Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters. They are owned by Fox and James Cameron. I also, unfortunately, do not own Jensen Ackles. But a girl can dream.
A/N: For those who have been waiting an eternity for me to update my other stories, I am sorry I have not done so. I have recently fallen ill however I am slowly recovering. I will try my hardest to update when I feel better. This is just a little drabble to pass the time.
Set during Hello, Goodbye, when Max and Alec are at Max's apartment.
You don't know how hard it was for me to see you crying. You had always seemed like an impenetrable fortress; strong and unfaltering. Max. Our kick-ass leader, who always had to get in the last word for everything. The woman who pretended not to care about anything but actually cared more than any of us could ever know. You were the rock, the one who kept everyone in line, and, more importantly, alive. And now I had to watch you crumble.
In all honesty, a part of me didn't want to be there, listening to you struggle to tell me about Ben, watching your salty tears make their slow path down your face. It was selfish of me, and I hated myself for it. I didn't want to watch this. It was so wrong, watching an angel shed her tears. It was a scene no one should have had to witness; beautiful yet heartbreaking at the same time.
The other part of me – a greater part – just wanted to hold you. I felt hesitant; I don't think I've ever touched you without being abused in some way. I took my chances anyway, and slowly put my arms around you, praying to all that was holy that you would not attack me. Some divine being must have heard me because I suffered no injuries to my body. That, if nothing else, made me realize how much you were hurting, and I gently kissed the top of your head. You have no idea how much restraint that took me, how much I would have preferred kissing your lips instead. I was sure that that, however, would have been met with some sort of assault, no matter how upset you were. You've suffered, just as we all have, but I didn't really get it until that moment. I used to resent you for your freedom; you had had the chance to live a life outside the walls of Manticore, while the rest of us were punished and kept caged. But now I see that even on the outside, you couldn't escape the horrors of our "home".
I felt you shift in my arms, leaning into me. The change was almost imperceptible, but it was there, and it made a world of difference to me. You had finally begun to let me in, even if it was only a little bit. Now I've seen the chink in your armor, the missing brick from your fortress, and the pain that lies just inside.
We're all broken. Some more than others.
But I want to be the glue that puts you back together again.
A/N: Well, this totally went in the opposite direction that I thought it would, and the main idea kinda went all over the place, but I think it's okay anyway. Except I may have done something funky by switching tenses somewhere. Drop me a line and let me know what you think!