Title: Queen and The Soldier

Author: Psyc0gurl0

Disclaimer: sigh. I would be writing these stories out if I owned them...er...I mean they'd be true on tv and Sawyer and Kate would be together without any problems and Charlie would be alive and Claire would be in love with him. But I don't own anything so...it isn't like that.

Couples: Skate, Chaire, Jacket, Jate (very little. Very very little), Shayid

Summary: Kate and Sawyer met in their teens. A couple years later they meet again in a bar. 5 years later Kate and Sawyer are on a plan back to LA from Australia when they get in a crash on a mysterious island. Kate has no where to run to. Sawyer has her cornered, along with some surprises.

Author's Note: The title of the story is a song by Suzanne Vega. So a few things are different. 1) Clementine never existed. Neither did Cassidy. She was just a random chick he got with for money...like everything else. 2) Sawyer is a little younger, so is Kate I guess. On the island they are 29 and 31. 3) Kate has been on the run for 5 years not 3. 4) italics is flashbacks. um...everything else will be explained in the story. Those are the basics I guess.

Chapter 1: Crash Snap Boom

The handcuffs were off and she took off at a sprint to reach the beach. She prayed hard that he was there with only a few cuts at most. She didn't know what she'd do if he wasn't there, if he wasn't alive.

Would she be able to survive?

"Finn! FINN!" Kate yelled running out of the jungle and towards the crushed airplane.

A million scenarios were running through her head about where her 4 year old son was. She looked around the broken Oceanic airplane and screamed her sons name again. She scanned the white beach with narrowed green eyes and screamed 'Finn' again.

Above the screams of others and the creaking of the broken plan she heard a distant 'mommy.' She took off running again towards where she thought the voice came from and discovered her four year old son huddled underneath some debris from the burning plane.

"Finn?" she asked holding a hand out for him.

"Mom?" he yelled taking her hand and scurrying out of the claustrophobic hiding spot.

He jumped into her arms and squeezed her to make sure she was really there.

"Mom?" he asked again making sure it was really Kate.

Kate smiled and held her son closer.

"I'm so sorry." Kate murmured against her son's shaggy blonde hair.

He pulled away slightly and looked at her confused.

"For what?"

Kate took in a shaky breath.

"The marshal...I'm sorry Finn. I-If—"

"it's ok mommy. I know." Finn whispered smiling at her.

Kate smiled back and picked him up still hugging his small body close to hers.

"Let's go see if we can find some of our stuff." she said quietly jumping as a loud explosion went off a few feet away.

She looked around the beach and saw a man running with a pregnant girl. Kate sighed and looked at Finn who had his head buried in her hair.

"Mommy?" Finn asked quietly as they started to walk towards the edge of the jungle.

"Yes, baby?" Kate asked smiling.

"I'm hungry." he whispered in her ear.

Kate smiled sadly and set him down.

"Then we'll go look for food."

Finn nodded and took her hand.

"I'm glad the marshal guy isn't here. It was really lonely sitting by myself. This really big guy sat next to me. He fell asleep and was snoring." Finn said shaking his head.

Kate smiled at him and started to look for some fruit.

"What else did you do when sitting by yourself?" Kate asked as she saw some stray pieces of fruit on the ground.

Finn shrugged, "I tried to read...but I couldn't sound out some of the words. I wish you could have sat with me."

Kate looked at the boy sadly.

"I wish I could have been sitting with you too."

"Why is that marshal guy so mean? Why couldn't we sit together?"

Kate bent down to look her son in the eye. "He...Finn we talked about this."

Finn looked down at the jungle floor.

"I know...but...what happens when we reach LA? Will I never see you again?"

Kate reached a hand out to touch her sons cheek.

"Oh honey, I'm not going any where, at least not now. I'll figure out a way for us to be together and free, ok? You don't have to worry at all."

Finn nodded and looked at his mother. "I love you, mommy."

Kate smiled, "I love you too, Finn. Now, let's see if we can find any food, then I'll start looking for a way for us to get away, ok?"

Finn nodded and he started eating the fruit Kate gave him.

They neared the beach again when suddenly someone yelled to them, "Excuse me!"

Kate was surprised to see a man sitting there bleeding.

Kate looked at the guy for a minute then opened her own mouth, "Are you ok?" Kate asked looking at Finn who was mesmerized by the amount of blood coming out of the guys side.

The guy glanced at the little boy then Kate.

"Did you ever use a needle?"

Kate looked startled for a minute then shrugged, "what?" Kate asked quietly looking at Finn who was munching on a banana.

"Did you ever patch a pair of jeans?" the guy asked his breathing a little uneven.

He sounded desperate.

Kate gulped still looking at her son.

"I um...I made the drapes in my apartment."

"That's fantastic. Listen, do you have a second? I could use a little help here."

