she knew he would give up everything to be with her and his daughter but that also meant that giving up on his dream to be in the NBA and Gabby knew that at least one of the should have their dream and wasn't willing to ruin Troy's life. Now she lived in New York and was a sucessful lawyer. She got through school in two years and was hired right out of school. She was raising her daughter on her own and loving every minute of it. She love being a mom and except for Isabella's crystal blue eyes she was a spitting image of her mother.

Now it was time for the hoildays and for the past three years Gabriella stayed in New York and her mom would come and visit both her and Isabella but this year Ms. Montez told Gabby she wanted her home for the hoildays and after much debating Gabby finally gave in. Today was the day that she was flying home to New Mexico with her daughter and she was so afriad that Troy was going to be there and was going to find out about Isabella. All she could do was hide and hope that no one knew that she was there. Although she would love to see all of her old friends and see how they are doing Gabby wasn't willing herself to take the chance of Troy finding out about Isabella.

Gabby had just finshed packing when she heard Isabella crying for her. Gabby walked into her daugher's room and picked her up.

"Hey Bella-bee you ready to go see your grandma today?" Gabby asked the two year old

"Yay" Bella said and clapped her hands above her head.

"Okay baby but first lets get you ready, and feed, and while you are eating mommy is going pack your things.

Gabby quickly got Bella dressed and feed and all of her things packed. She packed her favorite toys and her blanket and pillow in a bag for the plane along with bella's bear that she never went to sleep without. Gabriella quickly grabbed some books for her to read and put them into the carry on bag along with some snacks for the plane. She got everything downstairs and in the car before she went back inside grabbed her purse phone and coat and quickly put Bella's coat on her. She got bella in her car seat and then got into the drivers seat before leaving for the airport.

6 hours later

Gabby had finally landed in Albuquerque and was glad that the flight went as peacefully. Bella slept most of the way and when she did she would just stare out the window and clutch onto her bear. Gabby was so glad to be home but now she need to find her mom so she could go home. Gabby picked up Bella who was about to fall asleep again and started walking towards baggage claim. The airport was so crowded and Gabby was so glad she had Bella in her arms that way she wouldnt lose her. On her way someone was running in the airport and knocked Gabby down. They guys turned and around and Gabby looked up and couldnt belive the man that was standing in front of her.

"Gabby?" the man said