A/N: The last list of the year 2008. As a special treat to all you wonderful folks out there who have kept up with this through the entire year, I'm going to officially reveal the "writer" of the lists. As if you didn't already know who it was. Don't question my actions!

Disclaimer: KP, Disney, Late Show, World Wide Pants, you know where I'm going with this.

Special review thanks: Samurai Crunchbird, Thomas Linquist, Anabri, Kwebs, omegarulesall, Captain IT, acosta perez jose ramiro, storyreader51, kim's 1 fan, and RonHeartbreaker.

Late Show host David Letterman sat back in his chair and crossed one leg over the other, looking at the leader of the CBS Orchestra, Paul Schaffer.

"Boy it's been one crazy year, hasn't it?" Dave asked.

"Sure has, Dave. The election was a big part of it too." Paul answered.

"As well as the Oscars, Grammies, Emmys, and the Fannies."

"And don't forget the plunging economy."

"Also the end of the writers strike."

"I think it's safe to say that 2008 was a year full of surprises."

"As well as fun guests," Dave said, "we've had both members of Team Possible, Michael Phelps, Barack Obama, John McCain, and several other top celebrities and some of the nations biggest names."

"And we've also had a lot of fun with the skits, the gags, and the top ten lists." Paul reminded his boss.

"Well of course, who can forget the top ten lists. Folks, if you haven't noticed, we've been featuring lists relating to Kim Possible and the people she's encountered, as well as having some of the authors of her books and short stories come in and have some fun with us."

"Remember all those authors we had come in after the Fannies ran?" Paul asked.

"Oh yeah, our night of three top ten lists. I do remember that. Boy that was a fun night, wasn't it Paul?" Dave replied.

"It was awfully nice of cpneb to show a few of the band members how he can handle a violin after the show." Paul said.

"And speaking of writers, as you know, the writer that sends us the Kim Possible top ten lists has remain shrouded in mystery," Dave said as he turned his attention out to the crowd. "Now, he may have dropped a few hints as to who he actually was, but, I think it's time that the mysterious author comes clean. Folks, if you would, give a big round of applause for the person who has been responsible for the Kim Possible lists. And, well, he agreed, as long as it was the last list he had to write for 2008."

Dave then pulled a blue card off his desk and held it high in the air, "Ladies and gentlemen, here is tonight's top ten list."

On the audience screen, a computer generated cartoon zipped past the numbers ten through one were shown at a house party while a clock counting down to the new year was displayed in the background.

"From the home office in Owasso, Oklahoma, tonight's list: Top ten new year's resolutions of our Kim Possible writer. And here to present tonight's list, please welcome Ran Hakubi.

Dave stood up as the camera set to the main stage where the guest musicians and guest list presenters took over. From back stage out walked a man in his mid-twenties, with thick framed glasses on, curly light brown hair, and a bit of heft to him. Ran waved to the audience as he took his mark.

"Again, top ten new year's resolutions of Ran Hakubi. Here we go, number ten."

"I will build upon my famous love of video games and purchase seven home consoles next year. This will bring my grand total up to roughly two hundred fifty-eight."

"Number nine."

"Find out what exactly the price of a gallon of cheep tequila, a hotel room, and people to fill said hotel room is."

"Number eight."

"Ask Letterman for a raise."

"Nothin' doin' pal. Nothin' doin'. Number seven."

"Leave the house and actually talk to girls. Maybe. Depends on if something good is on TV or not."

"Number six."

"Develop a more complete history of time, and tell that smug son-of-a-gun Stephen Hawking where to go."

"Number five."

"Take over Zaratan's spot as the leader of the Kimmunity."

"Number four."

"Announce my campaign for the 2024 presidential election."

"Number three."

"Send that Nigerian prince a few dollars. He seems like he could use it."

"Number two."

"Find out exactly what is happening on Lost."

"And the number one new years resolution of Ran Hakubi."

"Become a writer for Leno."

"There you have it folks, tonight's top ten list. We'll be right back with more from Ran Hakubi!" Dave said as the show cut away to a commercial.

A/N: That's it folks! The last list of 2008! Have a Happy Holidays and a great New Year! See ya in 2009!