Somebody to Love

Summery: After a tyrant took away his pride, his dignity, his life as he knew it, she came to become the key to his salvation, his honor and his strength.

Disclaimer: So I don't own InuYasha, or the other InuYasha characters, but the plot is all mine!

Author's Note: Hope you like it. Read and review!!!! I'd love to know what you think.


The seventeen year old girl was pulled into a dark alleyway and was pushed up against a cement wall, a large demon male pressing up against her. Shivering as his growls of pain and displeasure echoed through her ears. He growled again as she tried to push him away, her hands pressing on a well toned chest, hard as the rock she was against. He nipped at her neck as punishment for fighting. Her mother had always said don't fight a male, especially if he was acting like this one was. He was in rut, or she would be in heat. It was very dangerous for a female, especially one as small as she go up against one such as he. Trembling as he nuzzled her neck, taking in her scent.

"What's an unprotected female doing walking these streets alone?" His voice was but a whisper.

"Going home," she trembled, from either the chilly air or him. She couldn't tell. "so would you kindly let me go so I can get there?"

"You aren't going anywhere," he whispered lowly, eyes glinting a dark red, "until I'm finished with you little one."

"Please don't," her eyes widened in fear.

"Why shouldn't I?" He chuckled, "an unclaimed female in my part of the city. A innocent one, just begging to let a male dominate her, how could I let something this sweet pass up?"

"Just let me go please," her voice was shaky, "I'll do anything, just let me go home."

"Stop fighting me," he whispered, grinding an erection against her, "and enjoy." She froze as his lips brushed hers. A knee pressed between her legs as his lips moved against hers slightly. Shivering as his heady scent of spices and soap filled her nose. At least he smelt nice. His large hands traveled from her shoulders to her sides, to her waist and then to her hips. Shivering at his touch, she moaned slightly and his fangs tugged at her bottom lip gently. He pulled away slightly to look at her, his eyes a more intense red.

"Don't hurt me," she whispered. He smirked and then kissed her again, a little harder, pressing against her more. Suddenly he had her legs spread, and a hand under her skirt, cupping her butt. Squeaking slightly, as his tongue fought to open her mouth. Fear, maybe mixed with curiosity and excitement pulsed through her, as shivers ran down her spine. Her inner demon whined against his, almost enjoying the fact that a strong male found her. His claws scratched at the fabric of her panties and she nipped his lip.

"Feisty," he whispered, "or impatient?" His claws ripped the barrier away and she gasped, eyes widened. He took that moment to kiss her deeply. This being her first real, honest to god, kiss, she squealed in surprise as his hands rubbed against her bare bottoms, brushing against her core. He pulled away and started nuzzling her neck again, growling while nipping it. Her beast caused her to whine in response as her body trembled. Heat ran through the girl's body as he kissed her neck, his strong scent of arousal actually affecting her.

"Mmm such a sweet scent you have," he groaned against her ear, "like strawberries."

"What are you going to do with me?" She whispered as he growled and she felt his hand leave her thigh. A zipping sound made her eyes wide even more. Something hot and hard pressed against her neither region. Gasping as heat rushed there, making her throb.

"You feel this," he pressed a little more against her, making the throbbing worse, "of course you do…And you are enjoying it." She moaned as he rubbed against her nub with it. He chuckled darkly and squeezed her thighs more tightly.

"Don't hurt me," she whispered again, opening her eyes. He narrowed his and bared his fangs.

"Have I?"

"Not really…" She swallowed as he pressed deeper, only to meet a barrier, not the normal one he expected to meet. Growling, he realized what it was. Wanting to leave her, his beast wouldn't let him. "Give in to me."

"Why?" she whined, "you're a stranger."

"Because you won't resist me for long," he groaned kissing her lips fairly passionately. She moaned as her beast purred. Finally she nodded, relaxing into him.

"Say it," he whispered.

"Say you won't hurt me," She moaned, "then I will."

"I won't hurt you," he kissed her neck where a mating mark could be placed if he so wished.

"I give in," she whispered and he plunged in and kissed her deeply, swallowing the scream that followed the entry. He groaned deep in his chest and started to move against her. Tears rolled down her cheeks as he kept the slow, shallow pace against her. Pain, mixed with pleasure started to rush through her body and the male in front of her sped up as her ankle locked around him. Tipping her head back in submission to him, he bit her neck hard making her wince slightly. Moaning she wove her hands into his hair. He quickened the pace as pressure began to build up quickly within her body.

