"Thanks for taking me to the Three Lights concert Dare. How did you get my backstage pass again?" A blonde asked into her cell phone as she walked backstage.

"I got it the minute they came out." A male said. "Apparently the girls in front of me all bought the backstage passes too."

"How did you manage that? The line was soooooo long."
"You under estimate me my dear Sere."

"Remind me again why you aren't backstage with me?"

"There was only one backstage pass left, and I'm not going to spend time with the Three Lights. I thought you'd enjoy that much more then me."

"Thank you sooooo much."
"No need to thank me. It is your birthday after all."
"I'm gonna have to think of something really good for you for your birthday." The blonde said.

"You don't need to do anything for my birthday."

"So what do you want?" She asked completely ignoring his comment.


"But I wanna get you something."
"All I want is to spend a day with the most wonderful person in my life."

"Who would that be?"

"You're funny."

"Ohhhhhhhhhh! The dressing rooms!" She said pointing to a door with a star on it.

"Excuse me; you can't be on your cell phone back here." A voice asked from behind.

"Oops! Sorry. Dare, I gotta go. I'll call you when I'm done."
"Okay, bye. Have fun baby. Love ya."

"Love you too. Bye." She said hanging up her phone.

"Do you have a pass miss?"

"Yah. Here." She said showing him the pass.

"Right this way. The Three Lights are changing. They'll be out here in a few minutes. You can wait in here." The man said leading her to a room.


"Sorry to keep you guys waiting." A long black haired male said as three men walked into the room. "Well you waiting." He corrected after seeing only one person.

"Welcome backstage. I'm Taiki." A long brown hired male said.

"I'm Yaten." A long silver haired male said.
"And I'm Seyia."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Serena." She said offering her hand.

"Thanks for coming to the concert." Seyia said taking Serena's hand a placing a kiss on the back of it.
"You guys were fabulous." She said.

"Thanks. Glad you enjoyed the concert." Yaten said as he glanced towards Seyia who still had a hold of Serena's hand. Great, he's found another one he likes. Yaten sighed.

"Please, sit down." Taiki said.

Seyia finally released Serena's and the four sat down.

"So what made you decide to come to our opening concert?" Seyia asked.

"Well, my boyfriend decided to surprise me with tickets and a backstage pass. He said there was only one left, but then why isn't anyone else back here?"

"Backstage can get pretty confusing. I've gotten lost a few times before." Taiki laughed.

"Yah, I probably would have gotten lost if that guard hadn't yelled at me for being on my phone." She giggled.

"So how old are you Serena?" Yaten asked.

"I just turned 18 today."

"Well happy birthday." Taiki said.

"Thanks. How about you guys?"
"18." Seyia said.

"19." Yaten said.

"20." Taiki said.

"Wow, and you're all brothers?"


"FINALLY!" A voice exclaimed from the door. "I've finally found the room!"

"Welcome." Yaten said.

"Sorry. We got lost." Another voice said.

"I'm Raye." A black haired girl said.

"Amy." A bluenette said.

"Lita." A brunette said.
"Mina." A blonde said.


"Hi! I'm Serena."

The four new girls sat down and they continued to talk.

"So I'm assuming Yaten and Taiki are graduated from school." Serena started as the two in question nodded. "What about you Seyia?"

"Well we're hanging out here for a while. I'm transferring to the high school out here."

"Tenth Street High School?" Seyia nodded at Amy's question. "We go there."

"Me too." Serena said.

"Why haven't we seen you there?" Raye asked.
"My family just moved out here a few days ago. I'm starting there next week." Serena said.

"Welcome! You'll love it here! The people here are so nice." Mina said. She looked at Serena long and hard for a minute. "You know…I odn't know from where, but you look like someone I knew…"
"Now that you say it…you look familiar too…I just can't name it…"

"Oh well, probably just because we look so much alike."


The group made small chat for a few hours until Serena's cell phone went off.
"Sorry." She said looking at her phone. "Crap. It's my mom."

"You can take it. It's okay. I never liked that no cell phone rule." Yaten said.

"Thanks." She said standing up. She pressed the 'talk' button and went to the side of the room. "Hey mom. What's up?"

"When are you coming home? It's already midnight." She exclaimed.

"Really? Sorry. I'm backstage with the Three Lights. We all lost track of time."

"It's okay. Do I need to pick you up?"

"Uh, I was supposed to call Darien, but I don't want to wake him up if he's sleeping." She sighed as her phone beeped in her ear. She looked at the phone. "Never mind. Darien's on the other line. I'll ask him to come get me now."
"Okay. I'll see you in a little bit."

"Bye mom."
"Bye honey."
Serena switched to the other line. "Hey."
"Hey baby. Are you still there?"
"Yah, we completely lost track of time. Mom just called wondering where I am. Could you come pick me up now?"
"Sure. I'll be there in about five minutes."

"Anytime." He said before the phone clicked.

She hung up her phone and walked back to the group. "Sorry guys. Mom kinda freaked. It's already past midnight. My boyfriend's coming to pick me up now."

"Already?" Amy asked. "We'd better get going girls." She said.

"It was a pleasure meeting all of you." Taiki said.

