I don't own anything of D N Angel. Although I wish that I could...sobs

This is a fic that I will be slowly working on, hopefully it will turn out alright.

.oEbony Snowo.

Chapter One: On Shadowy Wings

It was snowing strong during the night. A little white house on the end of Rivers St. felt the blow of several gusts of wind against its thinly constructed walls. Within its confines was a small child at the age of ten huddled within the bedsheets inside a small bedroom that creek loudly and was very cold from the bitter weather that was stirring outside. Small little gasps and whimpers can be heard from under the blankets. The child let out a sneeze as a head lifted off the bed and the sheets pulled off enough for the child to breathe fresh cold air before succumbing to the sheets once more. Spiky red locks were sticking to the sides of the child's face as he panted, covering his small mouth as the child coughed hoarsely.

"H-Hnn...m-my throat hurts..." the child wheezed as he slowly moved his legs over to the side of the bed. He pulled himself up slowly, keeping balanced by using one of the bedposts to keep him upright. The child wiped his forehead with a sleeve of his tattered pajamas, breathing weakly.

The small redhead moved slowly towards the door of his room as another wave of coughs came over him. His legs began to waver as he grabbed the doorknob to keep him on two feet. He opened the door slowly and moved into the cold hallway of his drafty house to the bathroom, catching his breath.

'M-Momma's not going like this if she f-finds me--' he thought as he coughed loudly, covering his face with a towel to muffle the noise. 'She might worry herself to death...'

He picked up his stepping stool and moved it to a tall sink. Even though he was ten, he was rather short and frail for his age. He climbed up and balanced himself as he reached for his glass. He could feel the room shake slightly as a large gust of wind hit, making it as though the wind was going to rip the little creaking house right off its foundation. The boy shivered in fear, looking out the window, seeing only white.

'Snow...' he thought as he got a small glass of water, drinking it down. "Much better." he whispered, feeling the burning in his throat ebb away slowly. 'Outside may look scary, but the snow still is pretty when it's laying on the ground.'

The child pushed the stool towards the window he was looking at and stared out of it. He could feel the cool air through some of the cracks around the glass, his breath can be seen as small puffs of steam. Outside was a shield of white, blocking away the night in a barrier of snow around the house. The boy seemed to be in awe as he watched some of the snowflakes fly past the glass. His thin, pale hand touched the cold glass, the warmth of his palm now having an aura of light fog that stuck around his hand, not disappearing because of the cold weather. The boy smiled, removing his hand.

'It's so cold, but it's so pretty to watch. It's so...free.' he thought, blinking softly.

He was about to step off his stool when something caught his eye through the blanket of white. He turned and looked at the windowsill. He saw something caught on the outside sill, flailing wildly as it was stuck on the broken notch of wood. The boy looked at the small object in surprise, tilting his head as he looked at it quietly.

"A...feather?" he asked to himself. Sure enough, it was a purple and black feather that he saw. He had seen feathers from the birds in the neighborhood, but he had never seen one of that color before.

He looked around the window, but couldn't find a way to reach the feather, nor was it close to ground for his parents to get it for him the next day. But he shrugged and climbed off his stool, putting it back into its place before rinsing out his glass. He put the glass away and stepped back into the hallway, shivering as he went. He was about to open his bedroom door as he heard something above him. At first he though that it was the wind again, but it was louder and had a rhythm to it. The child moved quietly, looking up at the ceiling.

The boy got to his bed and crawled back inside of his sheets, shivering again. 'That's not Santa...it's too late for Santa to come. Christmas had already happened." he muttered, hearing another thump, and something scraping on the roof. The child's heart was beating quickly and his breath was short, making him cough and sneeze again. The noises above them had stopped after a short period, causing the redhead to look around the room as he heard the wind on its own again. He sat up and looked out his window in his own room, wondering what the sounds were before. He sneezed and huddled within his blankets, laying down slowly and closed his eyes, trying to get back to sleep before sunrise.

A young man outside in the middle of the storm was standing on a roof of a small house, clutching his side as the scent of blood filled his nostrils, pulling his coat tighter around him. His purple locks whipped around him as he tried to look around for something in the storm. He folded what was left of his wings behind him, the violet and ebony hue stained with the crimson and stench of blood.

"What's the matter, Mousy? Having a hard time?" ca me a voice, cutting through the storm like a knife, causing the man to stir, looking behind him. The purple haired man cursed under his breath, opening his wings as he let out a yelp, more feathers flying off of his wings and into the blizzard. All he could see was a blast of light from a spell coming towards him at an alarming rate. He dodged it barely as a stabbing pain from his wounded side stung him deeply, causing him to fall on one knee.

