Full Summary: [postseries/Bounto arc [FMA Bleach crossover

Edward's transmutation to bring his brother back goes wrong and lands him in 21st century Japan. More specifically – Karakura Town, where 'Death Gods' and ghosts are common sights. Forcefully enrolled into high school by a shopkeeper and his talking cat, Edward meets up with the last person he thought he'd ever meet in this crazed world of high-tech gadgets. Can he survive, or will he be overwhelmed with everything? And when unexplainable deaths start popping up and a group of Shinigami are called to investigate, Edward finds that it will be a long time before he can find a way to return to Amestris.

A/N: I wasn't sure whether or not to post this in the Bleach section or the FMA section, but since there's going to be more Ed than Ichigo, I'm putting it in FMA. I'm not really expecting this to go too far, but I'll try to update as much as possible.

I do have another fic on my hands, on a different account, so I apologize if this doesn't get updated all that much.

This also takes place at the end of the FullMetal series and after the Bounto Arc, so Rukia is at Soul Society. It doesn't go along with the Bleach plot either.

Well, I hope you enjoy this little experiment of mine!

[Edit 21/01/2008: Fixed up some grammatical errors that Phantom SunsSong pointed out. S'all good now!

Disclaimer: Don't own FullMetal Alchemist or Bleach!


He pressed his hands to the circles on his chest and he was engulfed in the light.

"Come back, Al."

He opened his eyes and just as he expected, the Gate was standing in front of him, which he had seen more than once, and even gone through it, to a different world without alchemy. The grand marble doors now held his future, and hopefully his little brother's, in it's many hands.

The deafening silence was broken as the doorway opened, creaking loudly, as if it had been shut for hundreds of years. He stared up at the black abyss, desperately hoping his transmutation would work, which would successfully sacrifice his own life for his brother's.

All of a sudden, the sound of many children laughing echoed in his ears, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as thousands of eyes opened in the black void. But he was not scared, even as the tiny black hands grabbed onto him, pulling him towards the Gate, the eternal giggling overcoming all of his senses.

A trivial emotion like fear wouldn't stop him.

This was for Al.

Nothing Special

Chapter One:

Sandal-Hats and Talking Cats

Mid January in Karakura Town brought frigid temperatures, especially during the night, sending locals hurrying to get inside their warm abodes, snuggling up with their family and a nice cup of hot cocoa.

...However hypothermia didn't count as an excuse to skip out on substitute Shinigami duties.

Teeth chattering, Kurosaki Ichigo placed his Zanpukuto on his back and rubbed his hands together in attempt to warm them. Defeating the Hollow had been a synch; he only had to use one strike and it had disappeared, and it was even better that it hadn't been chasing any souls.

But that was what all the Hollows were like in the past few days – weak (or maybe he was just getting stronger). And Ichigo didn't mind that, oh no, he was relieved that he could get back to a somewhat normal life, but he wasn't thinking about Hollows at the moment.

"What the hell!" He exclaimed, starting off in a frustrated run towards his house. "I wouldn't have let Ukitake give me that stupid badge if I knew that meant I could still feel this damn cold!"

Despite the fact it was nearly three in the morning, Ichigo knew for certain that the first thing he was going to do when he returned to his body was get himself a steaming cup of hot chocolate, even though his body was already warm in his bed.

With that thought set in his mind, Ichigo sped up his pace, not noticing the sudden tear in the starry, cloudless sky and the figure that fell from it, but he did notice as his house came into sight, the light on in the clinic window, which was weird since the clinic was never open at three in the morning...



Edward stretched out his arms and legs as he awoke, like a cat. He stopped mid-stretch as his hands met the unfamiliar surface of tree bark.

He wrenched his eyes open and leapt to his feet, but with no surface for his toes to meet, he fell six feet, conveniently smashing the back of his head or one of his limbs on a tree branch. Although he had just fallen out of a tree, the nimble Alchemist was back on his feet, his eyes flitting back and forth as he took in his surroundings. Standing there, on the outskirts of what seemed to be a park, Edward let his breathing and heart rate regulate to a human speed. Where ever he was, it seemed to be dawn, the sky a mixture of indigos and yellows.

And the fact he was currently shivering in the freezing morning of this strange place meant something went wrong with his transmutation.

This must be the other side of the Gate, then. He thought slowly, trying to figure out what could've gone wrong. Which means...

"That was quite the fall."

Before Edward could even utter a word of his frustration, a deep voice cut him off, causing him to whirl around since no one was in front of him. Confused, he turned back around as there was no one behind him either, but as he looked around, all he saw was a black cat sitting in the frosted grass a few feet away.

"You seem to be lost," the deep voice came again, but Edward was quite shocked to see the cat's mouth moving.

Edward opened and closed his mouth numerous times, but nothing came out. He could only stare as the feline stood and walked up to him, staring at him intently with yellow eyes. The first thought that came to mind was 'Chimera', but the thing that stood in front of him was either a flawless creation of Alchemy or quite simply a talking cat. But... if he really was in an alternate world of some sort, then animals who could speak could be a common sight. Whichever was the right answer, Edward obviously didn't know.

"You've got leaves in your hair."

Edward jumped and snapped around, a fist flying to sock whoever was behind him in the face, but his arm stopped halfway in its travels.

"I never meant to come as a threat, my apologies," Edward's hand was released, but it remained in mid air as he stared wide-eyed at the man in front of him.

Despite the fact he was dressed in a deep green robe, a green and white striped bucket hat and a pair of wooden sandals, and the fact his hair was blond and his face slightly unshaven, Edward could've sworn it was Roy Mustang calmly smiling down at him.

"Are you alright? You're looking kind of pale," the man's voice was enough to shake Edward from his shock and he lowered his arm - it took a little force, the icy temperature was effecting his automail - back to his side.

"...Sorry... you look like someone I know," Edward stuttered, swallowing in a vain attempt to relieve his parched throat.

"Ahh, well, I'm Kisuke Urahara, if it's any help. And my dear friend over there is Yoruichi Shihouin." The man said in a polite, cheerful voice. "Like Yoruichi said, you look like you're lost."

Edward opened his mouth, but found he had nothing prepared. He was lost, lost in an alternate universe, no where to go, no one he knew except for his father, but there didn't seem to be a war going on now, and he could've been killed.

"Uhh... yeah, a little," he said quietly.

"Well, there's an empty room at my house, I don't mind sharing," Kisuke said, smiling merrily. "But it's for a price."

"Oh... it's alright, really. Besides, I don't have any money at the moment. Thank you, though." Edward was honestly taken aback at the stranger's charity, leaving him slightly shellshocked.

"No, no, the price isn't all that much," Kisuke waved his hand lazily, as if swatting Edward's decline out of the air. "Just tell me your name and you're all set up!"

"Well... my name is Edward Elric, but you don't need to-"

"Alright-y then, Edward!" Kisuke suddenly exclaimed, grabbing him by the forearm. "Don't worry; I have heat so you won't freeze to death like you would if you stayed outside!"


A/N: I'm sorry it's so short, and if anyone's out of character. It's my first time with people from Bleach, so please bear with me! Hopefully Ed's okay too, I've had a little more experience with him, but I'm always worrying he's too angst-y/nice.

Reviews are a writer's best friend, so they'll help me on getting the next chapter out sooner! Constructive criticism is adored, don't be afraid!

Doll Hospital