Chapter 4

When Baron woke up the next morning, a lot of things had changed, particularly about himself: he kept on bumping his head on the ceiling and had to keep bending lower and lower to avoid it.

He managed to crawl out his front door before he would never be able to move again, and when he stood up, though that he would probably brush the arch entrance-way to the refuge with his top hat if he went that way.

Heading towards it, his silk topper was actually knocked off. Bending to pick it up, he realised that something else had changed – his tail was gone. So were his whiskers and large cat ears, all things vital to his balance.

"Muta, find Ann, and Haru please, quickly," Baron asked his fat feline friend, worried about what had happened to him. It could have been the wish-dust, but Ann had indicated that it only did small things. This was most definitely big.

Muta took one gaping look at his friend and employer, nodded, and took off.

Baron paced and thought. He had no idea what was going on and he didn't like the way it felt.

It felt like hours passed before Muta came running back with Ann and Haru in toe. Both girls stopped suddenly at seeing the Baron. Haru's expression was that of shock, Ann looked only mildly puzzled.

"Baron?" Haru asked, taking shy and tentative steps towards the man, yes, man, who stood before them. He looked about a year older than the twins, with shockingly orange hair and abnormally green eyes, and very handsome.

"I have no idea what has happened," he said.

Haru sighed, there was no mistaking the Baron's voice, and she rushed at him, throwing her arms around him.

"Something good, I think," she said, running her fingers through his hair.

Ann smiled. Wish dust didn't do this, she knew that this was too big for wish dust. Besides, she had spent half the night brewing the spell that did do this, so that Haru and Baron could be happy together. Her own wish was that she would find such a spell, and that night she had, just as she was flipping through her old scrap books. The spell was old and tatty, but it had worked, only faster than she had expected it to.

Ann rolled her eyes at the way Haru and Baron seemed unable to move any more and with just a little pressure to the back of each of their heads, wished that they would understand exactly how they felt about each other.

Haru enjoyed the kiss, so did Baron. Even Muta got a good laugh out of it.

With true love's kiss, the spell is sealed, unbreakable.