Disclaimer: I do not own Samurai deeper Kyo or any of its characters; I'm just borrowing them for a while.

Third Desire Summary: Sakaki Kenji, a wandering samurai, meets Yuya and tries to pursue her affections. When he learns about Kyo, he meets him and asks him if he's willing to sell Yuya to him, since she's supposedly nothing but a servant. Kyo keeps denying the fact that he cares for Yuya, to the point that he's put in danger while trying to protect her. Feeling that she's a burden to him, Yuya decides to leave Kyo. As she's leaving, Kyo realizes that he can't live without her. In one last attempt to keep her, Kyo confesses his love for her. Kenji leaves shortly after, only to be followed by Yukimura, who manages to extract his true story.

AN: Like with Third Desire, I've re-written this story. Instead of an omniscient POV, it's now told in different perspectives. I apologize for the amount of mistakes it had prior to this extended edit.

Re-written and edited: July of 2012.

"One should learn that loving is not the same as wanting. Wanting demands; Loving gives."


"Serpent's Curse"

By: FenixPhoenix

Chapter 1: "Melting"

Shinna Yuya regretted her words as soon as she'd spoken them. She had gone too far this time and she knew it. She gazed around at the empty room and decided that a trip to the hot spring was in order. She was not only in dire need of a bath after the embarrassing episode she'd lived through, but she needed to be in a more inviting environment if she was to recover her Zen.

Packing some necessary items in a bag, she made her way to the hot spring within the Inn's premises. She was glad that the place was divided by gender and, more at ease, proceeded inside. She stripped her clothes and, clad only in a white towel, made her way to the steaming pond outside.

A quick scan showed the place was deserted, which was a relief to her. She was more than happy to be alone, in fact, she needed some solitude. With how she felt, she doubted she would make for good company, anyways.

Unfortunately, that feeling lasted for only a couple of minutes, after which her mind decided to reply the conversation she'd had with Kyo earlier that day. Well, calling it a conversation was a stretch. It had been more like a fight, a heated one at that. Yuya told herself it hadn't been entirely her fault. He'd played a part too! Damn the man! If only he'd made a move! If only he'd shown her that he cared, she would not have said what she did…

Yuya folded the towel neatly on the ground and slipped into the water. She sighed, feeling the tension in her shoulders lessening considerably. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back. It was his fault…

When Kyo had finally confided he wanted her by calling her his 'third desire' she had thought everything would change thenceforth. Why wouldn't she? They'd continued traveling without Benitora, Yukimura and the rest, after all.

Yet, things hadn't proceeded as she'd hoped. In fact, they had progressed only slightly! For some baffling reason, Kyo had not taken her, as she'd assumed he would. He kissed her sometimes, yes. And he did it with such passion that she often felt like melting in his arms… and that was it! Up till now, Kyo had made no further attempts to make her his. At first that had puzzled her, now it was just so damn… frustrating!

Yuya growled, remembering one of her boldest moves. They'd just returned to the bedroom they'd been lodged in for the past three days. It was victory night. They'd finally captured the wanted criminal they'd been after for more than a week and the pay had been substantial. She had planned the night down to a tee. She'd resolve to use all her God given attributes to lure him into her bed!

Granted, she had not much experience in these kind of things -that being mostly Kyo's specialty, or so she had thought- but she pretty much knew the basics, which had worked marvelously well with Kyoshiro during the past. The possibility of failure never crossed her mind.

So Yuya had closed the door and turned towards him, pulling the ribbon that held her hair loose, so that her golden locks cascaded freely down her back. That had gotten part of his attention. She'd smiled as she'd approached him slowly, pouring as much seduction into every step given in his direction. She had deliberately loosened the ribbon around her waist, so that, as she moved, her kimono opened up to reveal part of her bosom. She was towering him when she finally realized that the man had yet to make a move. Ignoring what she knew was a deep blush, she'd waited for some kind of acknowledgment, anything really! She'd waited… and waited… and waited…

But the idiotic man had done nothing. Nothing! He had looked at her flushed chest for perhaps two seconds before he'd switched his attention back to his cursed sake! Oh, the man… the demon! How she hated him! How he had shamed her by not looking interested at all! What did he want with her, then?