"You too." The five girls said.

"Hope to see you around the halls." Seyia said.

They nodded and left the room.


"So you had fun I'm assuming?" Darien asked as Serena got in the car.

"Loads. Thanks again." She said giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I already told you. It was your birthday present. So are they nice?"
"Yah. I thought they'd be kinda stuck up, but they were really kind. One of them, Seyia, will be going to the school I'm going to next week."

"They staying in town or something?"
"Yah. The other two graduated, but Seyia is the same age as me."

"I thought they were older."

"Seyia's 18, the others are 19 and 20. I also met four girls there. They go to Tenth Street High too."
"You've made friends already? Then again, we're talking about the social butterfly here." He chuckled.

"Hey, if I wasn't so social, we wouldn't be dating right now, would we?"

"Actually, we would be. Joshua threatened me. He said that if I didn't go over and talk to you, he wouldn't serve me coffee anymore. I told him give me to the end of the week. The next day, you came up and talked to me."
"Really? Why would he do that?"
"Cuz all I did was say how beautiful you were, but how you would hate me."
"See how wrong you were?"

"Yes. But you should be careful making friends so fast. Someone could seem nice and respectful the first time you meet them, but turn out to be a jerk."
"Yah, I know. But I just can't help it."
"We're here." He said. He got out and walked her to the door. "Night angel."

"Night." She said. She stood on her tip toes and gave him a kiss. "Bye."
"See you tomorrow?"

"Of course." She said opening the door.

Serena quietly walked up to her room and closed the door. She changed her clothes and crawled into bed. I really need to do something special for Darien's birthday…but what? She thought as she closed her eyes. I only have two weeks to think about this. She continued thinking until sleep over took her.


"So how was the concert honey?" Serena's father asked as he flipped through the newspaper.

"It was awesome! Darien even got me a backstage pass. I met the Three Lights and four other girls. They go to the high school that I'm going to be going to." She said taking a seat at the kitchen table. "The Three Lights are soooo nice. Seyia will be going to the same school too."

"That's nice dear. Got any plans for the day?" Her mother asked.

"Meeting Darien for lunch. Other then that, no."

"You're always spending time with that boy. Why don't you spend the day with your family?" Her father asked.

"But daddy!"
"Ken, don't you remember being young and falling in love?" Her mother asked. "If I recall correctly, we were the same way when we were her age."

"Ilene, the girl spent all day yesterday with him. It was her birthday, how does she expect us to give her the gifts if she won't spend time with us?" Ken asked.

"I personally like the quietness of the house. Without Serena here, it's so peaceful." Her up till now quiet brother said.

"Oh Sammy. You're such a pain." Serena sighed.

"Anyways honey, you have fun with Darien today. Tomorrow we'll do something to celebrate your birthday." Ilene said.
"Thanks mom. And daddy, you know I still love you guys…I just love Darien too." She said before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I just love my little girl."

"I'll always be your little girl." She said. "See you guys later." She said before walking out the door.

Serena pulled out her cell to call Darien.


"Hey Dare. Where are we meeting again?"

"Hey Sere. Some place called the Crown. Joshua told me his brother works there. It's supposed to be awesome."

"Well where is it?"

"How about you meet me at the park, I'm not sure how to explain it."

"Okay. That I can do."

"See you there in a few minutes."

"Okay. Love you."
"Love you too."

Serena hung up the phone and walked towards the park. It was the first thing she fell in love with in this place.

She was walking along when she spotted a huge crowd gathering around. Wonder what that's all about. She thought as she neared the crowd. She then spotted the familiar long hair tied up in a pony tail. Oh, the Three Lights. She noticed Seyia glance her way. He then said something to the other two and head her way.

"Hey Serena." He said as the crowd parted.

"Hey Seyia. How are you?"

"Stressed. I hate crowds."

"I'm sorry. That's gotta suck being famous and all."

"That's the one thing I hate about it. But seeing you makes it all worth it." He said taking her hand and kissing the back of it again.

"Oh -uh- well thanks. I need to get going. Meeting my boyfriend for lunch." She said. She noticed a familiar look cross through his eyes. Familiar, but where have I seen it? She thought. Wait, I see it in almost every girl I see staring at Dare and me…jealously? Does this guy seriously like me? Serena then got kinda creeped out. "I'll see you later Seyia."

"Okay. Bye Sere."

"It's Serena. Bye." She said before walking away.

She quickly made her way to the park and saw the familiar green jacket of her boyfriend sitting on a bench reading a book.

She decided to walk up behind him and surprise him. She walked up and placed her hands on his shoulders and kissed his ear.

"I'm meeting my girlfriend in a few minutes. Please back off." He sighed.

"So you have two of those? I'm hurt; I thought I was the only one." She exaggerated.

He turned around to see the familiar baby blue eyed blonde staring back at him. "Oh, Sere. Sorry. I've had at least five girls come up to me since I've been sitting here." He said pulling her onto his lap.

"Like that's anything new. Let's face it Dare, you need to get uglier." She giggled as she placed a kiss on his lips. "Then again I love the look of jealously on all these girls' faces." She said before kissing him again.

