Okay, this is my first venture into the DCU. This story is so totally not in continuity with the comics, it's not even funny. That might have something to do with the fact that I have never read a comic book in my life, but I don't know, that's just me. I had read a few BC/BM pairings on this site and really liked them. There aren't a lot, so I thought I'd write my own. Just a side note, this will be written with what I research online. And have seen in JL and JLU episodes. Feel free to be truthful with me. Love it or hate it, I am writing this for my own satisfatction. But it is nice to know people like your work.

For those of you who don't know me, I am Amelia Wayne, aka Nightingale. The daughter of Black Canary and Batman. My friends call me Mia. My real friends, that is, but more on that later. I live with my mom, and sometimes spend the weekend with my dad. Or whenever Oliver bugs me. Which is pretty often. I think he resents the fact that Mom had me with Dad and not him. Well, he shouldn't have gone and died, now should he? And besides, I know that they cared for each other, but Mom never loved Dad like she does Oliver. Although, I don't think he deserves it. She caught him kissing her flower shop assistant, again. I would have kicked him to the curb the first time. But she always goes back to him. I can't stand him. I have been wanting to move to Gotham with Dad full time. I don't know how well Mom will take that, though. I have full access to Wayne Enterprises jets, so it's not like I can't get a ride to visit. I really don't like Seattle. It rains too much (boy, is that the understatement of the year).

And about our alter egos; I inherited my mother's sonic scream. She calls it the Canary Cry, I call it the, uhh, I don't have a name for it. The Nightingale Cry, what a mouthful. Maybe I should just call it the Scream.

Anyway, my mom took up the mantle of her mother, the original Black Canary, who had absolutely no super powers of any kind. I really respect her for that. She fought mostly mobsters and petty thieves of the 40's. My mom is a Meta and infiltrates tyrannies and drug rings and the like and takes them down (can I use anymore 'ands'?). She used to be involved with the Birds of Prey with Oracle and Huntress, but when Oliver came back from the dead, she had to be with him. So now she protects the city of Seattle.

My dad, on the other hand, is a completely different story. His parents were killed in front of him when he was 8 years old. They were coming back from a movie. My dad to this day is a staunch supporter of gun control laws and will not go see a movie at the theater ever. He doesn't go to any kind of theater. Well one day he was playing in his backyard when he was little, and he fell into the ground and discovered The Cave. A bunch of bats had apparently swooped down on him and he became afraid of bats. When he got older, he realized that a bat was scary thing to just about anybody. And, ta da. The Batman is born. He had help from Lucius Fox and Alfred, of course.

As for me, I was born to be a superhero. Dad discovered my cry when I was 5. I was playing in the Cave. Actually, Dick and I were playing tag, when I fell. I started crying; and then I saw the blood. I really screamed. Dick was knocked out cold and Dad was at the Bat Computer, working, as usual, when he heard me and put in his earplugs. He came over to me and covered my mouth. He talked me out of crying when he showed me that Dick was unconscious. I was going to start crying again when he told me it would make it worse. He showed me how to use smelling salts to wake Dick. The first thing Dick said to me was, "You are going to be a real knockout, kid." I am pretty sure the pun was intended. I always get compliments on my eyes; they are my dad's eyes. My costume is just a black Kevlar body suit and a domino mask. Oh, it also has the silhouette of a Nightingale in blue on the chest. Kinda like Nightwing's suit.

"Mia, I'm home!" That would be my mom. I guess I should tell her I want to go to Gotham now.

"Coming, Mom!" She had an armful of groceries.

"Here, let me get that for you." I said as I grabbed the bags.

"Alright, what do you want?" Dang it, she knows me too well.

"What makes you think I want something?"

"I know you, Mia, and you only help with the groceries when you want something. You hate putting them away."

I sighed. "Well, there is no easy way to say this, so I am just going to just come out with it. I want to go live with Dad."

"What brought this on?"

"I just don't like Seattle. I don't like that the only way I can see my dad is if I hop on a jet."

"That will be how it is for Ollie and I if you go."

"Mom, Oliver could care less if I never saw him again. And besides, you have Oliver. Dad has no one."

"You do have a point. About your father, not Ollie. He loves you."

"Yeah, only because he has to. Not because he wants to."

Now it was her turn to sigh. "Alright. You're wrong about Ollie. But I think being in Gotham would be good for you. You can go to school over there and meet other kids like yourself. I think Clark's son has been dying to meet you."

"Jonathon Kent is a weirdo. A major geek. Now, Rex Stewart, that's who I want to meet. Yum!"

She laughed. "Just be careful and respect your father's wishes. I seriously doubt he wants a playgirl daughter. By the way, did you even ask Bruce yet?"

"Oops. I forgot. I'll go call him right now. Brb." And I took off to my room. And I know she is still back there trying to figure out what 'brb' means. My mom is so computer illiterate.

"Wayne Residence."

"Hey, Alfred. It's Mia. Can I talk to Dad?"

"Certainly Miss Mia. Hold the line, please."

"Sure thing, Alfred."

A couple minutes later…


"I guess next time I can just get Oracle to patch me through so I don't have to wait so long."

"Sorry, Mia, I had to finish up."

"I know. I was just teasing. Well, anyway, on to the reason I was calling. Mom said it was okay. I just had to ask you. Can I come live in Gotham?"

He was speechless for a second. "Alright. On one condition."

"What is it?"

"No patrolling."