Auror Buissness

Bloody Hell where's he gone?

A young auror was running through the streets of Diagon Alley, her pink hair flying behind her. "Tonks".

Shit, now I'm in for it now, fuck!

"Tonks where the hell did he get to". Shacklebolt caught up close behind.

"I don't know, I was right behind him and then I tripped over something and I lost

him" replied the tired auror . "Shit this is the one chance I had to prove myself and I've went and fucked it up, I should've listened to my mother".

Well I never thought me, Nymphadora Tonks would admit to her mother being right.

"Your not a bad auror Tonks, it's just…."

"JUST WHAT, the fact that I can't even walk into a room without tripping up. I'm hopeless and just admit it".

The young auror turned and began to walk away. "Tonks, get back here now".

Tonks stopped and looked back.

"What, do you want to fire me or are you going to wait for Scrimgeour to do it".

The rebellious young woman once again started to storm off.

"Auror Tonks I will not ask you again", Kingsley shouted as he ran after her and managed to catch her arm. "Tonks please your just inexperienced and one day I can see you making it to the very top". Tonks sighed for once she was actually listening to someone and without answering back.

"I'm sorry King it's just that I don't like being judged. All my life I've had something holding me back mostly my family, you don't know what it's like having half of your relatives in Azkaban, and then your cousin being the one person to escape from prison, and me being a metamorphmagus makes me hard to trust. People think that they shouldn't trust a person who doesn't wear the same face twice". A tear dropped from the young auror and she turned away.

"Tonks, do you believe what Harry Potter is saying about you-know-who?"

"What, where did that come from, why do you?"

"I do and so do a number of other people, I've actually been meaning to ask you for a while".

"Ask me what? Who else believes what Potter is saying other than you or Dumbledore?"

"I can't say here, meet me after your shift outside the ministry, and I'll tell you, but now we have to get back to the office and tell Rufus that we lost our criminal".

"Well I'll see you tonight then". King turned on the spot and with a pop he was gone, Tonks soon followed.

What does King know that he's not telling? Whatever it is I'm going to find out.

I can't believe I'm here I'm fucking freezing and If King doesn't hurry up I swear I'm going to …

"Tonks are you ready". Kingsley had just rounded the corner. In his dark blue robes.

"Yeah I'm not saying I believe Potter or nothing I'm just curious, ok". The young auror was looking at the tall man standing in front of her. He was checking the surroundings just as Arthur Weasley approached them.

"Erm… King just to let you know Snuffles is having a tea party celebrating our reunion he hopes you can make it".

"I'll see what I can do, and tell him to read the Quibbler I think he'll find very interesting, evening Arthur"

"Evening King, Auror Tonks". The balding Weasley smile at Tonks in a peculiar way then turned and began to walk away.

Hello I'm here for fuck sake, and what's this Snuffles is it some kind of codename or something, I wonder if Charlie knows he is after all Arthur's son. Oh Charlie!

"Oi, I mean Arthur say hello to Charlie for me". Tonks turned around to face her companion to find she was met with a curious smirk. "What".

"You know Charlie and by the way Mr. Weasley was looking at you I'd say you two were some kind of a couple". He began to smile as I began to blush.

He's good no wonder he's an auror. Oh, why can't I be good at hiding things.

How on earth did I make it as an auror. Shite he's looking at me I bet he thinks I'm mad or something. Come on Nymph, think of something to say.

"I know Charlie but we were never a couple. Well not a serious one anyway, well it was only serious for a couple of months. Why, am I telling you this?" King just smiled and the gleam in his eyes told her he thought it was highly amusing.

"Where were we? Oh yes, Do you trust me?"

"What?" Tonks replied looking a little shocked.

"Well do you?"

"Er, yes of course I do but what has that got to do with anything?"

"Trust means a lot these days I thought you of all people should know that…. Tonks you can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you ok?"

"Yeah ok, just hurry up and tell me, I'm turning into an ice cube"

"This might come as a bit of a shock to you but…"

"Bloody Hell King I'm an auror not a toddler, I can handle shock". Tonks' temper was rising fast.

"Very well then there is a group of wizards and witches that believe Harry. We call ourselves The Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore started it back in the war to rebel against You-Know-Who. After Potter saw him come back last month it was started immediately. Alastor Moody approached me to join and I accepted".

That bastard he never even thought to tell me about it I'll have him next time I see him, he'll wish he never knew me…

"Sirius Black is innocent, I know you will not believe it but he is. Sirius is a member of the Order and has been from the very start".

"What? Hang on!"

Wait is he trying to tell me that my cousin, the mass murderer is innocent, he can't be he's been in Azkaban for the past twelve years. I do believe in what Potter says about He Who Must Not Be Named…

"Tonks I know this is a shock and I shouldn't be the one to ask you this but, I would like you to come and join The Order as you are an extraordinary witch and you believe so much in what we are doing".

"I know I do but…".

"Do you want to fight against the Death Eaters?"

"Of course I do but…"

"Then you will come along to the meeting with me and Alastor tonight. We'll pick you up from your flat at 7.30 if there is no questions I need to be off I have to tell Dumbledore we have a new member". Kingsley went to turn away.

Looks like I have to go now doesn't it, don't I get a choice in this hello…

"Erm, King could you do me a favour please?"

"Like what?"

"Tell Dumbledore that my troublemaking days have come to an end and that they don't get in the way of my work… ever".

"I'll try not to, but Albus can tell when people are lying, you won't be the only ex-prankster in the Order I assure you".

"Oh yeah and King don't mention the thing with the bucket of sticky feathers and Scrimgeour Ok".

Kingsley sniggered before looking back. "If that's what you want but I think he'd find it very funny", and with that he walked away chuckling, and dissaperated.

Bloody Hell Nymph When did your life become so chaotic?

Author notes:

I have no imagination what so ever.