Disclaimer: If I was Kishimoto-sensei, I would change the entire series and put more yaoi in it.

Warnings: Shounen-ai, yaoi, and my terrible writing style (with grammar mistakes YAY!).

Summary: When seperated during training, Sasuke was attacked by a strange cat-like demon. Now he finds himself courting his blond teammate, and he will do whatever it takes to have him as his mate.

Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke are 15-16 years old. They are chunin and still together in a team for some reason.

This is the first chapter for my first story and I probably already messed it up. Anyway don't bother reviewing if you don't like yaoi, Sasunaru, etc. If you don't like these types of stories, go back and don't waste my time with flames. That's all, enjoy!




"Yare, yare…" the silver-haired jounin sighed. "All the morning training grounds are been used and occupied, so today we'll train in the forests at the outskirts of Konoha." Kakashi didn't leave much time to argue as he was already walking towards the exit of Konoha.

Sasuke couldn't keep the small fluttering of warmth spreading through him. It wasn't everyday that a missing nin was pardoned and it was even rare to let them out of the village without heavy security.

Has it really been two months? Sasuke thought.

Only two months has passed since he was dragged back to Konoha by Naruto. It didn't feel like two months has passed since the hokage pardoned him and allowed him to come back. Of course on the first month of his arrival, he was followed by ANBU wherever he went. By the start of the second month, he was slowly trusted enough to do simple D-rank missions, with an occasional C- rank mission, alone. Although, just because he was left alone by the ANBU, it didn't mean he was entirely by himself. A certain loud mouthed blond idiot made sure to keep him company everywhere he went. Whether he was shopping for groceries, training, or even taking a small walk in the village, Naruto tagged along like a shadow. People in Konoha rarely saw one without the other and would often whisper to each other when they passed by, but as annoying as that sounded, Sasuke did not mind the Kyuubi container's company.

He had forgotten what it was like to feel the support from a friend during his three-year absence in Sound, but everything came back quickly as soon as the blond smiled radiantly at him. He could never comprehend why all the stress in his body caused by training would vanish as soon as he was in close range to the blond. Whenever the orange clad boy would smile at him, his stomach would flutter. At first, he thought that the feeling was cause by a stomach virus, but he was beginning to think that it was something else, since it simply faded when the blond was out of sight.

Also, just recently, he was accepted to join Team 7 once again. Sai gladly agreed to step back and let Sasuke have his place again in order to protect the special bonds between Sasuke and Naruto. He also made a remark that their bonds are probably more visible than Naruto's pe- that's all he had time to say before he was given a serious death glare from Naruto that even impressed Sasuke.

Both Sakura and Naruto showed that he was gladly accepted and welcomed back. Even Kakashi was happy to greet him every morning before burying his masked face on his precious book Even though he was back and people in Konoha were starting to trust him again, he still hasn't given up on his dream to pursue his brother and kill him.

"So Kakashi-sensei, what kind of training will we do today?" Naruto asked while trying to look calm and keep his excitement under control.

Kakashi regarded his students and smiled behind his mask.

"You will be practicing your tracking skills today." He answered cheerfully. He took out his kunai and cut his right thumb, quickly making the seals for the summoning jutsu. Once the smoke in the vicinity cleared, three pairs of eyes stared at 5 nin hounds that stared right back.

"Now listen carefully, my hounds are all carrying scrolls in their jaws." Kakashi motioned to the five dogs in total with a nod, and they quickly dispersed. "Your job is to find all the scrolls, retrieve them, and bring them back to me. You have the rest of the day to complete this mission. And remember, there is no need to hold back; I already talked to my hounds and told them to protect those scrolls no matter what. I will see you guys later." Kakashi turned and walked away.

"Wait! Where are you going Kakashi-sensei? Aren't you going to stay to watch over us?" Naruto yelled loudly at him.

"Nah, I can trust on you guys to do your job, besides I've got to get ready for a teachers' meeting tonight," Kakashi said and with one last wave to his students, he disappeared with a cloud of smoke.

Teacher's meeting my ass. He probably has a date with Iruka-sensei, Sasuke thought with an annoyed expression.

The three teens looked at each other, still processing and going over their task.

"That's it? That doesn't sound so hard," Sakura said, calmly pulling on her black gloves.

"I know, I was expecting something more challenging from Kakashi," Sasuke evenly said.

"Who cares if is not difficult? Let's do THIS!" Naruto exclaimed excitedly.

