GaWm: Sup, everyone this is GettingAwayWithMurder This is my third story, if you haven't already, go check out my other two story's SasuSaku Rockn' Out andSasuSaku High, if u have a myspace go to add me! please read and review...

Sk8 Rat And A Honor Roll Student


Sakura Awoke, to the sound of her cell phone, Sakura cracked her eyes, quickly adjusting to the dim lighting of her room, she sat up, yawned, and rubbed her eyes, she glanced down at her phone witch was vibrating on the table besides her bed, she diden't need to look at the phone to see who it was calling, she already knew, the same person who called her this time EVERY morning before school, she had one final yawn and picked up her phone, she glanced down at the little screen on the covor of the phone, then fliped it open

"Yes Naruto?" asked a very weary saukra

"Good morning Sakura!" yelled a very chipper Naruto "Im ready for you to pick me up" he fiished happily

"Ok, be their in a sec"

"Ok see you when you get here" naruto said before hanging up the phone

"Tyipical naruto..." sakura said standing up, naruto had his license taken away from him for staying out past his curfew of 8:30, ans sakura, being a loving friend, promised him she'd drive him to and from school untill, his was off grounding and got his license back

Sakura forced herself to the bathroom to take a shower, as always the water was cold, sakura was ALWAYS the last to take a shower, after her two brothers Renton Age 18 and Sanji Age 17, her mother and her father, but that was O.K. the cold water felt good against sakura's skin, It woke her up in the morning, she really dident feel like brushing her hair today, so she picked up a ribbon her best friend ino bought for her, for christmas two years ago, She then tied her hair into a ponytail, brushed her teeth, she then put on her bra, and a pink ParamoreT-shirt, fter witch she put on her undies and some tight black jeans, and finally slipped her feet into a pair of black Vans.

"Bye mom" she yelled while going out the door, her mother called back but sakura was already out of the door when she said it, sakura threw her bookbag into the back seat, and climed into the front seat of her yellow Voltswagon "Bug" She backed out of her driveway and turned onto the highway, she turned into 110 brick drive witch was naruto's house

"Hi Sakura" exclaimed naruto climbing into the car

"How are you naruto?" asked sakura, backing out onto the very busy highway

"Eh, I've been better" said Naruto resting his head against the seat

"Why do you say that?" asked sakura, trying to be friendly

"My mom, shes been complaining A LOT" exclaimed naruto adding a lot of emotion into the words "A lot"

"Must be that time of the month" joked Sakura


Sakura soon pulled into the schools parking lot, her and naruto climbed out the small car, and walked towards the school, outside of the school however, were a group of teens, they included Neji Hyuga The richist, and bratist boy born, Shikamaru Nara, the Lazyist person in the school, Matt Rien One of the "Popular people", and the "Skate Rat", the crazyist, the cutist, the most populer boy in school,...Sasuke Uchiha

Naruto however, was one of the no-bodys of the school, and he despreatly wanted to be sasukes friend, Sakura never understood why, every time naruto even tryed to talk to sasuke, sasuke or his friends would say somthing mean,...the bastards

"Dude, you missed it, I was skating my the mall" sasuke was saying, "And uh, I ollied that stair set in front"

"Dude the 23 set?" asked matt "No way, your so full of it"

"You want proof?"


"Then lets go skate there, just you and me"


"Hey, can i go skate with you guys?" asked Naruto who, does skate but is not near sasukes or matt level, but Naruto was learning fast

"Don't you have ears?" asked matt sarcasticly "Just ME and SASUKE, did i say your name in that sentance?"

"No" naruto said looking at his feet fealing rejected

"Dude, matt, your a dick" Said sasuke

"Dude, you can totally come skate with us" Sasuke said, while leaning on the wall if the school


"Yea, meet us at the mall" sasuke said giving a thumbs up, then crossing his arms

"What kinda board you got?" asked matt refering to Naruto's skateboard

"Tony Hawk..."

"Psh, Tony Hawk's a bitch" said matt

"Dude, shut the hell up" said sasuke, looking at matt

"My dad owns the skate shop, I'll hook you up with a good board" sasuke calmly said

"Oh, thank you" exclaimed naruto


Sasuke then relized She was there, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke could have any girl at the school, like nothing, but Haruno was different, she had no intrest in sasuke at all, yet sasuke had ALOT of intrest in sakura, thats why hes being nice to naruto, cause he know those two are friends

"Haruno..." sasuke said refering to Sakura

"Yea?" sakura asked trying to force a smile

"You want to come with us?"

"ummmmm..." she then noticed naruto and how hopfull he was...

"Sure" she said "What time?"

"3:30 After school, front steps of the bayview shopping mall" sasuke said

"Ok meet you there" sakura said turning around

"Damn, she WILL be mine" thought sasuke, he was almost certain on it, he was so deep in thought he dident relize matt was talking to him

"YO, EARTH TO SASUKE!" yelled matt


"Quit fanticising about screwing sakura" said matt laughing at his own joke

Truthfully, sasuke hasent ever looked at sakura's figure, he could never get past her eyes, everytime he see her face, he gets lost in those huge green orbs, sex, was the last thing on his mind



"Why the hell were you being so damn nice to naruto?" asked Matt

"Think about it dip stick, if I act nice in front of her mybe, just mybe ill get a shot with her"

"How troblesome, You can have any girl in the school, but you pick the one that dosent really like you" said shikamaru talking for the first time

"Yea Sasuke, sakura dosent just give her pun-tang out to anywon" said neji

"Wait..."started sasuke "Did you just refer to sakura's vigina as Pun-tang?"

"Yea? Why?"

"Dude, you are so lost in the 70's"

BRING BRING first bell

Sakura is in sasukes first and fourth periode classes, Geomarty and a elective class called "Teen living"

Sasuke smirked, and headed to geomatry, he noticed sakura was sitting alone today, s he casually walked over

"Um sakura? is anywon sitting here?"

"Oh great its him"she thought to herself

"Nope, would you like to sit there?"

"yea" sasuke sitting down, as wispered spread across the class like a joint is paced from person to person at a rock concert

"Ive noticed, you ignor me alot, do you think im annoying?" asked sasuke "I mean its ok if you do, I'll go away"

"PLEASE, GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME" thought sakura "No your not annoying, she sad forcing a smile on her face

"Ok class settle down" said a tall blonde teacher walking into the room "Class has started"


GaWm: There you go, chap 1, hope you guy's enjoyed, please review, reviews are what keeps me motivated on writing another chapter...