"Mine," he growled after releasing her neck. Panting she whined as he thrust deeply into her. Her legs trembled around him and he growled deeply in pleasure. His fangs found her neck again as the pressure within her exploded and she whined. He stiffened and kept thrusting madly as something hot coated her insides. Panting as he licked her wound, she noticed how soft his hair was, how long it was.

"Gods what did I just do…." He whispered, "I'm sor…"

"You..." His hand covered her mouth as the other pulled up his pants.

"Do them up while I reach for my gun," he ordered as fear washed through her. Swallowing she did was she was told. The clicking sound of a gun being cocked made her shiver. He grabbed her hand and lead her back out to the lit street.

"I want you to run and not look back girl," he hissed from ahead of her.

"What is going on?"

"Run," He growled.


"You are in danger," he growled, "now run. I will find you girl."

"Kagome," she looked him in his fading red eyes, she could almost see their real colour now, "my name is Kagome."

"Sesshomaru." Gun shots went off, "now run!" Nodding, she started running home, looking back to see that her demon lover was gone. She ran all the way home, to find that her life was turned upside down.

The slap sent her to the wall as blood sprayed out of her mouth. Whimpering the young priestess, or well demoness, fought against the pain. Closing her eyes, the heady scent of alcohol and pot filled her senses. Damn he was into it again. Straightening, she prepared to be hit again, long hair falling into her already bruised face. Clear blue eyes looked at her torturer as he swayed slightly, breathing heavily. Her captor, who hated her, ha he didn't know her dirty little secret. She spat blood onto the stained carpet and watched. Waiting. When was he going to come at her next? Her body was on edge as he gave her a sick smirk.

"You like it rough don't you sweetie," his voice chilled her to the bone, "just look at you, and not even a tear for your dear old friend."

"I've run out of them," her voice was low, "not lets get this over with shall we? I have a test tomorrow."

"Bitch," he snarled before walking to her, his fist digging into her gut. Her body moved forward with the momentum of the hit.

"Not your bitch," her voice was rough, strained as she tried to regain the breath that was knocked out of her.

"You wish," he hissed into her ear as he hit her bent back to the floor. Yelping, as she landed face first, she felt a boot in her ribcage.

"And that's why I deny you?" her voice was low again as pain etched through her fragile features, "I would rather die then to warm you bed friend."

"I won't kill you my darling," He turned her over onto her back and straddled her, "I enjoy throwing you around too much. See how it excited me?" She could see the rise in his loose pants. Shuddering she closed her eyes and tried not to feel it on her bruised torso. Her tormenter spread her legs and rubbed up against her and she wanted to vomit.

"Let me in," he whispered as he dry humped her like a dog on a leg, "let your guard down little bitch, you would enjoy it."

"Go to hell," she breathed as he moved against her jeans harder and moaned.

"Oh I'm already there and you shall be my queen." He went under her shirt and grabbed her breast, squeezing it painfully. She bit her lip to keep from crying out, letting the others in the house know what was happening. Shaking her head, she tried to think of a happier place. Her holy power may protect her from unwanted entry, but not her entire body, not her dignity. "I got rid of the dog months before I found you, now all I need is an heir to make my conquest compete."

"You are sick," she hissed as he grunted and then started to suck on her neck. She couldn't do anything about it, he was too heavy for her. But she swore she wouldn't cry anymore.

"I can just see it bitch," he sucked on her ear and she shuddered, "you by my side, in my bed, so hot and wet, ready for your master to dominate you. All swollen and round with my offspring."

"In your dreams," she could hear his breathing become hard and haggard, "and even then it will be a fantasy."

"Oh so tight," he groaned again as he pressed harder, "I can just feel it. You are mine." With that he climaxed, spilling what ever seed he had all over her clothing. Feeling dirty as he kneeled over her to punch her, "just say the words and the pain will stop my dear."

"Go to hell," she hissed and he slapped her hard, coming to straddle her again. He back handed her for a second time and she just took it. Keeping her fear masked, she knew how he enjoyed it, enjoyed her tears, her fear.

"You don't fear me anymore do you bitch?" His words were a little shocked, "you aren't so fun anymore."

"You will regret ever touching me," her eyes were narrowed, blackening from being punched and slapped.

"Ha, like a weak little freak like you could hurt me," his ruby eyes glistened with malice.

