Just an idea that forced it's way onto my 'to-write' list.


Buck Merril woke up with a particularly intense hangover. He had hosted a get together the night before, and needless to say got a little carried away with the heavy alcohol. He rarely let himself go that much, but was in just too much pain to dwell on the stupidity of it all. Sitting himself up on the couch slowly, he held his head and rubbed his temples. Waves of pain pulsated through his skull, and he sat as still as could be until the nausea and ache ebbed. He was beginning to think parties were overrated, but knew in the back of his mind he'd be singing a different tune by the time the next one rolled around. There was always something going down in Tulsa.

He pondered this truth for a second, smiling and chuckling to himself. Tulsa was the biggest and best city he'd ever been to. It was just too bad it was overrun by lowlifes. At least, his part of town was. People did what they wanted, when they wanted, and did their best to make sure someone else ended up paying the consequences. If someone stabbed you in the back, you'd just stab them right back, and that would, most of the time, be the end of it. There was no use dwelling on those kinds of things, cause you might need a favor one day. Some people made the mistake of thinking them a bunch of thugs, cold hearted and such. They didn't get that there was a method to the madness. No one did what they did for no reason, except for maybe Dallas Winston. That boy obeyed nothing and nobody, but sometimes it was easier that way. At least, that's what Buck thought. You were always hearing about someone having a beef with someone else, for one reason or another. Tulsa was full of nobodies getting into trouble with other nobodies. He had no idea what brought on the sudden, and quite irregular, train of thought.

'I must still be a little buzzed,' he mused to himself. Tulsa really wasn't worth getting all hot and bothered about. It was one of a kind, a sunny place for shady people.

'Yup,' Buck thought, 'a sunny place for shady people.' And grabbing the aspirin bottle from the coffee table, he left it at that.


I don't know, I thought it was a fun little drabble. My apologies if Buck seems overly morbid, but he always seemed a bit dark and cynical to me, like an old soul full of unfulfilled hopes and dreams.