Disclaimers: I don't own NCIS or its characters and make no money from my fanfic. However, please do not reproduce this story without my permission.



The One

Chapter Eight

Jealous? No Never! Well Maybe...



"Hey Boss!" Tony exclaimed swinging around on his chair and leaping up.

"What?" Gibbs raised an eyebrow; one of his eyes swivelled to where Tony was leaping up and down the other was locked to Ziva, and the freakish Gibbs-sense was carefully tracking McGee around the floor clearly he had lost something...

"Boss! Guess what!! The Director is on the international knitting club registry!" Tony declared.

Gibbs slapped his forehead, "HOW IS THIS RELAVENT DINOZZO?"

"Um, we now know what to get the Director for her birthday?" Tony suggested, Gibbs threw him a glare which basically meant –Shut up.-




- no answer-


–still no answer-

" Hey! Anthony DiNozzo?!" Ziva said loudly, Tony looked around.

"Mum!" He exclaimed.

Ziva rolled her eyes, "Tony, that was me, not your mother."

"Oh... Humph..." Tony continued typing with and idle expression pursed on his lips.

"Fine. - Ignore me, your behaving like a 3 year old crying over spilt juice." Ziva stood up and disappeared.

"Spilt juice, I think you mean milkZiva, milk. No wait I wanna', argh Ziva, wait!" Tony followed after the Israeli who was quickly walking away. Tony caught up with her she was splashing water on her face in the woman's bathroom.


"What? Just what Tony?"

"I can't help it, Italians get jealous easily."

"Jealous of what?"

"Your husband!"

"My husband!" Ziva flopped on down on the floor her head in her hands "Your crazy, you know that don't you? I never loved him; it's easy to pretend especially when you have been doing it so long, almost as if you forget what real emotion is. Anyway why are you jealous?"

Tony sat down next to her, looking at her sideways, "You'll laugh."

"It hurts when I laugh because of the stitches."

"Well, it's like this film I saw once, it was the ultimate French romance movie, man dies leaves widow behind, woman never loved him, he comes back and still loves her, she's met someone else, he then is a bit psychopathic tries to kill her, except in the end the woman dies and the guy she met quits his day job and becomes an artist then spends the rest of his life painting her in different paintings, it's a good film." He sighed.

"Right, what's it called?"

"It's called, well... 'Ziva I love you'..."



Sorry it is so sort and really odd.

I am so incredibly sorry for not updating, excuses exams GCSE's French and SAT's as well as coming up with and ending in my mind. Anyway I am on summer break at the moment and it is raining typical England.


Monday 4th August 2008.

Thank you to everyone that has reviewed, added it to their watch list, it means a lot, many thanks!