"Weak huh?" She spat more blood, "so then why do you wish to impregnate me? I thought demons wanted the strongest bitches they could find, not the weakest. Oh wait; you aren't really a demon Naraku. You are a half, if that." Her voice was filled with venom. Another slap hit her hard on her face, and then he stood and kicked her.

"Just wait darling," he grabbed her hair, "just wait, you will be begging for me to take you one day." With that he put on his jeans and walked out of her dark room. Left in the darkness, she lay there, letting the pain wash through her. Feeling disgusting, dirty, she rolled over and sat up. She needed to get out of there.

"I can live here anymore," her voice was soft, but she had no where to go. Swallowing, she stood and went to her closet. Stripping the clothing she had been wearing, even her underwear and bra, she changed into something clean. Grabbing a ball cap and a loose hoodie, she pulled it on. Going to a drawer, she raided what money she had stolen from Naraku. Shoving it into her pocket, she slipped on her runners and waited. In about an hour the house would turn in for the day. It was then she would get out of there, she would run. Walking to the far corner of her room, she pulled up a floor board. There was a bag, filled with all of the things that her mother had left her. Her father's journals, a picture of her mother, and another old one of her father, and a small jewelry box that couldn't be opened then only possessions she owned. Swallowing, the taste of blood making her sick, she wiped her face again.

"I should be safe until I get out of the territory," she whispered, "then I will be on my own. Good, anything is better then this."

Keade was walking along the stretch by the sea when she felt a holy presence near by. It was pure, and yet it wasn't, there was something different about it. Up ahead there was a small figure looking out into the ocean, a bag at her feet. Tipping her old head, Keade watched the figure for a moment, taking in her form. The figure stood stiffly, as if in pain, and the hood was up, as if the figure didn't want to be noticed. But Keade could see long black hair coming out from the hood, a girl. She was hugging herself, elbows on the railing. Walking closer, she could see that the sweater was a dark blue, her jeans loose, torn, and the bag worn. On the sleeves there was blood and Keade swallowed. This wasn't good. The hair coming out was matted, and the girl was trembling almost. The closer she got, she could make out a profile of a bruised face, bloodstained lips.

"Child?" Keade asked, reaching out to touch the girl. In an instant, the girl pulled away facing her, fear in her ocean blue eyes. Her face was black and blue, swollen in places, too swollen to know what the girl really looked like.

"Don't touch me old woman," her voice was low, "just keep walking and go on your way. I'm not here."

"Child you need help," Keade whispered, "I won't hurt you."

"You won't," the girl muttered as she stepped back, "but he will. So keep on walking old woman."

"Who will," Keade asked, "child I swear you are safe now, just come with me." The girl shook her head.

"He sent you didn't he," her eyes were accusing now, "thought I would fall for a little old woman helping me? Fuck that, leave me alone."

"Child look at me," Keade hissed, her priestess aura flaring around her, "you can trust me girl. I know you see it, so stop fighting and come on. Before whoever is after you discovers your whereabouts." Emotion flashed through the girl's eyes, along with reluctance, fear, pain.

"A demon did this to you didn't he," Keade stepped forward a little touching the girl's arm, gently.

"Woman…" Her voice was shaky, "if he…"

"He won't," she smiled softly, "come, my home is not far from here. You will be safe." Tears gathered in her eyes, but the girl nodded.

"Thank you," her voice was soft. Keade walked with the girl for a good hour before they reached her small shrine like home. The girl was in pain, limping by the time they arrived. Keade did her best to help her into the house and onto the couch before she noticed that the girl was wiping blood away from her nose.

"Let's get you out of these damp clothes," Keade said softly, "and bandaged up. Then off to bed with you."

"I can pay you…"

"No," Keade cut her off sharply, "a woman in need, let alone a priestess, needs help, not favors."


"There may not be many of us around girl," Keade lifted the hood off the girl, revealing a facet hat would have been very beautiful if it wasn't so bruised, "I may be old but my senses are still as sharp as ever." Relief and hope flooded the girl's eyes in an instant. "Why is you name child, mine is Keade."

"Kagome," she whispered, "Kagome Higirashi." Keade hid her shock, and said nothing, but couldn't believe it. She never knew that the two had reproduced, never in a million years did she ever thing it was possible. A priestess and a demon conceiving a seemingly normal daughter, it was not possible, and yet Keade was looking at the impossible. Kagome Higirashi, daughter of Midorku and Kazou Higirashi. The daughter of what was a forbidden affair.