Kate froze not knowing what to do so she slowly walked over to the guy making sure to keep Finn behind her in case he was mental, which he didn't look, but still.

"Help with what?" Kate asked standing in front of him.

"With this." he said gesturing to his bleeding side. Kate winced and backed up.

"You want me to sew that up?"

"It's just like the drapes..."

"No with the drapes I used a sewing machine." Kate whimpered taking her sons hand.

"No you can do this, I'm telling you. Please." The guy pleaded and Kate slowly slide down to sit by him.

"Of course I will." she murmured.

He handed her a bottle of alcohol and Kate slowly let go of Finn's hand.

"For your hands." he supplied as she sat behind him.

"Finn, stay over there. I don't want you to see this." Kate said quietly gesturing to a stray log.

Finn sat obediently still munching on his banana.

Kate started to pour some of the alcohol on her hands when the guy stopped her, "save me some. For the wound."

Kate nodded and poured some on his bleeding side.

She heard him suck some air in and she smirked behind his back.

"Color preference?" she muttered looking at the large array of colorful string in the little kit he had handed her.

He laughed, "standard black."

Kate nodded and got to work.

Occasionally the guy groaned in pain and she tried to ignore it. She looked over towards Finn who was watching her intently.

"How you doin?" Kate asked her son who shrugged.

"Still hungry."

Kate nodded used to the answer.

He was after all, always hungry. With their life style, who wouldn't be. They were always moving from place to place, she never had any money for real food. They always had to make do with what they had.

"How old is he?" the guy asked nodding to Finn.

"4 almost 5." Kate stuttered glancing at her snoozing son.

She hadn't noticed how long they had been out there helping this guy until Finn had fallen asleep.

"Where's...where's your husband?" the guy asked as Kate finished stitching him up.

Kate laughed, "I don't have a husband. But the guy that impregnated me with Finn is...I dunno."

The guy glanced at her confused, "you mean...he wasn't on the plane with you?"

"Nope. I haven't seen him in...wow, 5 years." Kate said smiling sadly at the sandy ground.

"Oh. I'm sorry." the guy said quietly.

"I'm Jack by the way." the guy said introducing himself.

Kate laughed and shook her head.

"I've been working on you for awhile and now I'm just finding out your name? Ironic, huh?" Kate said smiling and standing up.

"All done." Jack stood up too and held out a hand.

"It was nice meeting you." Jack said smiling and Kate nodded going over to Finn and waking him up.

"I'll see you later Jack." Kate said walking off with her drowsy son.

Kate walked along the beach back towards the rest of the plane and scouted out a place for them to sleep that night. She saw a guy with crazy curly brown hair passing some food around and she started walking over towards him.

"Hi. I'm Kate." Kate said looking at the large amounts of food in his arms. The guy raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"Hurley...do you want food?"

Kate nodded eagerly and gestured to Finn.

"He's hungry. It's not for me."

Hurley smiled and gave her two airplane dinners.

"Have a good dinner."

Kate smiled and went to go sit by one of the fires. Finn sat next to her and slowly they started eating the cold food. Kate hated airplane food, but it was all they had. Usually she had to force everything down her throat to keep alive, she was after all a fugitive and didn't usually eat at the Hilton.

"Mom?" Finn asked quietly setting his food down.

"Yes?" Kate asked quietly.

"The bleeding man is coming over to us."

Kate looked over to where her son was pointing and she sucked in some air.

"Hello?" Jack asked coming over to her. Kate smiled at him and said 'hi' back.

"I was wondering...could you possibly help me with some stuff. There's a man over there and...I need some...help." Jack said smiling then glancing at Finn.

"He can come too."

Kate nodded and stood up.

"Ready, baby?"

Finn nodded and took her hand.

They started walking to where Jack's patient was when Kate hear Finn whimper and point at the man on the sandy floor. Kate squinted in the dark and then glanced at Jack hopping he didn't hear the little boy. Kate smiled, he didn't. Then she returned her gaze back to the hurt man on the floor. It was the Marshal, Edward Mars.

"Mommy—" Finn started but Kate shushed him looking at Jack's back.

"Don't say anything." Kate whispered in his ear.

"We don't know him."

Finn nodded fervently and closed his mouth.

"Is he going to be ok?" Kate asked as Jack started inspecting him.

Jack sighed, "I dunno, he—hey, Finn don't touch him." Jack said taking the child's arm and dragging him away from the corpse.

Jack saw tears in the boys eyes and looked up at Kate whose arms were covering her stomach.

"Do you know him?"

Kate stiffened looking at Jack then down at Finn whose arm was still in Jack's grasp, "I-I he was sitting next to...us." Kate murmured taking her son back from Jack.

"Will he be ok?" Kate asked again picking Finn up.

Jack sighed looking at Kate and Finn.