"Just as much as I love seeing the guys clench their fists in anger when I even hold you in my arms. Come on, let's go eat." He said as they both stood.

"You know, I think you have some competition." She said. "I ran into Seyia today. He took my hand and kissed the back of it again."


"He did it yesterday backstage. And when I mentioned that I was meeting you for lunch, I saw the same look in his eyes that I see in these girls' eyes. He looked really pissed. Then he called me Sere, but don't worry, I corrected him. He looked ready to beat you if you would have been standing next to me." She said.

"I want you to be careful around him. He's got money, god only know what he'll try to do."

"I'll be fine Dare. You know that. Don't you remember Beryl? She tried to beat me up when she saw you kiss me."

"You kicked her ass pretty good." He laughed.

"You see. I can handle myself."

"Yes, I know. But you know how much I worry about my love."
"Yes, all too much." She said as they walked into the café.
"Where do you want to sit?"

He led her to the counter where a sandy blonde male was whipping it down.

"Hey." The male said looking up from the counter. "Can't say I recognize you two…which isn't usual. I know most people in this city."
"That'd be because we just moved here." Serena said.
"Oh, well welcome. Glad you chose to come here. I'm Andrew."

"You're brother recommended this place. Josh was one of my best friends." Darien said.

"Oh, you two must be Darien and Serena. He said you two would be moving out here."

"That's us. Nice to meet you Andrew." Serena said.

"You too. Can I get you anything?"

"A burger and vanilla shake." Darien said.

"Make it two." Serena said.

"Okay. Be right out." He said walking to the kitchen.

"Josh was right. This place is nice." Darien said.

"Yah. I'm almost glad we moved out here. Almost." She sighed.

"I know you miss Molly, but you didn't have a choice but to move out here. You couldn't stay by yourself."
"I could've moved in with you."
"And what would your dad say about that?"

"He'd accuse you of taking advantage of me. I swear, my dad can be stupid sometimes." She giggled.

"You know you liked sleeping over at 'Molly's.'" He said.

"All too much. I better make some friends here fast, or it could be a while." She joked.

"I'm willing to wait. Just don't make me wait too long." He whispered into her ear.

"Believe me, I can't wait too long." She said before kissing him.

"You said something about four girls. Maybe you could make friends with them."
"But I'd feel like I'm using them just so I can sleep with you."

"You could always make up some friends."
"And when my mom or dad goes to call them to tell me something?"

"Good point…"
"Well I told my mom and dad I'd be with you for the day. Maybe we could head over to your apartment after lunch?" She suggested.

"Sure. I'd love that."
"I bet you would."

"Here you go." Andrew said placing two plates and drinks in front of the two.

"Thanks Andrew." Darien said.

"What are you two planning? You have a mischievous look on your faces."

"Oh nothing." Serena said batting her eyes.

"Oh, that kind of nothing. That's my favorite kind of nothing." Andrew winked.

"Mine too." Darien said.

"Hey Sere." A male voice said from behind the couple.

"Huh?" Serena turned around and came face to…well chest with Seyia. "Oh, hey Seyia. I told you, my name is Serena."
"Yah, I know, but I like Sere."
"It's Serena to you." Darien said.

"And who do you think you are?" Seyia asked temper rising.
"Seyia, please. This is my boyfriend, Darien." Serena introduced. She noticed the same emotion pass through his eyes.

"Nice to meet you." Darien said with ease.

"You too." Seyia said through gritted teeth.

"Can I get you anything?" Andrew asked.

"A chocolate milkshake please." He said taking a seat next to Serena.
"Be right back."
"How can you drink a chocolate milkshake?" Serena asked. "They're sooo groose. Vanilla is way better." She said taking a sip of her shake.
"Vanilla has no flavor though. It's so bland."


"No, bland."
"Dare, how about we go grab a booth?" Serena suggested.

"I couldn't agree more Sere. Let's go."

"Here you go Seyia." Andrew said.

"Andy, we're going to a booth." Serena said.

"Okay." He said kinda confused.
Serena and Darien walked to a booth towards the back of the Crown as Seyia sat there pissed off to no end.

"Oh, so that's how it's going to be. I'm gonna get treated like shit? Yah right." He said before taking a drink of his shake.

Andrew looked at him like he was crazy, and then walked to where Serena and Darien were now seated. "What's up with that guy?"

"He's probably mad at me because he can't have Serena." Darien said.

"He does seem really pissed." Andrew said.

"Oh well. I don't care. I really hate it when random people call me Sere. It is a name that Darien gave me. It has special meaning behind it. He has no right to call me what ever he wants. It sounds stupid, I know. But he's in no place." She said.

"He'll get over it. He's got plenty of women falling all over him." Darien said.
"True. I've seen him kiss at least ten girls in the past few days." Andrew said.

"A player. Doesn't surprise me. He's a pop star." Darien said.

"Yah." Andrew and Serena laughed.

"Can we get the check Andy? I wanna spend as little time in the same place as him." Serena asked.

"Sure Rena. I'll be right back."


Andrew quickly returned with their check, they paid and left.

"Well I'm ready for desert." Darien said.

"Me too Dare, me too." She said as they walked to Darien's apartment building.