Yuya sighed deeply… Regardless of his lack of tact, perhaps she should not have said what she had…

As soon as they'd walked into their room, Yuya smiled at him, almost invitingly. Kyo did not smile back. Instead, he went to the corner and sat down with his bottle of sake. She knew that as soon as he'd finished the bottle, he would lean back on the wall and fall asleep. That was, after all, the routine he'd established, and it was this what became her breaking point.

Frustrated, Yuya decided to garner his complete and undivided attention even if it meant doing it with a fight. So she crossed her arms and smirking, she enquired, "Do you truly want me Kyo? Or are you simply so selfish that you would keep me with you in order to keep others away from me?"

Kyo frowned, the thinning of his lips hinting at irritation, "What the hell are you talking about, woman."

Yuya blurted angrily, "That perhaps I would have been better with Kenji-San."

Kyo reeled back, as if she'd slapped him. She saw the skin around his eyes harden, the light within those red orbs dimming into coldness.

"Oh, really?" he taunted, standing up and prowling towards her. "Well, I got bad news for you," he inched closer, towering over her, "you're fucking stuck with me."

"Sadly," she retorted out of pride and, for a second, she feared she had gone too far as Kyo's hand tightened around her arm. Then, as if controlling himself, he let go of her and walked out without a backward glance, mumbling something about drinking in peace.


Onime no Kyo drank the sake straight from the bottle, his throat burning with the hot liquid and his mind burning with unwelcome thoughts. What did she want from him? He had done all she had asked for, hadn't he? She'd asked him not to kill and, let it be said that with much effort, he had done it so. She'd asked him to help her with the bounties and he had also done it so. Hell, he'd even confided he desired her and she was still unhappy!

He frowned, reflecting upon the days following his confession and Kenji's disappearance. A week had gone by since then. Every day, form that day forth, they'd slept in the same room. Kyo had struggled long and hard to muster all his self-control in order to stop himself from ripping her clothes and just claiming her. Recently, she'd just made it harder for him to keep her at arm's length.

Why? That's what her eyes would ask after each of his rejections. How could Kyo tell her the reason without looking weak? He had never felt like this before and it was scarier than all his past fights combined!

It wasn't the promise of sex what made him tremble. Sex was second nature to him, right besides killing. Yet, he had never had feelings for the women he had slept with. He had never considered them -what they wanted or felt. But now… now he had Yuya and he couldn't simply ignore her in the same way, despite how much he often wished he could.

Kenji had been right, Yuya had become his weakness. Kyo had known it from the start, so it shouldn't have been a surprise... but damn! He hadn't expected the after effects of his dependence! She was the part of him that he wanted the most and, at the same time, the part he feared the most. Yuya was the only one who could destroy him and that made him feel fucking vulnerable. Even if she wasn't aware of it yet, Yuya exerted power over him and she could, with one word, crush him to the ground…

So therein laid his problem and his dilemma. It was bad enough 'feeling' things for her but if he claimed her -if he took her… would those feelings intensify? Could he accept that? Because as they were now, not fully solidified, they were driving him crazy! His treacherous eyes could not stop looking at her; his body could not contain the desire to touch her; his mind could hardly concentrate on his training when she was near… So what to do?

Her voice broke into his mind, reminding him what words had prompted this intense reflection. '…perhaps I would have been better with Kenji-San.'

Kyo growled with mad jealousy, his eyes seeing red for a second there.

"That's it!" He was done with this pretense. He stood up and threw the bottle of sake away, hearing it shatter on the ground alongside his caution. He will make her regret her words, even if he had to rip some appropriate ones from her throat!