The voice from before chuckled. "You're pathetic, Dark. You can't even stand up anymore you're that weak." Another blast came for the young man from another direction, causing the winged man to falter and slip off the roof and onto the snow on the ground beneath him. The winged man coughed up blood and air as he had impact, closing his eyes and groaning.

The man didn't have enough energy to open his eyes as he felt someone reach for his person and take something from him. Another chuckle can be heard.

"I will just let you die in a frozen bed. Enjoy the comforts of death, old friend" the voice said. The wounded man could hear the crunching of footsteps walking away from him as his breathing slowed.

'So...this it my time to die is it? What a sorry way to go...I am sorry that I couldn't save it...'

The small redhead's eyes snapped open as he heard a crashing sound coming from outside the house, he sat up and coughed again as he looked around, wondering if it was his imagination. He slipped out of bed for the second time, grabbing a blanket this time and wrapped it around him as he slowly crept back into the hallway and moved down the stairs, his palms squeaking on the railing as he went down each step. He tried to be silent as he could as he went into the kitchen. He looked out one of the large windows to find the snow was getting lighter, and able to see the streetlights in front of the house. He also spotted something new that was in his front lawn; a blackened mound that was sticking out of the snow. The snow was packing in around the strange object and he was unsure of what it was.

'Momma...maybe I should get mom...' he thought as he moved towards the front door, peeking at the strange object. As he stared at it he jumped as he saw the object move, seeing that it was a man face through the snow.

"Momma! Momma!" he shouted, coughing loudly as he quickly moved to the foot of the stairs, holding his chest.

The sound of footfalls can be heard as a young woman with short light brown hair comes flying from her bedroom, spotting the child from the top. Her face was pale as she saw her son get that far from his bed as she quickly moved down the stairs, scooping the child up in her arms.

"Daisuke!" she said with a stern but soft voice, hugging her little one. "How did you get out of bed?! You're very sick sweetie...you should be resting."

The redhead looked up at his mother, trying to say what he needed to say. "M-Momma...there's someone outside."

"What did you say, huney?"she asked, loosening her grip on her child. "There wouldn't be anyone out this late. And in a storm like this."

"But there is someone, mommy."he said, looking outside He pushed himself out of his mothers grasp long enough to go to the window and point outside.

His mother stood up, looking outside. She got her long coat and wrapped it around herself and moved to the door. "Then I will go see quickly. You stay inside and watch the window. If something happens...you know the number for emergencies."

Daisuke looked at his mother and gave him a nod and a small smile, curling up tighter in his blanket. His mother opened the door as a gust of wind flooded the entryway as she went outside, closing the door and walked slowly down the path of the house. She tightened the coat around her body as she looked around. Daisuke continued to watch as the snow fell around his mother. He saw her kneel to where he saw the man in the snow, and then stand up again, as if nothing was there. His eyes went wide, looking around where he saw the dark figure and his mother returning to the front door. She opened it quickly and let out a sharp breath.

"My goodness it's cold." she said, shivering as she looked down at her son, kneeling in front of Daisuke. "I didn't find anything sweetie. Only this." she said, pulling out a long purple and black feather, placing it gently in his hands. "You must've seen a bird out in the storm, it sometimes happens huney."

"B-But momma...I thought I saw--"

Daisuke's mother placed her hand on his soft spikes. "You're probably just really tired and your eyes were playing tricks on you. We will look together tomorrow, okay sweetie? Hopefully the birdie got back into its nest." She kissed his forehead, taking off her coat and scooped Daisuke up in her arms again to put him back to bed. "Now it's time for this little sick one to go to sleep. He needs to get better." she said, giving him a gentle smile as they ascended up the stairs.

Daisuke closed his eyes, hanging onto the feather softly in his hands. She curled up in his mothers arms, nuzzling her shoulder as he was beginning to doze off, letting out a soft sneeze and a cough and fell asleep before making it to his bedroom. His mother placed him back into his bed, tucking him back in and put the feather she found for him on a small table, continuing to look at her son.

"So frail, yet strong enough to get up to help something in need" she whispered softly, touching his warm cheek. "My tiny little angel, always out to help everything around him."

Daisuke let out a soft groan and turned over, curling up as she stood up, walking back to the door. "Sleep well, my little angel. Please get better for Momma" she whispered, closing the door and walking back to her room.

The feather on the table rested on the table, glowing softly with a violet light as a silhouette formed in the shadows of the room. The shadow looked at the boy sleeping on the bed, narrowing its eyes.

"An angel...huh."

.o End of Chapter One o.