Hey Everybody! Okay, so this is the last thing I should be doing but… I can't help myself :) So as you've probably guessed this us a new story by moi (Me)! (Always wanted to say that) So I wasn't going to post this story but it's kind just a little side project. I get bored with writing one story and have to write more, it really is a sickness but until they find a cure I guess I'll just have to keep writing :D Now I'm writing this story so I can try my hand out at some angst writing, If I can even do that. Hopefully I can, it'll be hurt, comfort and stuff. It's set in season one but is totally AU. Now please enjoy and review.

Chapter One: Sad Songs For Dirty Lovers

Haley glares at the her boyfriend, if you could even consider him that. Boyfriends and girlfriends are supposed to love each other right? And they're also not supposed to take shots off of other girls stomachs. She glares even harder as he claps his hands and 'woos!'

"I think the lime went down my shirt," Bevin says, looking down at her pink lacy top. Haley rolls her eyes. She's such a slut, and that's my boyfriend.

Nathan smirked while standing up, "I'll get it later." After getting a few slaps on the back from his team mates, Nathan walked over top Haley- whose standing in the kitchen, looking severely pissed off. "Hey baby," he smiles charmingly but Haley simply rolls her eyes. Unlike most other girls at this school she's heard his bullshit enough times to learn not to fall for it.

"Don't baby me, you asshole." Nathan holds up his hands, swaying a bit, obviously drunk. Big baby, can't even handle his liquor. "What the hell are you doing taking shots from another girl-"

"There's plenty Nathan Scott to go around." He smirks before crashing his lips onto Haley's. After struggling she finally manages to push him off her.

"Why don't you spit in my mouth next time. It'd be sexier!" She shouts at him before wiping her mouth and storming out of the kitchen.

"Maybe I will!" he yells back and she simply rolls her eyes while walking away from him.

As she pushes passed all the drunken bodies in her way Haley sighs , tonight is just not her night. Searching for that dimpled smile she knows oh so well, Haley tried to see over the top of peoples heads. Damn I hate been so small-vertically challenged Haley. Oh god, did I just correct myself? In my brain? Now I'm asking myself questions.. Thanks god no one can hear me. When she finally made it to the living room she smiled when she finally found Brooke, but her smile dropped when she noticed some guy was practically mauling her. As Brooke tried to push him off her, he simply just help onto her tighter. Pushing her way threw the crowd when she finally reached them she pushed the guy off Brooke.

"What the-" his sentence was cut short as Haley punched him square in the nose. The party fell silent and Haley silently yelled at herself. This'll be all round school tomorrow. He rubbed his nose in pain, and as he brought his hand away he looked at the blood. "What the hell was that for?!" The guy yelled. A crowd seemed to be circling around them.

"For practically molesting my friend!" Haley yelled back, she was never one to back down from a fight.

"Listen you little bitch you're lucky you're a girl," he tells her in a slightly menacing voice, but Haley acts unscathed.

"Buddy you're lucky I feel sorry for you and don't want your mates to make fun of you for been beating up by a girl." She tells him and suddenly he lifts his hand up. Just before it can collide with Haley Brandon runs over and grabs him.

"I think you've had enough." He says while twisting the guys arm, Haley send shim a thankful look and he winks playfully at her in return. Brandon was one of the guys on the basketballs team. He was sweet, funny, good looking, and a giant. Seriously he's like six foot four, six foot five. Haley grabs Brooke's hand and leads her out of the party, glaring at anyone who even dares glance in their direction. She sees Nathan in the doorway that joins the kitchen and the living room. She doesn't know how long he's been there and to be honest she really doesn't care. Taking her gaze off him she continues to lead herself and Brooke out of the house and into Haley's 1969 black Chevy Impala. As they finally get outside Haley puts Brooke in the passenger seat before climbing in the drivers side, not one word ever passing between the two.

Haley speeds off down the road. Reaching Brooke's house within ten minutes, which was quite impresses seen as it's a twenty minute drive. Haley gets out and walks round the front of the car, opening the door she takes Brooke's hand and helps her out. She sends Haley a smile, she only saves for her best friend and Haley returns the gesture. They walk up the long path, surrounded by the perfectly cut mowed lawn. They reach the red door and Haley lifts one of the plant pots and takes the key out from under it, then opens the door and helps Brooke inside. Since she's still pretty drunk, Haley walks her friend up the stairs and she walks Brooke to her room. Brooke groans as she lays on her bed. "Too early." She mumbles while closing her eyes.