Five hours later, Sasuke was able to find two of the scrolls, but not before almost losing a limb by the nin hounds. Sakura also found one somewhere east from where he was. Thankfully, Kakashi had allowed them to use hidden earphones (1) to communicate with each other. He could only hope that Naruto was close of finding one of the two scrolls left; all he wanted to do was go home and rest.

Sasuke decided to take a short break under a shady tree and enjoy the last few minutes of sunlight before sunset. He closed his eyes to temporally rest them until he needed to use the Sharingan again. Unfortunately, his few seconds of repose were interrupted by a feminine voice in his ear.

"Sasuke-kun, have you found one of the last scrolls?" the pink-haired girl asked exhaustedly.

The Uchiha didn't even bother opening his eyes before responding, "No."

He could feel a headache coming on, and the pink-haired's voice was not helping. He took the phone off his ear and laid it next to him in the ground before Sakura could say something else. He sighed deeply; his body was finally able to relax. He leisurely drifted into a light sleep.

He was awakened by a cracking noise behind him. He sat up promptly, and activated the Sharingan. He could hear a low growl coming directly in front of him. The rustling of leaves and twigs was becoming louder, along with snarling and growling. Sasuke knew that whatever was making those noises couldn't be Pakkun or any of the other dogs. Judging from the loudness of each step it took, it was at least five times bigger than Pakkun.

His musings and thoughts were short lived when he was roughly tackled to the ground, hitting his head painfully with a thud. The creature snarled and swiped at him with its claws. Sasuke's eyes widened as he realized he was face to face with an animal with black fur. The creature resembled a feline. At first he thought it was a mountain lion, but he quickly dismissed the thought, mountain lions were usually cream colored and medium size.

Sasuke reached with one hand for his kusanagi that was given to him by Orochimaru, while keeping the creature form biting him with the other hand. He fiercely slashed the beast above the stomach with one move. The animal let out a pained growl, its tail swishing angrily. Finally, while the creature was distracted, Sasuke summoned the last of his chakra and forced it all over to create a shield with his Chidori Nagashi. The lighting stung the animal, but it was probably more startled than hurt. It finally retreated with an angry hiss, obviously starting to feel the numbness of the attack.

"What the hell was that?" Sasuke thought out loud, trying to control his breathing. He would have to deal with whatever it was later; right now, he was bleeding badly from the bite in his arm and a few scratches on his chest.

I have to get these cleaned.

He quickly but shakily stood up, panting heavily. He didn't think or care about the circumstances of leaving without finishing with the training. He just hoped that Naruto and Sakura found the last scrolls, as he made his way to the edge of the forest and entrance of Konoha.

The forest eventually opened to reveal the main path to Konoha's gate. He could clearly see Naruto and Sakura waiting for him with relieved faces as they saw him walking up towards them. Well actually only Sakura was giving him a look of relief. Naruto was trying to cover it by looking away, but you could tell that he was smiling. Sasuke tried to keep his usually cold passive face. But despite the numbing pain in his arm, he couldn't stop his eyes from softening for a few seconds at the dobe. He was running up to him eagerly almost tripping on the way but composed himself by the time he reached him.

"Sasuke! I found the last scrolls!" Naruto waved his arms back and forth excitedly, "what do you think about that?!"

Sasuke just smirked and ignored the last question.

"I'm glad this is over," Sakura said smiling at two boys.

Naruto turned and grinned at her. "Sakura-chan, I found the last scrolls!"

"I KNOW! I know! I heard you the twelfth time!" Sakura shouted at Naruto.

Naruto just continued grinning vivaciously; he was definitely catching up to Sasuke's capability, and everyone could just about see that.

"Sasuke-kun, why didn't you respond to us? We have been trying to contact you for a while now," Sakura smiled at Sasuke. She then noticed Sasuke's physical state. "Sasuke! You're injured, did Kakashi's dogs hurt you, come on we better get these wounds taken care of." Sakura got to work quickly on his cuts and bite marks, while Naruto just glared at him.

Sasuke's heart was wildly pounding in his ribcage at the sight of Naruto pouting. He suddenly realized how much chakra he used to get the beast to back off, since his legs were starting to feel too weak to support his weight or at least that's what he thought.

Sakura looked back and forth between her teammates who seem to be engaged in a staring contest. For some reason, ever since Sasuke came back from Sound, he and Naruto have been acting strange. Instead of fighting and trying to over achieve each other every single minute of the day, they now seem to be more interested in gaining each others attention or staring at each other.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a distant, yet loud growl in the forest. All three genins whirled around in the direction it came from; Sasuke immediately tensed. They had to get back inside Konoha before the creature that attacked him came back.

