Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Fanfiction
When They Cry Again
I do not own Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (Kai) or anything like that. My characters are obviously mine, though.
The characters in this are based vaguely off canon characters. Hopefully you'll have fun guessing who each character is based off.
Also, if there's something you don't understand during the course of the story, leave a review 3 I'll try to cover it in the next chapter. Though some thing are a secret until later.
. A R C . O N E .
The Blood Tears Chapter
C h a p t e r 0 0 1 : Bonds
It was early, but not too early for the sun to rise. Mikan Shiratori was woken up by the brutal rays of 7am sun that leaked in through the bedroom curtain and the smell of breakfast. In the one bedroom apartment she lived in it was almost impossible not to be woken by morning cooking if the sun didn't get you first.
Yawning, the black haired girl rose from her sleeping bag and air mattress, both of which had been on sale, and rubbed her eyes. As with every morning, Mikan had surrendered to the sun and smell of bacon and eggs, a meal that her roommate, Nanaha Morimiya, cooked better than anyone.
"Nanaha. Good morning." Murmured Mikan as he began to roll up her bright purple sleeping bag and deflat the mattress. Nanaha turned and giggled, her golden blonde hair sparkling in the sun that had heartlessly woken Mikan.
"Good morning, Mikan! Breakfast will be ready soon." She said sweetly, her voice quite mature for her age. Both girls were borderline fourteen and spent a lot of time together due to Hinamizawa's decision on how to deal with the city's orphans. The one room apartment was big enough for the three girls that shared it and paid for by donations from citizens. Offers to have donations uses to pay for food and beds had been made, but the head of house had turned it down.
Or, well. Head of Apartment.
"Good morning, you two." A childish voice came from the one and only doorway, the voice of the oldest of the three orphans, Nina Nijihara. The two younger girls smiled and waved at their sixteen year old 'older sister', especially since they noticed she was carrying groceries. It had been Nina who requested that she paid for living supplies with her own money and, after deciding on this method of living, she had gotten a number of jobs to earn spare cash. Luckily, Hinamizawa was a small city and most people were willing to work job hours around her life as the 'head of house' and school.
"Nina Good morning!" Nanaha called happily, giggling, "I made breakfast."
"I can tell. It smells good. Did you sleep well?"
The two girls nodded in unison.
"Yes! I take it work went well?" Asked Mikan, who was now fetching dishes from the drawer Nina had bought on sale. It was one of the only pieces of furniture in the apartment aside from the fold-up table and chairs. Most everything was kept neatly in a corner when not in use to make room for other things.
"Mmm. Thank you for asking, Mikan." Nina replied happily, going to set up the folding table and chairs. There was a knock at the door so Nanaha turned the stove off and headed over to answer it. Behind the door stood two other friends of the duo; Kain Shirogane and Ayu Awayuki. Kain was a tall blonde boy around Nina's age and Ayu was a girl only a few months older than the two of them. Ever since Kain moved to Hinamizawa a few month earlier, the two had been stuck to each other like glue.
"Good morning. We were hoping to have breakfast with you." Ayu chirped, "Kain here forgot to get the groceries again."
"Hey! It was your turn!" Kain argued, glaring at Ayu. Nanaha laughed and hurried back to the kitchen.
"It's ok, you two! I made extras"
"Yeah. This happens almost every time it's Kain's turn to buy groceries. We're used to it by now" Mikan explained in a mock lady-like way.
"Thanks so much for letting us come, you two." Ayu chirped, walking in and helping to set up the table. Her and Kain had come to share the apartment next to that of the three Orphans, simply because they felt bad for Nina when her parents had died. They had been quite worried about how stressful 'raising' two kids would be after just losing her parents.
"Ok, breakfast is served." Nanha announced, placing the last plate of eggs and bacon on the center of the table. All five friends scurried to their appropriate place at the table, obviously used to eating meals together since they all knew exactly where to sit.
Then everyone bowed their heads and smiled. "Thank you for the meal, Oyashiro-sama!"
Another day in the little experimental town of Hinamizawa had begun.
After breakfast, the group had cleaned up dishes together as a team before beginning the long walk to school. The air outside was fresh and clear, the weather a beautiful reminder of summer. Each child wore a school uniform, though the uniforms were different for everyone; Hinamizawa's School had no set uniform, so requested that students wore what they had in their old schools before moving to the village.
"So, Nina. Did you get enough rest?" Asked Ayu, but only once she was positive the younger two girls were off in their own conversations. No need to make them feel guilty, after all.
Nina nodded, though her next action of rubbing her eyes and yawning made Ayu and Kain wonder how truth she was being. "Yeah, I'm fine. I got a bonus for working late."
"Nina, you know this isn't healthy." Kain pointed out, as if no one knew yet. Ayu nodded and took her friend's hand; Nina and Ayu had known each other long before moving to Hinamizawa five year ago, so were naturally a bit closer to each other than the to others.
"Promise me you'll stop working thee late shifts, Nina. Your family left you tons of money." Ayu said firmly, looking into her best friend's eyes. Nina cowered a bit and nodded.
"But... I wanna use that extra money to leave this place when my term is up."
Ayu went silent and shook her head. "You know what? Let's drop it for now."
Nina didn't seem to have much of a problem with it either, so the subject was, in deed, dropped. And just in time, since the two younger girls came around and hugged Nina from behind, making the older girl fall over.
"Nina Sorry!" Nanaha said, giggling when she saw Nina was okay, "We wanna get ice cream!"
"You just ate breakfast." Kain pointed out, smirking playfully, "What a glutton."
The girl twitched and got up, running over to try and tackle Kain. "I am not! How mean!"
"True true. Mean mean." Echoed Mikan, who was still pinning Nina to the ground, "Nina, go beat him up."
The two older girls laughed.
"Maybe after school. You. Me. Behind the gym. 3." Ayu teased giving Kain a shoulder bump as she walked by. Nanaha laughed at this and hurried after Ayu, leaving Kain alone. The boy sighed and shook his head, grinning a bit before running to catch up with his friends. Everything seemed to be running smoothly...
Even the invisible girl watching them was convinced that nothing could go wrong.