Haley shakes her head, and takes off Brooke's red high heels. She rolls her eyes, only Brooke Davis could walk about in these. After changing her friend into a pair of pyjamas, Haley leaves her a note to call her in the morning. Tucking her in Haley drops a kiss on her fore head, and rubs the back of her hand down the side of her friends face. She sighs, "what am I going to do with you B. Davis?" With one last glance at her the sleeping girl, Haley closes the bedroom door softly and walks back outside. Locking the door she posts the key though the letter box. She gets back in her car and drives back to her house. As she stops the car and takes the keys from the ignition she looks sadly up at her house-if you could even call it that. A house is a place for family, laughter and well love, and her house hasn't been like that four two years. Shaking herself from her throats Haley gets out of the car and goes into the building.

She sighs and leans against the front door after she closes it, before turning on the lights. Secretly she wishes that someone would leave them on for her for when she gets home, but that's like wishing for world piece. It's never going to happen. Dragging herself up the stairs she walks into her bedroom. Kicking off her black converse she grabs the hem off her top and pulls it over her head, revealing her red lacy bra. Throwing her top over the back of her computer chair she walks over to her CD's, finally deciding on Fm static she grabs the case and puts the CD in the player. She smiled as 'Americas Next Freak' filled the quiet room. Grabbing a bobble she ties her hair up in a messy bun.

"You were expecting me then?" Haley rolls her eyes.

Not bothering to turn round, "what do you want Nathan?"

He sighs and walks further into the room. He never bothered to knock, no one does. "I just wanted to see you. Are you okay?" He asks and Haley turns round surprised by the actual concern she hears in his voice. He looks down at her with those baby blues and she can already feel herself forgiving him. Be strong Haley!

"I saw what happened with Kyle." Course he knows the assholes name. She Thinks, okay maybe I'm being a bit harsh. No you're not! He was taking shots off of Bevin. "I wanted to beat the living shit out of him but Brandon beat me to it." he smiles at her. "You're okay right?" He rubs a hand softly up and down her arm and she can feel her guard coming down.

"I'm fine." She tells him in a simple tone before turning back around to look through her CD's. Nathan sighs before rubbing a hand over his face.

"Are you still pissed off at me?" When he doesn't get an answer he sighs irritated, "come on Haley. It was just a bit of fun." He realises that was the wrong thing to say when she whips round.

"A bit of fun? Nathan I'm you girlfriend. Not Bevin or some other plastic bimbo!" She yells at him. He knows he should be listening to her but he can't stop his eyes from falling to her bra only covered breasts. Noticing this Haley punches him in the chest, "You're such an ass Nathan." She says while walking past him, but he grabs her wrist before she can gets too far, but he doesn't notice the way she immediately tenses up.

"Hales," Nathan smiles while he puts a strand of her behind her hear, "you're the only girl for me. You know that." He grins and Haley can immediately feel her giving into his cheesy lines. He pulls her closer and rubs his hands up and down her bare back, "and you know, it was pretty sexy seen you punch Kyle." He whispers huskily in her ear and Haley smiles. Damn him! "So, am I forgiven?" When she doesn't answer he continues, "tell you what. Tomorrow night, after the basketball game. Me, you and the restaurant down by the docks?" He grins lopsidedly at her and she grins.

"You mean it?"

He kisses her, "of course." Haley grins and wraps her arms around his neck and he runs his arms up and down her sides, he moans when her tongue parts his lips and their tongues battle for dominance. He moves his hands down onto her thighs and lifts her legs up round his waist. He expertly unclasps her bra and walks over to the bed. Grabbing the red item of clothing he throws it onto the floor. Neither caring where it lands. She giggles when he kisses her neck with noisy kisses and she runs he foot up the inside of his thigh. He growls playfully before jumping on top of her, and Haley laughs.

If anyone were to see Haley they'd probably see a normal teenage girl, but she was anything but. She has more things going on than most adults did, but again, that's another story for another time.

Leave Me Some Love :)