Phil of the Future: Bullied

Summary: A jock named Josh starts bullying Phil when he finds out that Pim was mocking him at his big game.


It was a hard Monday afternoon, and Phil Diffy was glad to be leaving his last class of the day. When he was at his locker, Keely, his best friend, ran up to him in pure panic. "Phil" Keely said "Josh is looking for you." Phil was really confused. "Why?" he asked "Last week he called me a nerd." Before Keely could say anything, Josh walked up to him.

"So" Josh said, with his teammates behind him "Geek boy thinks that he can tell his sister to make fun of me, huh? We'll see about that." Then, Josh punched Phil in the eye, giving him a black eye. Then, with a laughing crowd behind him, Josh said "It's not over, Diffy," and walked away. Phil turned toward Keely and said "I'm going to need sunglasses when I get home." Keely looked puzzeled and asked "Why?"

"Because," Phil said "If my parents see my eye, they'll call the school. I need enough time to make up a good lie." Keely sighed, and then said "Look Phil, Josh isn't only going to beat you up, he's going to lie about you, humiliate you, all that." Phil was suddenly really worried. What was going to happen to him?

When Phil got home, he knew that his parents were going to wonder why he was wearing sunglasses in the house, so he tried his hardest to avoid his parents on the stairs on his way to his bedroom. He got halfway up the stairs when his dad stopping him on his way up the stairs to change out of his work clothes. "Phil, why are you wearing sunglasses in the house?" His dad asked, just before he took off his sunglasses. "Oh my god" he said "Phil, what happened?"

"I bumped into a kid," Phil lied "and his elbow hit me in the eye, nothing big." Mr. Diffy looked supicious, but he just went upstairs without saying another word, to Phil's delight, but Phil was still worried. What would happen to him? He thought about it, and realized that when he was called a nerd last week, it wasn't just a insult, it was a warning. That was what Josh would bully Phil about next, and Phil then realized that being smart was not a good thing after all.

AUTHORS NOTE: I know that the first chapter is a little short, but the second one will be longer, promise