Remus woke up the next morning tired, a little bit angry, and a little bit sad

A Kiss is Just a Kiss Chapter 9

Pairing: Remus X Sirius

Plot: When a bored Sirius kisses Remus one night in the common room, their relationship takes a turn for the... weird. And a confused Remus is left to try and fix things, without any help whatsoever from Sirius.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the vague plot. JK Rowling remains God in the

Harry Potter universe. Blek, I never get to play God…

Warnings: Slash. Don't like? Read anyways, you'll learn to like it.

AN: Ok, I actually have a good excuse this time. I was in Europe! With no computer, sadly. But, here you go. It's sad, not very long and I apologize for the lack of steaminess, but I had to inject a little plot. Next chapter starts to involve "the incident" with the whomping willow, so that should be good. It also will be longer!

And to clear something up, in the last chapter I used a line that made it sound like Remus had always kissed Sirius, but I meant to write that Remus kissed back like Sirius always wished he had, not like he always had. Freudian slip.

Now try not imagine Freud in one of your grandmother's slips and enjoy the chappie!

Love, Miss Avery!

Remus woke up the next morning a little bit tired, a little bit angry and a little bit sad. But only a little.

If he was being honest, Remus couldn't exactly say he was torn apart over his "break up" with Sirius. Ok, so he sort of slipped up a bit and kissed him, but he still didn't think he had put his all into the relationship so he wasn't truly upset about the whole ordeal.

The only thing that was really weighing on his mind was that he knew Sirius.

He knew that Sirius could quite possibly be crowned the Drama King of Hogwarts, and not many people would argue on his behalf.

Remus remembered in third year when he had been dumped by Karina Shawney, a sixth year who he didn't even like. The only reason he had been dating her was because she was older than him and attractive (it upped the ante on popularity for the third years).

But even though he had complained about how annoying she was and had been constantly trying to shut her up in sometimes not-so-tactful ways, he was genuinely shocked when she told him to piss off one lunch in the Great Hall.

Later, he even started to spread rumors that her back was covered in warts and convinced James (without Remus' knowledge, who they knew would disagree) that they needed to play a prank on her involving purple goo, hair removing potion, booger flavoured beans, and a rather appalling amount of rubber duckies.

Remus did not want to be on the receiving end of that many rubber duckies.

So, needless to say, Remus made sure to sneak out of the dormitory particularly early that morning in order to avoid the animagus.

He crept down the steps to the common room and just as he was opening the portrait hole to sneak just as stealthily out… he ran into both the person he least wanted to see, and the person he was least likely to see at 5:30 on a Saturday morning.

Sirius, obviously.

Sirius did not look angry, oddly enough.

He looked worse. The worst Remus could ever imagine him looking.

He looked sad.

His eyes were red (he had obviously been crying) and his back and neck drooped dramatically in a very sulky position. There were great bags under his eyes, for he probably hadn't actually fallen asleep and his hair was in shambles, the most shocking bit seeing as he didn't even like his dorm mates to see his hair when it wasn't perfect and often threw a blanket over it before crawling towards the bathroom every morning.

Remus was actually a little bit disgusted.

Part of him felt extremely guilty for making Sirius feel this way, part of him felt like Sirius deserved it when he had done something that Remus had made it very clear he did not want him to do, but mostly he just felt disgusted that his rejection was able to affect Sirius in such a horrifying way.

Apparently, his disgust was showing on his face, because Sirius only had time to give him one terrified look, before he hid his face in his hands and ran off towards the dormitories.

Remus stood frozen for a minute, not able to get the grief-ridden face out of his mind, before he sighed, resolved, and started out for the Great Hall.

Halfway towards it however, whilst walking down a particularly unruly set of hidden stairs that were trying to tickle his feet and buck him off simultaneously (he usually avoided these, but it was the fastest way there and he wanted to finish breakfast before Sirius could get down), he suddenly had an idea. And, feet still being tickled, he ran back upstairs in the direction of the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room.

Remus did not have very much experience in asking out girls. Ok, he didn't have any. But he had seen it done countless times by Sirius and James (and even Peter, a few times, though he didn't plan on taking any tips from him)

But still, he was pretty sure he knew at least 5 things about what he was supposed to do:

Do not insult the girl while asking her out (a note he took from Peter and his diarrhea mouth)

Act cool, not so cool so as to seem you were too good for her (a mistake James often made when asking out Lily) but also don't beg to be taken out (another mistake James often made when asking out Lily).

Have a particular day in mind, so it doesn't get awkward trying to fix a date.

Don't tell her you are a werewolf (he figured this one out for himself)

Don't tell her you are only asking her out because you feel guilty about having boffed and then broken the hear of your very male best friend (he was pretty sure this was an important one)

When Diane Biggon finally walked out of the corridor near the Ravenclaw common room at 6:45 (Remus didn't want to wait right outside because he didn't want to explain why he knew the where the actual common room entrance was) Remus had already prepared what he was going to say.

"Hey, Diane?" he said quietly, tapping her shoulder softly. (He figured it was a good idea to call her by her first name, seeing as he was asking her out.)

"Oh, Lu- Remus! What are you doing here?" she blushed, predictably, shooing off a few of her friends who had stopped with her and turning to face him.

"Erm…" Remus could already feel the whole speech slipping out of his mind.

Diane smile reassuringly, and Remus gained some confidence.

"Well, actually, I wanted to talk to you about the Hogsmead trip next weekend."

She absolutely beamed, which Remus suspected was a positive sign.

"Did you maybe want to go with me?"

If possible, her smile grew larger. "Oh yes! I was hoping you would ask me!"

She was? He had been expecting to have to convince her of his charms a little bit more…

"Wanna go down to breakfast," she almost sang at him.

"Oh, um, yeah sure… but let's sit with your friends, I would love to meet them." Actually he just didn't want Sirius to explode, because that would be gross, but he also thought that was something that she would like.

He was, apparently, correct, seeing as all her girlfriends giggled endlessly when he sat down with them and let them lightly interrogate him wish silly questions.

But even as he sat, basking in the warmth of his success, he couldn't help himself from thinking of Sirius.

Now that he had successfully distanced himself from the relationship (or so he thought) he found that he was actually kind of sad that their fling was over.

Ok, well, after what Sirius said he wasn't really sad that it was over, just dissapointed that things had to turn out the way they did. He thought about how nice it had been to hold Sirius in his arms and bite his neck, even about how terrifying and yet electrifying it had been to finally kiss him that night under the stars.

But that only made him think of those three little words uttered in moonlight, and he was disgusted again.

Later, once the questions had died down and he was eating eggs while lightly talking with Diane, he could feel eyes on him from the Gryffindor table, but he did not look up.

AN: Mleh, poor Siri! But things will get better, I promise, once I get through all of the emoness. Oh, and like how I brought Diane back from the second chapter? I was proud of that.