

SUMMARY: When Starscream comes across Sam after the Mission City battle, he permits Sam to live as a reward for destroying Megatron, which left Starscream in charge of the Decepticons. However, as well as his life, he leaves Sam something else a lot less welcome.



DISCLAIMER: Hasbro and Dreamworks own Transformers, not me.

A/N: I cannot claim this idea, or the paragraphs marked with a star either side, as mine: both the idea and the marked paragraphs are the brainchild of Heslestor.


Sam came to lying on his front, aching all over and at first confused as to how he had ended up like that. Then he remembered.


Starscream had come upon him unawares, out in the open, in the dark, without Bumblebee around to help. He recalled how Starscream had plucked him from the ground with one hand.

"I ought to destroy you, fleshling, for destroying the AllSpark, and I wouldn't hesitate had you not also done me a favour." Starscream had fallen silent, gaining altitude and possibly hoping that Sam would responsd. When no response was forthcoming-because Sam was terrified that Starscream would drop him-Starscream continued talking.

"By getting rid of Megatron, you have ensured that my leadership of the Decepticons is currently unchallenged. I am in charge now, and there's now no threat of Megatron trying to resume his place, so yes, you have done me a favour. I think that deserves a reward."

Sam once again held his peace, terrified that at one wrong word, Starscream would rip him apart much as Megatron had ripped apart Jazz.

"I will reward you with your life, fleshling, and as a sign of my favour, not only will I spare you, but I shall mark you as my own." Then Starscream had gone into a steep dive, and fear, G-force and cold had made Sam pass out.

He checked his watch. No, it couldn't only be that. According to his watch, he had approximately an hour that was unaccounted for. His abduction and conversation would have taken twenty minutes, maybe thirty tops, so where had that missing half-hour gone?

However here he was, battered, bruised, filthy, but still alive. He should be grateful for that. Slowly, wincing, he got to his feet, and staggered home.

He managed to let himself in without alerting either Bumblebee or his parents that something was amiss. Peeling off his filthy, muddy clothing, he went to take a shower to wash off the stink of dirt, sweat, and fear. He soaped up a sponge and carefully washed himself, wincing as he found numerous tender spots: Starscream's grip had not been gentle.

Sam stared listlessly at the shower wall, still amazed by the fact that not only did Starscream not kill him, but actually rewarded him for destroying Megatron. Washing his lower back, he was concerned when the skin there felt bruised. He was even more disturbed when, after trying to look over his shoulder to see if it was anything major, the only thing he could distinguish was a very large dark-coloured mark.

Out of the shower and with one of his mom's compact mirrors, Sam stared in disbelief at what he found. There, on his left butt check, was a rather smug-looking Decepticon tattoo.

He remembered Starscream's statement: 'I shall mark you as my own.' He groaned. He couldn't leave the tattoo there, and was too embarrassed to let the Autobots know about it.

This was all he needed.