GaWm: yo, chap 3! ive been workin on a another story sooooo, chaps may take a little while to create, anyway, thank you EVERYONE who has read and/or reviewed, reading your reviews is like talking a breath of fresh air, keep commenting please...

Sk8 Rat And A Honor Roll Student Chap 3


The room was cold,... of course it was cold it was the farthest classroom away from the front doors, witch made driving out of the underclassman parking lot, a living hell..., Yet their she sat, all alone in the empty class room; The air was brisk, sakura dident like it, she was always the first into the room. (mostly because her third periode class room was just down the hall), she was silently reading a text message, carefully hiding her phone under her jacket witch layed out on her desk, she felt as if somewon was watching her, she glanced up and noticed "him" standing into the doorway.

why a sky smile on the devil would wear, the most popular boy in the history of the school entered the classroom,...Uchiha Sasuke

"Haruno" he said as he always did when he wanted to talk to her

"Yes" sakura said looking up from her phone long enough, to talk to sasuke for at least 15 secounds untill she could find someway to end the conversation.

"Do you still want to head to the mall with me and matt?" sasuke said, laying his practicly empty bookbag onto is desk, you see, sasuke dont ever do his school work, witch makes his bookbag very light, and also is the reason for his failing grades

"You, matt, me ...and naruto" sakura corrected, so that it wouldent seem like a sort of date

"Yea whatever" sasuke said, as the corners of his mouth twisted into a small smirk.

"Why, did you invite him,.. normaly you and matt treat him like hell" sakura said, her voice bitter

sasuke noticed the intensity in her voice "well you see-"

"HI SAKURA" screamed a very loud blonde headed boy with what seemed like wiskers on his face

"Hi naruto" sakura said forcing as much love into her voice as she could

"Sup sasuke?" naruto joyfully asked sasuke, as if sakura wasent even in the room

"Just chilling with haruno, dobe" sasuke sneered at the optimistic boy

"My point Exactly" sakura wispered

"Flirting with sakura-chan teme?" naruto said, not noticing the coment Sakura just made

Sakura couldent help but smile, Naruto so desperatly wanted to be popular, but no matter how hard he tryed he was still...naruto...the dobe

"I wouldent say ""Flirting""...more like chatting" said sasuke, his lips cracked into a sinister smile

Sakura couldent help but roll her eyes, and uchiha sasuke seemed to pick up on it

"Am I bothering you haruno?"

"What, no, what would make you say that?"

"Hn" sasuke sneered turning away giving her the classic ""Uchiha cold shoulder""

"whatever" sakura thought, it was 4th periode, sakura barely remembers 3rd, in fact she slept through it for the first time all year, It was right after lunch, and sakura only got through 5 hours of sleep last night so she had a valid excuse.

Uchiha sasuke, on the other hand did not have a valid excuse,. His thrid periode went like this:


Sasuke began class as normal, 15 minutes late

"Uchiha Sasuke, so glad you could join us" sneered the older, grey haired biology teacher

"My pleasure" sasuke quickly replied

The class snickered

sasuke then slowly walked to the back of the room and sat by a kid sasuke called Mikey P.

Mikey P. was a kid sasuke had known since mikey was 4 or 5, "childhood friends"

"yo?" sasuke said sitting down

"Yo, Matt told me you two are chiilin' at the mall today" mikey said apparently wanting to go as well

"yea, im going to skip school at about 2:45, meet me at my place by 3:00 if you want to go"

"Alright" mikey said, watching sasuke put his head on the desk, and eventually going to sleep


Sasuke watched the clock, untill about 2:41

Sasuke raised his hand in the air

"Yes sasuke" the teacher said glancing over at the raven haired boy

"My dad wants me home early today, Im helping him do yard work, my relatives are coming over from tokyo, can i leave?"

The teacher sighed, she knew he was leing, but even if she said no, he would leave "sure"

Sasuke rose from his seat and left out the door with a little wave over his shoulder

15 or so minutes later,...

Sasuke was playng his xbox 360 in his bedroom when there was a knock on the door, and mikey p. and matt walked into the room

"Sup?" said matt "you ready?"

"You friggin know it" sasuke joked

Sasuke, matt, and mikey P. walk out side to sasuke's car, a red 2008 Chevy Camaro convertible, with black rims, and a black interior, brand new

Sasuke pulled outof his driveway and held the gas pedal to the floor.


Sakura and naruto sat on the front steps of the mall

"I bet they wont even come" sneered sakura

Just then the very load sound of sasuke radio cut sakura from her tohughts

Matt climed out and looked at the stairs, "you told me it was a 23 set"

"I lied" sneered sasuke, its only a 12 set "but i can ollie it"

"Sure you can"

"Watch me"

Sakura stood up, "about time eh?" sakura said looking at sasuke

"Better late than never right?"

Sasuke climbed the stairs and got on his board

"Damn, he's hott" there she was, the inner voice "shut up"

Sasuke ollied over the stairs but crashed to the ground

"Hahaha dumbass" sneered matt

Though sasuke was obiously hurt, he had way to much pride to give up, he once again climed th stairs but this time kickfliped over the set and landed perfectly

"Damn" was all matt could say

Over a perode of 2 hours matt, mikey P. sasuke and naruto skated while sakura watched, though sasuke was nice to naruto and actually tought him some new tricks, he flirted with sakura every chance he got?

"So haruno, you want to go get something to eat with me?"

"I would rather choke on a,..."

"What are you kids doing here, there is no rollerboarding allowed on these grounds" yelled a very fat sweaty rent-a-cop

"And what will you do about it?" sneered sasuke

"I will kick you out" yelled the cop reaching for sasuke's board

"Go ge laid" said sasuke "oh im sorry i forgot the banished gay love in konaha"

Matt burst into laughter

Sasuke toyed with the cop for about 20 minutes then desided he was bored with him, and they left,...


"So how was your date?" Itachi, sasuke's older brother teased

"Hn" was all sasuke would say, he had no intrest in talking to his brother

Instead sasuke finally had to listen to his mother comoplain about the 40 million reasons why she did not want to cook

"When do you ever cook?" sasuke sneered

"When did you become such a spoiled brat?" his mother fired back

"When you spit me out" sasuke re-fired

"Thats inapproprate"

"Its natural though, sasuke sneered "Im not hungry, im going to bed

Sasuke laid down and tryed to sleep but all he could think about was his "sk8 date"


GaWm: there ya go chap 3, hope you enjoyed, please comment