"He looks tired. How about you guys go to sleep and we can talk in the morning."

Kate glanced at Finn to see if he was really indeed tired.

"If he's tired he can go to sleep." Kate paused looking at the Marshal.

"How did it happen?"

Jack sighed sitting down by a nearby fire, his eyes on the Marshal. He took a stray leaf from the sandy floor and started cutting it up.

"Mommy? What's he doing?" Finn whispered as Kate watched him.

"Dunno, baby." Kate murmured as Jack finished.

"We must have been at about forty thousand feet when it happened. His an air pocket and dropped maybe...two hundred feet. The turbulence was..."

Kate watched as Jack trailed off looking at the cut up leaf. Kate realized he tried to replicate an airplane. He was demonstrating. Kate smiled at Jack and sat down beside him she wrapped her arms around Finn and they sat there looking at Jack retelling his story.

"I blacked out." Jack said shaking his head.

Kate looked at Finn who was shaking slightly.

Suddenly she felt guilty for leaving the kid alone.

Holding him tighter she spoke up, "I didn't."

Finn shifted in her arms and Jack looked at her still holding the leafy plane.

"I saw the whole thing. I knew that the tail was gone but I...couldn't bring myself to look back. And then the–the front of the plane broke off." Kate muttered.

"Well it's not here on the beach. Neither is the tail. We need to figure out which way we came in." Jack said getting into his leadership mode.

Kate could already tell she had made the right friend, he was going to be their leader until they got rescued.


"Cause there's a chance we could find the cockpit. If it's intact, we might be able to find the transceiver, and we could send out a signal and help the rescue party find us."

Kate smiled, "how do you know all that?"

"Took a few flying lessons. It wasn't for me."

Kate watched as he finally let go of the leafy demonstration.

All three of them watched as the green plane took off.

"I saw some smoke. Just through the valley." Kate said pointing to a nearby valley.

"If your thinking of going for the cockpit, I'm going with you."

Jack looks at her and Finn shifts beside her, trying to get more comfortable.

"I don't even know your name."

Kate smiled, "I'm Kate, this is Finn."

Finn smirked, "Actually my names James." Finn said looking at Jack.

"But everyone calls me Finn." he added when his mother glared at him.

He may only be 4 but Kate was deeply reminded of his father.

"What about your son? Don't you want to stay with him?" Jack asked nodding to the bundle of trouble in her arms.

Kate laughed and looked at the boy who was smirking at her, "he can take care of himself. But...I'll find someone to watch him."

"Kate...it could be danger—"

"She can handle it. My mommy can handle anything." Finn said confidently.

Jack opened his mouth but suddenly there was a loud metal creaking noise. Kate jumped up holding Finn to her tightly she watched as Jack rushed forward. They watched as the trees started being sucked into the ground floor and the noise got louder.

Finn was shaking even more.

"Did anyone see that?" Kate heard someone ask.

She looked around at the 40-some people surrounding her, Finn grasping her upper body.

"Well, looky here what a surprise, it's Freckles."

Kate froze her entire body hyper aware of everything going on around them. She felt eyes on her but she was too frozen to look behind her. Freckles.

She hadn't heard that in 5 years.

13 years Ago

"Katie! Don't you look pretty."

Kate blushed upon seeing her best friend and also boyfriend, Tom Brendon.

"Well, it is the first day of school, Tom. Why don't you look nicer?"

"Well for one, I'm not a girl." Tom said laughing and looping an arm around her shoulders.

"How are you?"

Kate shrugged, "you know, same old same old."

Tom nodded and bent closer to her ear, "Wayne?"

Kate nodded her mood suddenly very sullen.


They walked over towards Kate's locker and Kate started to spin the conversation.

"So...you have your schedule?" Kate asked taking out some pictures from her bag.

Tom nodded, "Geometry. English. Latin III. Lunch. Biology. Gym. History. And Mechanics."

Kate laughed, "mechanics? Seriously? Since when can you fix a car?"

"I figured I'd try." Tom said leaning in a little and kissing her nose.

"'Cuse me, love-birds, but your blockin my locker." a souther voice said making Kate jump back from Tom.

Kate blushed when she saw the mysterious southern stranger. Not many southerners were in Iowa seeing as it was...Iowa.

"S-sorry." Kate said blushing.

The guy smirked at her and starting spinning his locker combination, "you don't gotta blush for me, Freckles, I'm not your boyfriend."

Kate looked at Tom who was looking livid.

"Let's go Tom." Kate muttered taking his hand.

Tom wrapped an arm around her soldiers, "you got it, Katie."

Kate walked down the hall hand in hand with Tom, before they turned the corner to go to class she glanced behind her and saw the southern stranger looking at her.

Kate's face flamed up, a deeper shade of red then Tom had ever made her turn.

(A/n: so??? How was it?)