Shinna Yuya sighed and massaged her neck to relieve the tension that was still there. I shouldn't stay here for too long, she told herself, aware that she was starting to feel lightheaded. She heard the swooshing sound of the door that led to the corridor outside sliding open.

Great… I have company, she thought sarcastically, reluctant to relinquish her cherished solitude. Yet, for all her problems she was not about to spoil the other woman's time with her sore news and bad temper.

When the steps were closer, Yuya decided to acknowledge the intruder. She twisted around with a broad smile plastered on her face and froze. Emerald eyes widened at what –no, at who they encountered standing there. Her jaw dropped and pulse quickened. Despite her confusion and shock, she still had the clarity of mind to reach for her towel and cover herself.

Kyo's crimson orbs followed each and every one of her movements. A lustful smile made its way to his lips when she tried to cover her nakedness. He tilted his head as if questioning the irony of her actions, but said nothing. Yuya watched him in a trance as he undid his kimono and shrugged out of it. He let the garment drop to the floor and stalked towards her like a lion, without an ounce of shame for his own nakedness.

Even embarrassed as she was, Yuya's eyes traced Kyo's tall, naked body minutely on their own accord. She'd always been curious and, sufficed to say, she was not disappointed. He stood there, in all his glory, like a God of war. His every muscle toned to perfection and lilted with scars; old, new, dark, light, bumpy, long and short. Yet, despite being marked so visually by battles constantly waged, he was still a breathtaking sight.

Yuya's heart was beating like a drum inside her temples by the time he began to close the distance between them. His movements were slow and dangerous. His eyes devoured her as though she was his most desired prey. Her mouth was completely dry by the time he stepped into the pond, his intention clear.

She wanted to say something, but words failed her. She wanted to say that she was sorry, but her tongue was tied, her mind unable to think past him and his overwhelming presence. Unable to move and hardly breathing, she followed his graceful movements as he treated the water towards her.

Onime no Kyo smiled smugly, satisfied to have left her speechless and thrilled to see the scarlet blush assailing her face and creeping down her milky chest.

"You don't need this," he said, pulling the towel she had before clutched with so much force away.

Unhindered by the cloth, he inspected her bosom and further down her slim body, taking in every curb and goose bump there. He took a hold of her unbound hair, fingers fisting as he gently –but deliberately- tilted her face up to meet his. He smirked before dipping his head, wishing to taste more than just her mouth. He brushed his lips against her neck, sucking on the sensitive spot of her pulse, before moving up to trace the sharp line of her jaw. He kissed the corner of her lips teasingly before moving back down. This time however, he used both teeth and tongue to mark his enticing journey south, towards her small bosom.

He kissed one of her nipples languidly and felt it rising before he licked and sucked at it. Kyo growled with pleasure when he felt her hands clinging to him, her nails digging into the flesh of his back when his free hand stroked her between the legs. She moaned when his fingers caressed her tenderly and she pulled him towards her with renewed force.

Yuya's lips searched for his with almost desperation but he moved back. A whimper escaped her and he smiled with approval and self-satisfaction. He dipped his head, intent on bestowing her earned reward, and kissed her slowly, deeply and passionately. He chuckled, the sound coming from the back of his throat, when she nibbled at his lower lip.

"I am yours," she whispered in his ear. Kyo tensed when her fingers moved down to his groin. She touched the length of his hard shaft almost experimentally. He knew she wasn't as experienced as he was, so he placed a hand on top of hers and showed her what to do. Her blushed intensified but so did her eagerness. What she lacked in knowledge she compensated with each stroke.

Kyo leaned towards her, heaving with the pleasure of her touch. He was surprised by her bold move and even more so by his reaction to her extraordinary caresses. Unable to help it, heat rushed to his face and –almost roughly- he took her legs in his hands and settled them on each hip.

Yuya seemed to understand what he wanted because she hooked her legs behind him, inviting him in. He moved her so that her back was flat against one of the protruding rocks, using it as support.

