A/N: Thanks so much to my reviewers! You guys make me smile :)

None of these stories are in any kind of order. Nor are they necessarily related.

And, as I said in the summary, I don't own Psych...yet. MUAHAHAHA

Story 2). Dude, where's my groom?

Dear Auntie Aila,

Well, we did it! We actually did it. After a year and a half of planning for our wedding, Shawn and I finally tied the knot on July 14—the anniversary of the day we met. It was the most beautiful ceremony! Almost all the people I knew and loved were there—even my partner, Carlton Lassiter. He even made a pretty good groomsman to Shawn, surprisingly. He and the best man, Gus, teamed up and gave Shawn a bachelor party that Shawn is still talking about. That worries me. But, at the same time, I trust Shawn. I truly do. I never knew I could trust someone like I do Shawn. I love him. Oh, great. I'm gushing again. Mom says our 'lovey dovey' stage will stop by next year. She's probably right, but until then, I'm enjoying every mushy gushy moment we have together.

I know you'll kill me if I don't give you all the details of the wedding. For starters, what could go wrong that day actually did. An hour before the wedding, I ripped the back of my dress, and the strap on my heels. Talk about a great start. Then, my flower girl, Nadine Guster, decided that her flower petals would look pretty underwater. To get to the point—she flushed them all down the toilet! Zooming up to five minutes before the wedding, Shawn was a no-show. In fact, they hadn't heard from him all day. Neither Shawn's dad nor Gus could reach him. The show was about to begin when Shawn still hadn't showed up! I was so furious! I mean, Shawn has ticked me off plenty of times before, but showing up late for our wedding day? This was ridiculous. About thirty minutes after the ceremony was scheduled to start, Carlton got word of where Shawn was last seen. Now, typical cliché would assume that Shawn was either (a) In a bar, drinking away (b) Reliving some last-minute single-hood glory days, or (c) walking out on me. I automatically ruled out choice (c) because I knew Shawn would never hurt me in that way again. He once told me about the look in his mother's eyes when his dad would break her heart. He didn't want to repeat that with me. Well, guess where my dear Shawn was. He was at his office trying to solve a case! The nerve. "I've pretty much cracked this coconut shell! I just needed to feel out one last vibration of the crime scene photos," Shawn had told Carlton as he tried to bring Shawn back in time before the entire guest left. After waiting an additional twenty minutes, Shawn and Carlton had returned. I don't know what went on at Shawn's office between him and Carlton, but I'm sure glad it happened. I'd never seen Shawn so peaceful and calm. He was genuinely happy to see me as I walked down the aisle. And—get this—he was actually 100 percent clean-shaven! He looked so dashing that night. As we exchanged our vows, I could've sworn I saw his eyes glistening. When I asked him about that later on, he only gazed at me, whispered my name, and kissed me. Whatever. Be mysterious, Shawn. Auntie Aila, I know you and I would like to think he was fighting back the tears that threatened to fall as he saw my breathtaking beauty. I mean, how romantic would that be!

The rest of the night went off without a hitch. At the reception, there was dancing, laughing, and singing by a slightly drunk Carlton (I'm keeping the suggestive photos for future blackmailing). Something happened to Shawn that night really stuck with me. It wasn't with me. It was with his dad. Let's say the two Spencer men aren't the best of friends. But that night, I felt things might be a wee bit better for them now. From a distance, I saw the two talking—not yelling. Shawn extended his hand out to his dad as a peace offering, I guess. Henry then pushed Shawn's hand aside. I really thought Henry was rejecting him, until I saw him lean into his son for a warm embrace. Ok, it wasn't really warm. A bit cool. Not cold exactly. Just cool. Maybe a "reheat for 30 more seconds" type of cool. Hey, it was improvement. I'm going to remember this day for the rest of my life. Shawn is far from perfect. But, he's mine.

I'm sorry you couldn't be at our wedding, Auntie. We all missed you so much. Mom tells me that the cancer is a stubborn one. I know you're fighting so hard. Keep on fighting, Auntie. We're all rooting for you. Shawn and I are paying you a visit after our honeymoon (the Bahamas, baby!). I suggested Mexico for the honeymoon, but Shawn got all frantic, and starting blabbing on about him and Gus at the Mexican border. Twice. Yes, I married a strange man, but I love him more than I care to admit. We'll both see you soon, Auntie Aila.

Love your niece,

Mrs. Juliet Spencer

The letter to her aunt finally completed, Juliet was about to flick the lamp off when light snoring erupted from behind. Her husband was sleeping soundly. Smiling to herself, Juliet turned off the light, and joined Shawn in the hotel bed where she snuggled up against him, "I love you." She whispered in the dark before finding herself whisking away to a land of dreams.

A/N: Seems so far, my stories are ended with them sleeping lol. The next short story will feature Shawn's side of the story, so stay tuned! So, please R&R if you can:)