Sakura involuntarily shivered. "That didn't sound like any of Kakashi-sensei's nin dogs."

Sasuke gave her a look and clarified, "that's because it isn't, let's go now."

They quickly made their way back to the village with a heavy silence in the air. Everyone was so deep in their own thoughts that they didn't notice a pair of yellow glowing eyes watching them in the distance. The silence was too intense, not even the animals in the forest made a sound.

Naruto tried to lift up the mood by nervously chatting. "Once I go home, I'll make myself a hot, steamy, cup of miso ramen! Or may be I'll eat barbeque pork ramen! No, never mind, I'll eat that kind tomorrow."

Sasuke couldn't be any happier when they were safely inside the gates of Konoha. Whatever attacked was obviously very dangerous, and they were very lucky to make it into Konoha before it attacked again. He wondered if he should tell anyone about it. Whatever attacked couldn't have been simply any animal, it was obviously something to be cautious about, especially if it gets inside Konoha.

Then it's settled, tomorrow I'll go and tell the Hokage about whatever the hell that was.

By now, the sun was already gone and the streets were mostly empty. Sakura bid her teammates good night before taking a different path to the suburbs where she lived. Sasuke and Naruto resolved on walking together since Naruto's apartment was nearby the Uchiha manor. (A/N: Well actually, I made that up)

Naruto threw Sasuke a glance from the corner of his eye, he looked paler than usual. His face was shining with a thin coat of sweat even if it was the beginning of autumn. He opened his mouth to voice out his concerns but stopped at the last minute with an angry huff.

Why should I worry about an asshole like him anyway? He probably would make fun of me and call me an idiot. But he's my friend, and I can't help but care. No doubt he doesn't consider me his friend anymore, since I brought him back and made him stop his dream. Most likely he hates me for it too.

For some reason that really made him depressed.

Naruto's unhappy thoughts went unnoticed by Sasuke. He was doing everything he could to not wince in pain. His entire right side was numb, and the injured arm was throbbing. The bite mark, which was now covered by bandages thanks to Sakura, was swelling and felt quite warm. He could feel a huge migraine coming; all he wanted to do now was go home and sleep.

Finally, Naruto pulled himself out of his small depressed state and walked in front of Sasuke, making him stop completely.

"Hey Sasuke, what's wrong with you? Are you alright?" He was only met by silence and prepared himself for the taunting that was sure to come.

Instead, Sasuke gave him a straight face that was usually directed to him when he said something stupid (Which is most of the time).

"Don't tell me you're worried about me, Usuratonkachi." Sasuke walked around the blond and carried on walking.

"Of course I'm worried! You're my best friend, and you might be a huge bastard who is obsessed with killing his brother, and left Konoha to seek power from a creepy snake guy, but you're still my best friend and you will always be," Naruto said in one breath.

Now, that made Sasuke stop his pace completely

Always will be, huh?

"I'm fine dobe, there's no need to worry about me. Go home and rest, tomorrow Kakashi is going to give us more hell with his stupid training," he gave the blond a small smile that was actually just a small quirk of lips, but to Naruto it was certainly an improvement.

"Alright then, see you tomorrow, Sasuke-teme!" he shouted making Sasuke wince.

As soon as Sasuke entered his house, he took his shoes off and headed to the bathroom. He prepared a warm bath and brought fresh bandages to replace the blood-soaked ones. He carefully took off his clothes and sank into the warm water. He scrubbed his body carefully to not upset his wounds anymore. After he was clean, he got out of the tub and dried himself. He put on the new bandages and a pair of black boxers. He headed to his bed pulled the covers over himself. Despite the room temperature being average, he was shaking and shivering.

I probably forgot to close a window or something.

Suddenly, the dull pain from his arm spread all over his body, intensifying as it reached every muscle and nerve. Already his jaw was starting to ache from grinding his teeth to keep himself from crying out. He opened his eyes wide, trying to locate something to lessen his pain, but only saw blurry images. He regretted ordering Naruto to leave; as much as he hated admitting it, he really needed medical help. The last thing in his mind was Naruto's blue eyes looking at him cheerfully before he completely passed out, silently calling Naruto's name.

Was it just me or did the last sentence sound perverted?

(1) I remember seeing Naruto wearing earphones somewhere around episode 20, but I wasn't sure how they are called.