Hola everybody! So thank you to all my super awesome reviewers, CrystalSlashlover, Forts, tomboyishgirl108, microwaved noodles, and bdlywrttn. Hope you'll enjoy this chapter!

Bender walked into Planet Express, and tiredly plopped down on one of the benches next to the lockers. He hadn't been able to sleep all night. All he could think about was Cindy with that…that…guy, doing who knows what.

"Well…at least she probably had a good night." He said to himself. Suddenly he heard the sound of sniffling. He stood up and walked around the spaceship. There he found Cindy, with her head down on the table, and her arms surrounding her head. The sounds of her sniffling continued to the point where Bender got very worried.

"Hey Cindy… you okay?" He asked softly. Almost automatically she shot up from her seat, and tried to wipe the tears from her puffy red eyes.

"Oh…B-B ender…I-I, didn't, h-h-hear you." She said still choking on her sobs.

"What's wrong Cindy?"

"Oh, nothing Bender…I just…oh Bender!" She said falling back into her seat crying again.

"Ah, please don't cry Cindy. Here." He said as he reached into his compartment and pulled out a handkerchief.

"Th-Thank you Bender." She said blowing her nose into the handkerchief, covering it with mucus. She handed it back to it as some of it dripped to the floor.

"Eh…no problem Cindy." He said quickly throwing it back into his campartnement. "Now, tell ol' Bender what's wrong."

"Oh Bender. It was…it's just my date with John last night didn't go well."

"Why? What happened?"

"Well…during our date, I sort to f figured out he wasn't my type, so after the date I told him I hoped we could still be friends. He asked me if I wanted to come back to his place for some coffee. Just some coffee, nothing more, and like a stupid naïve little girl I believed him!" Suddenly Bender could feel a hell fire rising within him

"What did he do to you? Did that bastard hurt you Cindy!"

"No Bender he didn't exactly hurt me. When we got back to his place he tried to kiss me, and I told him no but he kept on trying. Finally I whacked him over the head with my purse and ran out of there as fast as I could!"

"That jerk! How dare he try to touch you!" Bender practically screamed.

"Oh Bender, that's not really why I'm upset…its just…I left my mother's gold hoop earrings at his house. They're all I have to remember my mother by, and I can't go back to his place to get them! I don't know what to do!" She said starting to cry again. Bender put his metal hand on her back and gently rubbed her trying to comfort her.

"I'm real sorry Cindy…say uh, what did you say the guy's name was again?"

"J-J-John." She managed to say through her choked sobs.

"Any last name by chance?"

"I-I think it was K-K-Kirst. John Kirst. Why?"

"Oh, uh just curious. Well uh…I gotta go Cindy. Gotta go do stuff…yeah. Bye!" He said quickly running out of the room. Cindy still sat at the table confused, and a bit hurt by the fact he had just ran out, but she just laid her head back on the table and continued to cry.


Meanwhile, Bender went to the nearest Monitor phone booth. He could suddenly hear a robotic voice speak to him.

Hello, welcome to Monitor Phone Booth, Earths favorite monitor booth since 2507. What name are you looking for?

"John Kirst." He stated plainly.

Clarification. Would you like the John Kirst from New New York, or the John Kirst from Saturn?

"What do you think moron?!"

Well there's no need to be rude…now which John Kirst are you looking for?

"Ah! The one from New New York. Idiot…" He mumbled to himself.

John Kirst from New New York…number 598-3888…address 500th street, 4211

"500th street uh? Snob hill…"

Thank you for using Monitor Phone Booth…asshole….

"Lousy cheap machines…" Bender mumbled as he walked out of the booth.


Bender stood on the street corner looking up at the sign.

"500th street, 4211…" He said to himself. He looked up to see a row of expensive looking apartment buildings that might be fun to steal room. But he suddenly remembered the reason why he was there, and with a feeling of determination he stomped up to one of the apartment buildings. He then started to knock fiercely on the door, and only ceased when he could hear an irate voice come from inside the house.

"I'm comin', I'm comin'!" The voice shouted. Suddenly the door flew open, and a man stood there before Bender. He was only a little bit taller than Bender, had brown hair, and was average looking. He starred angrily at Bender.

"Well, what the hell do you want robot?!" Bender just stood there calmly with his hands behind his back.

"Are you John Kirst?"

"Who wants to know?" He said. Suddenly brought out his right arm from behind his back, and rolled up his metallic "sleeve."

"My fist!" And with that Bender shot his hard metal hand into the guy's face causing him to fall to the ground.

"That's for Cindy you jerk! Don't ever go near her again, ya here?!" But the only response Bender was received was the groaning of the guy as he lay there on the floor.

"Glad we understand each other…and if you don't mind, I'll be taking these!" Bender said. He made his metallic hand fly all the way across the guy's hall onto the table where Cindy's earrings sat. He picked them up, and brought his arm back in.

"Later jerk!" Bender said as he walked away from the doorway. But then he ran back, grabbed the man's wallet out of his pocket, and then ran away.


As Bender walked back into Planet Express, he saw Cindy standing next to the ship. Using her rag, she was washing the ship with small circular motions, as she let out a small sigh. Her shoulders were slumped, and her eyes still full of sadness.

"Uh, hey Cindy." Bender said as he towards her. Suddenly her posture straightened up.

"Oh, hey Bender…listen Bender about what happened earlier, I'm real sorry. I…I shouldn't have fallen to pieces like that especially not at work, I was jut so upset."

"Well…it's okay Cindy."

"No, it wasn't okay! I'm just really sorry Bender…I'm just through with John, and I'm never going to see the jerk again!"

"Well what about your earrings?"

"I…I…I'm totally over them…I guess…"



"Well in that case…" He said as he opened his compartment, "whatever shall I do with these?" He said taking the earring sout of his compartment. He watched as Cindy starred at him with a face that was beyond stunned.

"But how did you…I mean how…"

"I believe Madame these belong to you." Bender said handing the earring to her. She quickly took them from him, and put them in her ears.

"But Bender why…I mean how did you manage to get them back?"

"Let's just say I had a little talk with ol' Johnny boy."

"Did you…did you hurt him?'

"Did you want me to?"


"I punched his face out baby! If anybody messes with you Cindy, then they mess with me!" Suddenly a large smile curled up upon Cindy's lips.

"Oh Bender!" She said throwing her arms around his neck causing him to stand extremely still.

"That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me…thank you…" And without any warning at all, she placed a soft kiss on his metal cheek. Bender thought he might fall to pieces, but he didn't move at all, even after she pulled away from him.

"Oh, I just have to go show Leela, and Amy! Thank you so much Bender!" And with that she ran up the stairs, and through the door. About 5 seconds later, Bender once again fell to the floor.


Hope you guy's liked this chapter! And uh don't worry…we'll be seeing more of John in this story… (whispers) he's the bad guy…anyway hope you guys liked it. I'll try to get another chapter up soon! R& R!