"Is this what you wanted?" he whispered as he positioned himself, his eyes intent on hers.

She nodded, her eyes glazed and her lips pressed together in what he guess was fear mingling with excitement. He recalled again –not in the absence of pride- that she had never been touched like this.

"It's going to hurt," he warned, cradling her head with one hand and moving his thumb across her cheek gently. "But the pain will pass and I'll make you feel much better."

She nodded with a little smile. God, she was killing him. She was slaying the demon inside him with those big eyes full of trust and, inevitably, love! He would show her that she'd made the right decision by sticking with him. He would show her that each and every day for the rest of their lives.

Kyo went it, merging with her. She was tight and enjoyably new. Yuya cried out, her whole body tensing around him as a tear rolled down her cheek. Kyo's arms instinctively tightened around her, as if to keep her from shattering in his arms. He hated knowing he had hurt her, even if unintentionally.

"Look at me, Yuya," he commanded softly, gently.

Her emerald eyes buried into his crimson ones. He knew she could see his worry and devotion naked in the depths of his orbs. He didn't mind her knowing. He smiled when her eyes filled with reassurance and love. Moving her hips, she silently willed him to continue. Kyo moved in and out of her, slowly at first but gaining speed when he saw the traces of pain disappearing from her face.

Despite how badly he wanted to pound on her hard and fast, he was still gentle and careful. She had, in a way, become a precious yet fragile object he did not wish to break. His movements made Yuya moan and cry again, but this time with unrestrained ecstasy as he merged with her, bonded with her.

Burying her face in his neck, she kissed him there as he continued to provide her with pleasure. She closed her eyes tightly and her nails dug into the skin of his back when he brought her to her climax. She called his name and, pleased, he moaned hers when he climaxed just after.

He pulled at her hair, his lips searching for hers. He kissed her passionately for a long time. She'd been exquisite and had made him feel things he had never felt before. He realized that it didn't matter if his feelings for her intensified so long as she was with him, now and forever.

Shinna Yuya sighed happily. They were done and, part of her was preparing to be left alone. She assumed that Kyo would just would go and leave her to herself. Yet, to further amaze her, he did the contrary. He scooped her in his arms and carried her out. Then, inside their room, he placed her on the futon and again they made love.

By the end, she was happy but exhausted. Yuya felt his heavy body leaving her and rolling to the side. She grinned in his direction, noticing the quirking of his own lips in response. This was much better than she had ever imagined. All her efforts… all her waiting had finally paid off!

Kyo slid an arm below her body, pulling her towards him. Fighting to keep her surprise from showing –else he would pushed her away- she rested her head on his chest and draped an arm across his abdomen. Following suit, the hand he had below her body curled to rest on her hip.

"I am exhausted and now we shall sleep," he said and then, almost as an afterthought, he added, "so do not move and do not wake me, woman."

Yuya smiled. She did not mind that order at all. Nudging him one last time, she kissed his neck softly before snuggling into his flank. Kyo –a smirk on his handsome face- took the blanket that, moments ago, he had cast aside with haste, and cover them both. His smirk intensified when she tangled her leg with his. He closed his eyes after that, looking satisfied.

Yuya smiled in satisfaction too. Who would have thought that a simple insult was required to seduce him so completely? She only hoped that things would really change from here on. With that on mind, she succumbed to sleep, lulled by the beating of Kyo's heart.


A mysterious man lurked just outside, half hidden in shadows. He had not thought it possible, and yet here it was. At last he had found his weakness. At last he had found his secret weapon. Finally, his revenge was at hand. His wish near to realization!

Who would have thought? Who would have ever thought that the demon would grow a heart! That the ice monster will melt! That the beast could be conquered and the warrior could… love.

No, this was too much! He felt as though it was his birthday and knew he would celebrate tonight as if it was so!

"I have you now," he whispered when he saw him carrying the girl towards the inside of the building, oblivious to his presence. "I have you now, Onime no Kyo."

To be continued…